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ShapeObject Class Referenceabstract

ShapeObjects are open or closed hierarchical shapes made up of one or more pieces. More...

#include <object.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ShapeObject:

Public Member Functions

CoreExport ShapeObject ()
CoreExport ~ShapeObject ()
virtual CoreExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID iid) override
virtual CoreExport voidGetInterface (ULONG id) override
virtual CoreExport unsigned long GetObjectDisplayRequirement () const override
virtual CoreExport bool PrepareDisplay (const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext &prepareDisplayContext) override
virtual CoreExport bool UpdatePerNodeItems (const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext &updateDisplayContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateNodeContext &nodeContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer &targetRenderItemContainer) override
virtual BOOL IsShapeObject () override
 Returns the number of shapes contained inside this object.
virtual int IntersectRay (TimeValue t, Ray &ray, float &at, Point3 &norm) override
 Computes the intersection point of the ray passed and the shape.
virtual void InitNodeName (MSTR &s) override
 This is the default name of the node when it is created.
SClass_ID SuperClassID () override
 Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
virtual CoreExport int IsRenderable () override
 Indicates whether the object may be rendered.
virtual CoreExport void CopyBaseData (ShapeObject &from)
 In order to simplify things for subclasses of ShapeObject, this method is now available.
CoreExport float GetThickness (TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
 Implemented by the System.
float GetThickness (TimeValue t)
CoreExport int GetSides (TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
 This method returns the number of sides for the cross-section of the rendering mesh version of the shape for the specified time.
int GetSides (TimeValue t)
CoreExport float GetAngle (TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
 This method returns the angle that the cross-section of the rendering mesh will be rotated to, for the specified time.
float GetAngle (TimeValue t)
CoreExport float GetViewportThickness ()
 This method returns the thickness of the viewport version of the rendering mesh.
CoreExport int GetViewportSides ()
 This method returns the number of sides for the cross-section for the viewport version of the rendering mesh.
CoreExport float GetViewportAngle ()
 This method returns the angle that the cross-section of the viewport version of the rendering mesh will be rotated to.
CoreExport BOOL GetRenderable ()
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport BOOL GetGenUVs ()
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport BOOL GetDispRenderMesh ()
 This method returns TRUE if the "Display Render Mesh" switch is on.
CoreExport BOOL GetUseViewport ()
 This method returns TRUE if the "Use Viewport Settings" switch is on.
CoreExport BOOL GetViewportOrRenderer ()
 This method returns the value of the Viewport/Render switch and either returns GENMESH_VIEWPORT or GENMESH_RENDER.
CoreExport void SetThickness (TimeValue t, float thick)
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void SetSides (TimeValue t, int s)
 This method allows you to set the number of sides for the rendering mesh version of the shape for the specified time.
CoreExport void SetAngle (TimeValue t, float a)
 This method allows you to set the cross-section rotation angle for the rendering mesh version of the shape, in degrees, for the specified time.
CoreExport void SetViewportThickness (float thick)
CoreExport void SetViewportSides (int s)
 This method allows you to set the number of sides for the viewport version of the rendering mesh.
CoreExport void SetViewportAngle (float a)
 This method allows you to set the angle that the cross-section of the viewport version of the rendering mesh will be rotated to, in degrees.
CoreExport void SetRenderable (BOOL sw)
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void SetGenUVs (BOOL sw)
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void SetDispRenderMesh (BOOL sw)
 This method allows you to turn the "Display Render Mesh" switch on or off.
CoreExport void SetUseViewport (BOOL sw)
 This method allows you to turn the "Use Viewport Settings" switch on or off.
CoreExport void SetViewportOrRenderer (BOOL sw)
 This method allows you to set the value of the Viewport/Render switch.
virtual CoreExport MeshGetRenderMesh (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, BOOL &needDelete) override
 This method should be implemented by all renderable GeomObjects.
virtual CoreExport void GetRenderMeshInfo (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, int &nverts, int &nfaces)
 Returns information on the rendering mesh.
virtual CoreExport void GenerateMesh (TimeValue t, int option, Mesh *mesh)
 This method will generate a mesh based on either the viewport or rendering parameters for the specified time.
virtual int NumberOfVertices (TimeValue t, int curve=-1)
 This method is used by the Summary Info and Object Properties dialogs to inform the user how many vertices or CVs are in the object.
virtual int NumberOfCurves (TimeValue t)=0
 Returns the number of polygons in the shape at the given time.
virtual BOOL CurveClosed (TimeValue t, int curve)=0
 This method is called to determine if the specified curve of the shape is closed at the time passed.
virtual Point3 InterpCurve3D (TimeValue t, int curve, float param, int ptype=PARAM_SIMPLE)=0
 This method returns a point interpolated on the entire curve.
virtual Point3 TangentCurve3D (TimeValue t, int curve, float param, int ptype=PARAM_SIMPLE)=0
 This method returns a tangent vector interpolated on the entire curve.
virtual float LengthOfCurve (TimeValue t, int curve)=0
 Returns the length of the specified curve.
virtual int NumberOfPieces (TimeValue t, int curve)=0
 Returns the number of sub-curves in a curve.
virtual Point3 InterpPiece3D (TimeValue t, int curve, int piece, float param, int ptype=PARAM_SIMPLE)=0
 This method returns the interpolated point along the specified sub-curve (segment).
virtual Point3 TangentPiece3D (TimeValue t, int curve, int piece, float param, int ptype=PARAM_SIMPLE)=0
 Returns the tangent vector on a sub-curve at the specified 'distance' along the curve.
virtual MtlID GetMatID (TimeValue t, int curve, int piece)
 This method provides access to the material IDs of the shape.
virtual BOOL CanMakeBezier ()
 This method is called to determine if the shape can be converted to a bezier representation.
virtual void MakeBezier (TimeValue t, BezierShape &shape)
 Creates the bezier representation of the shape.
virtual ShapeHierarchyOrganizeCurves (TimeValue t, ShapeHierarchy *hier=NULL)=0
 This method is called to prepare the shape for lofting, extrusion, etc.
virtual void MakePolyShape (TimeValue t, PolyShape &shape, int steps=PSHAPE_BUILTIN_STEPS, BOOL optimize=FALSE)=0
 Create a PolyShape representation with optional fixed steps.
virtual int MakeCap (TimeValue t, MeshCapInfo &capInfo, int capType)=0
 This method generates a mesh capping info for the shape.
virtual int MakeCap (TimeValue t, PatchCapInfo &capInfo)
 This method creates a patch cap info out of the shape.
virtual BOOL AttachShape (TimeValue t, INode *thisNode, INode *attachNode, BOOL weldEnds=FALSE, float weldThreshold=0.0f)
 This method is called to attach the shape of attachNode to thisNode at the specified time.
virtual BOOL HasUVW () override
 Call this method to find out if the object has UVW coordinates.
virtual BOOL HasUVW (int mapChannel) override
 Call this method to find out if the object is has UVW coordinates for the specified mapping channel.
virtual void SetGenUVW (BOOL sw) override
 This method is called to change the state of its Generate UVW boolean.
virtual void SetGenUVW (int mapChannel, BOOL sw) override
 This method is called to change the state of its Generate UVW boolean for the specified mapping channel.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave) override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Load (ILoad *iload) override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport bool SpecifySaveReferences (ReferenceSaveManager &referenceSaveManager) override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport Class_ID PreferredCollapseType () override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport BOOL GetExtendedProperties (TimeValue t, MSTR &prop1Label, MSTR &prop1Data, MSTR &prop2Label, MSTR &prop2Data) override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits (float f) override
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport RefResult NotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate) override
 This method will notify the Shape Object of changes in values in its parameter block.
virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle GetReference (int i) override
 This method allows the ShapeObject to return a pointer to its parameter block.
virtual CoreExport AnimatableSubAnim (int i) override
 This method returns the ShapeObject's animatable pointer.
virtual CoreExport MSTR SubAnimName (int i, bool localized=true) override
 This method returns the name of the animatable's name.
CoreExport ParamDimensionGetParameterDim (int pbIndex)
 This method returns the parameter dimension of the parameter whose index is passed.
CoreExport MSTR GetParameterName (int pbIndex, bool localized=true)
 This method returns the name of the parameter whose index is passed.
virtual CoreExport int RemapRefOnLoad (int iref) override
 This method remaps references at load time so that files saved from previous versions of 3ds Max get their references adjusted properly to allow for the new ShapeObject reference.
virtual int NumRefs () override
 The ShapeObject makes 1 reference; this is where it tells the system.
virtual int NumSubs () override
CoreExport void BeginEditParams (IObjParam *objParam, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev) override
 This method allows the ShapeObject to create its new "Rendering" rollup.
CoreExport void EndEditParams (IObjParam *objParam, ULONG flags, Animatable *next) override
 Similarly to BeginEditParams, this method allows the ShapeObject to remove its "Rendering" rollup.
CoreExport Interval GetShapeObjValidity (TimeValue t)
 This method gets the validity interval for the ShapeObject's internal parameters only.
CoreExport int Display (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags) override
 This method displays the shape's generated mesh if necessary.
virtual CoreExport int HitTest (TimeValue t, INode *inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt) override
 This method is called to determine if the specified screen point intersects the item.
virtual CoreExport int HitTest (TimeValue t, INode *inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt, ModContext *mc) override
 This method is used in modifier gizmo hit testing.
virtual CoreExport Box3 GetBoundingBox (TimeValue t, Matrix3 *tm=NULL)
 This method returns a bounding box for the shape, if it's active, if the "Display Render Mesh" switch is on.
virtual CoreExport void InvalidateGeomCache ()
 This method is very important - It causes the ShapeObject to flush its cached rendering mesh.
int SetProperty (ULONG id, void *data)
 Associates data passed in to given id.
voidGetProperty (ULONG id)
 Retrieves data associated with id.
CoreExport BOOL GetUsePhysicalScaleUVs ()
 Queries whether if real world texture size is used or not.
CoreExport void SetUsePhysicalScaleUVs (BOOL flag)
 Sets whether real world texture size is used or not.
CoreExport BOOL GetTwistCorrect ()
 Queries the twist correction switch.
CoreExport void SetTwistCorrect (BOOL flag)
 Sets the twist correction switch.
CoreExport BOOL GetCap ()
 Queries the main capping switch.
CoreExport void SetCap (BOOL flag)
 Sets the main capping switch.
CoreExport BOOL GetQuadCap ()
 Queries the quad capping switch.
CoreExport void SetQuadCap (BOOL flag)
 Sets the quad capping switch.
CoreExport int GetCapSegments (TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
 Get/Set the cap segments count.
int GetCapSegments (TimeValue t)
CoreExport void SetCapSegments (TimeValue t, int count)
 Sets the cap segments value for the specified time.
CoreExport float GetSphereCap (TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
 Get/Set the sphere capping value used in quad capping.
float GetSphereCap (TimeValue t)
CoreExport void SetSphereCap (TimeValue t, float value)
 Sets the sphere capping value (0-1).
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeomObject
virtual void InitNodeName (MSTR &s) override
 This is the default name of the node when it is created.
SClass_ID SuperClassID () override
 Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
virtual int IsRenderable () override
 Indicates whether the object may be rendered.
virtual int IsInstanceDependent ()
 If an object creates different meshes depending on the particular instance (view-dependent) it should return nonzero; otherwise 0.
virtual CoreExport MeshGetRenderMesh (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, BOOL &needDelete)
 This method should be implemented by all renderable GeomObjects.
virtual int NumberOfRenderMeshes ()
 Objects may supply multiple render meshes ( e.g.
virtual MeshGetMultipleRenderMesh (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, BOOL &needDelete, int meshNumber)
 For multiple render meshes, this method must be implemented.
virtual void GetMultipleRenderMeshTM (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, int meshNumber, Matrix3 &meshTM, Interval &meshTMValid)
 For multiple render meshes, this method must be implemented.
virtual CoreExport PatchMeshGetRenderPatchMesh (TimeValue t, INode *inode, View &view, BOOL &needDelete)
 This method provides a patch mesh representation of the object for use by the renderer.
CoreExport Class_ID PreferredCollapseType () override
 This method allows objects to specify the class that is the best class to convert to when the user collapses the stack.
virtual BOOL CanDoDisplacementMapping ()
 Returns TRUE if this object can do displacement mapping; otherwise FALSE.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
CoreExport Object ()
CoreExport ~Object ()
virtual BOOL CheckObjectIntegrity ()
 This method is used for debugging only.
virtual BOOL HasUVW () override
 Call this method to find out if the object has UVW coordinates.
virtual BOOL HasUVW (int mapChannel) override
 Call this method to find out if the object is has UVW coordinates for the specified mapping channel.
virtual ObjectFindBaseObject ()
 It is called to return a pointer to the base object (an object that is not a derived object).
virtual BOOL IsParamSurface ()
 There are several methods used to access a parametric position on the surface of the object.
virtual int NumSurfaces (TimeValue t)
 Returns the number of parametric surfaces within the object.
virtual Point3 GetSurfacePoint (TimeValue t, float u, float v, Interval &iv)
 This method needs to be implemented if Object::IsParamSurface() returns TRUE.
virtual Point3 GetSurfacePoint (TimeValue t, int surface, float u, float v, Interval &iv)
 This method is used to retrieve a point on the specified surface of the object based on two parameters of the surface, u and v.
virtual void SurfaceClosed (TimeValue t, int surface, BOOL &uClosed, BOOL &vClosed)
 This method allows the object to return flags that indicate whether the parametric surface is closed in the U and V dimensions.
virtual BOOL GetExtendedProperties (TimeValue t, MSTR &prop1Label, MSTR &prop1Data, MSTR &prop2Label, MSTR &prop2Data)
 This method allows an object to return extended Properties fields.
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference SvTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags)
CoreExport bool SvHandleDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
CoreExport MSTR SvGetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, bool isBeingEdited)
CoreExport COLORREF SvHighlightColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
CoreExport bool SvIsSelected (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
 Returns true if the object is selected in its schematic view.
CoreExport MultiSelectCallbackSvGetMultiSelectCallback (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
CoreExport bool SvCanSelect (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
CoreExport void AddXTCObject (XTCObject *pObj, int priority=0, int branchID=-1)
 This method adds an extension object into the pipeline.
CoreExport int NumXTCObjects ()
 Returns the number of extension objects maintained by this Object.
CoreExport XTCObjectGetXTCObject (int index)
 Returns a pointer to the specified extension object.
CoreExport void RemoveXTCObject (int index)
 Removes the extension object as indicated by the index.
CoreExport void SetXTCObjectPriority (int index, int priority)
 Sets the priority for the extension object whose index is passed.
CoreExport int GetXTCObjectPriority (int index)
 Returns the integer priority number of the extension object whose index is passed.
CoreExport void SetXTCObjectBranchID (int index, int branchID)
 Sets the branch ID of the extension object whose index is passed.
CoreExport int GetXTCObjectBranchID (int index)
 Returns the integer branch ID of the extension object whose index is passed.
CoreExport void MergeAdditionalChannels (Object *from, int branchID)
 This method has to be called whenever the CompoundObject updates a branch (calling Eval() on it).
CoreExport void BranchDeleted (int branchID, bool reorderChannels)
 This method has to be called on the CompoundObject so it can delete the XTCObjects for the specified branch.
CoreExport void CopyAdditionalChannels (Object *from, bool deleteOld=true, bool bShallowCopy=false)
 This method copies all extension objects from the "from" object into the current object.
CoreExport void DeleteAllAdditionalChannels ()
 Implemented by the System.
virtual BOOL UseSelectionBrackets ()
 This method allows an object to choose whether or not it will display selection brackets in shaded viewports.
virtual BOOL IsManipulator ()
CoreExport voidGetInterface (ULONG id) override
CoreExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
virtual void ReduceDisplayCaches ()
 Should reduce any derived display data to save memory, since the node wont be drawn until the user undhides it.
virtual bool NeedGWCacheRebuilt (GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, int numMat)
 This returns whether the Graphics Cache for this object needs to be rebuilt.
virtual void BuildGWCache (GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, int numMat, BOOL threaded)
 This builds the graphics window cached mesh.
virtual void StartStackEval ()
 This are called right before and after a modifier is applied to an object.
virtual void EndStackEval ()
virtual int UsesWireColor ()
 This method determines if the object color is used for display.
virtual int DoOwnSelectHilite ()
 If an object wants to draw itself in the 3D viewports in its selected state in some custom manner this method should return nonzero.
virtual BOOL NormalAlignVector (TimeValue t, Point3 &pt, Point3 &norm)
 Objects that don't support the IntersectRay() method (such as helper objects) can implement this method to provide a default vector for use with the normal align command in 3ds Max.
void LockObject ()
 Implemented by the System.
void UnlockObject ()
 Implemented by the System.
int IsObjectLocked ()
 Implemented by the System.
virtual ObjectState Eval (TimeValue t)=0
 This method is called to evaluate the object and return the result as an ObjectState.
void LockChannels (ChannelMask channels)
 Implemented by the System.
void UnlockChannels (ChannelMask channels)
 Implemented by the System.
ChannelMask GetChannelLocks ()
 Implemented by the System.
void SetChannelLocks (ChannelMask channels)
 Implemented by the System.
ChannelMask GetChannelLocks (ChannelMask m)
 Implemented by the System.
virtual BOOL CanCacheObject ()
 This method determines if this object can have channels cached.
virtual void WSStateInvalidate ()
 This is called by a node when the node's world space state has become invalid.
virtual BOOL IsWorldSpaceObject ()
 Returns TRUE if the object as a world space object; otherwise FALSE.
CoreExport INodeGetWorldSpaceObjectNode ()
 Implemented by the System.
virtual BOOL IsParticleSystem ()
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void CopyChannelLocks (Object *obj, ChannelMask needChannels)
 Implemented by the System.
virtual void TopologyChanged ()
 Implemented by the System.
virtual int IsDeformable ()
 Indicates whether this object is deformable.
virtual int NumPoints ()
 The points of a deformable object are accessed through a virtual array interface.
virtual Point3 GetPoint (int i)
 The points of a deformable object are accessed through a virtual array interface.
virtual void SetPoint (int i, const Point3 &p)
 The points of a deformable object are accessed through a virtual array interface.
virtual BOOL IsPointSelected (int i)
 Returns TRUE if the 'i-th' point is selected; otherwise FALSE.
virtual float PointSelection (int i)
 Returns a floating point weighted point selection if the object supports it.
virtual BOOL HasWeights ()
 Returns TRUE if the object has weights for its points that can be set; otherwise FALSE.
virtual double GetWeight (int i)
 Returns the weight of the specified point of the object.
virtual void SetWeight (int i, const double w)
 Sets the weight of the specified point.
virtual BOOL PolygonCount (TimeValue t, int &numFaces, int &numVerts)
 Retreives the number of faces and vertices of the polyginal mesh representation of this object.
virtual void PointsWereChanged ()
 Informs the object that its points have been deformed, so it can invalidate its cache.
virtual CoreExport void Deform (Deformer *defProc, int useSel=0)
 This is the method used to deform the object with a deformer.
virtual CoreExport void GetDeformBBox (TimeValue t, Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm=NULL, BOOL useSel=FALSE)
 This method computes the bounding box in the objects local coordinates or the optional space defined by tm.
virtual int IsMappable ()
 This method lets you know if the ApplyUVWMap() method is available for this object.
virtual int NumMapChannels ()
 Returns the maximum number of channels supported by this type of object.
virtual int NumMapsUsed ()
 Returns the number of maps currently used by this object.
virtual void ApplyUVWMap (int type, float utile, float vtile, float wtile, int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap, const Matrix3 &tm, int channel=1)
 This method may be called to map the object with UVW mapping coordinates.
virtual CoreExport int CanConvertToType (Class_ID obtype)
 Indicates whether the object can be converted to the specified type.
virtual CoreExport ObjectConvertToType (TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype)
 This method converts this object to the type specified and returns a pointer it.
virtual CoreExport void GetCollapseTypes (Tab< Class_ID > &clist, Tab< MSTR * > &nlist)
 When the user clicks on the Edit Stack button in the modify branch a list of 'Convert To:' types is presented.
virtual ObjectCollapseObject ()
 This method is called on the world space cache object when the stack gets collapsed, that lets the pipeline object decide, if it wants to return a different object than itself.
virtual DWORD GetSubselState ()
 For objects that have sub selection levels, this method returns the current selection level of the object.
virtual void SetSubSelState (DWORD s)
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void ReadyChannelsForMod (ChannelMask channels)
 Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport Interval ChannelValidity (TimeValue t, int nchan)
 Retrieve the current validity interval for the nchan channel of the object.
virtual CoreExport void SetChannelValidity (int nchan, Interval v)
 Sets the validity interval of the specified channel.
virtual CoreExport void InvalidateChannels (ChannelMask channels)
 This method invalidates the intervals for the given channel mask.
virtual CoreExport Interval ObjectValidity (TimeValue t)
 This method returns the validity interval of the object as a whole at the specified time.
virtual ObjectMakeShallowCopy (ChannelMask channels)
 This method must make a copy of its "shell" and then shallow copy (see below) only the specified channels.
virtual CoreExport void ShallowCopy (Object *fromOb, ChannelMask channels)
 This method copies the specified channels from the fromOb to this and copies the validity intervals.
virtual CoreExport void FreeChannels (ChannelMask channels)
 This method deletes the memory associated with the specified channels and set the intervals associated with the channels to invalid (empty).
virtual CoreExport void NewAndCopyChannels (ChannelMask channels)
 This method replaces the locked channels with newly allocated copies.
virtual CoreExport void MaybeEnlargeViewportRect (GraphicsWindow *gw, Rect &rect)
 This method allows the object to enlarge its viewport rectangle, if it wants to.
CoreExport bool IsBaseClassOwnedChannel (int nchan)
 Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void UpdateValidity (int nchan, Interval v)
 When a modifier is applied to an object, it needs to include its own validity interval in the interval of the object.
Interval GetNoEvalInterval ()
void SetNoEvalInterval (Interval iv)
virtual CoreExport void ReduceCaches (TimeValue t)
 This method give the object the chance to reduce its caches.
virtual int IsConstObject ()
 This is called to determine if this is a construction object or not.
virtual int NumPipeBranches (bool selected=true)
 This method returns the number of pipeline branches combined by the object.
virtual ObjectGetPipeBranch (int i, bool selected=true)
 Retrieves sub-object branches from an object that supports branching.
virtual INodeGetBranchINode (TimeValue t, INode *node, int i, bool selected=true)
 When an object has sub-object branches, it is likely that the sub-objects are transformed relative to the object.
virtual int NumberOfContainedShapes ()
 Returns the number of shapes contained inside this object.
virtual ShapeObjectGetContainedShape (TimeValue t, int index)
 This method returns the ShapeObject specified by the index passed at the time specified.
virtual void GetContainedShapeMatrix (TimeValue t, int index, Matrix3 &mat)
 Returns the matrix associated with the shape whose index is passed.
virtual BitArray ContainedShapeSelectionArray ()
 This is used by the lofter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
virtual CoreExport unsigned long GetObjectDisplayRequirement () const
virtual CoreExport bool PrepareDisplay (const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext &prepareDisplayContext)
virtual CoreExport bool UpdatePerNodeItems (const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext &updateDisplayContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateNodeContext &nodeContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer &targetRenderItemContainer)
virtual CoreExport bool UpdatePerViewItems (const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext &updateDisplayContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateNodeContext &nodeContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateViewContext &viewContext, MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer &targetRenderItemContainer)
virtual CoreExport const MaxSDK::Graphics::RenderItemHandleArrayGetRenderItems () const
virtual CoreExport voidGetInterface (ULONG id) override
virtual CoreExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
CoreExport BaseObject ()
virtual CoreExport ~BaseObject ()
virtual BOOL HasViewDependentBoundingBox ()
 This method return true if GetWorldBoundBox returns different boxes for different viewports.
virtual void SetExtendedDisplay (int flags)
 This method is used for storing mode-dependent display attributes.
virtual void Snap (TimeValue t, INode *inode, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)
 Checks the point passed for a snap and updates the SnapInfo structure.
virtual void GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vp, Box3 &box)
 This method returns the world space bounding box for Objects (see below for the Sub-object gizmo or Modifiers gizmo version).
virtual void GetLocalBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vp, Box3 &box)
 This is the object space bounding box, the box in the object's local coordinates.
virtual CreateMouseCallBackGetCreateMouseCallBack ()=0
 This method allows the system to retrieve a callback object used in creating an object in the 3D viewports.
virtual const MCHARGetObjectName (bool localized) const
virtual CoreExport BOOL OKToChangeTopology (MSTR &modName)
 Implemented by the System.
virtual BOOL ChangeTopology ()
 This method asks the question of an object or modifier "Do you change topology"? An object or modifier returns TRUE if it is capable of changing topology when its parameters are being edited; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void ForceNotify (Interval &i)
 Notifies dependents of a change.
virtual IParamArrayGetParamBlock ()
 An object or modifier should implement this method if it wishes to make its parameter block available for other plug-ins to access it.
virtual IParamBlock2GetParamBlock (int i) override
 An object or modifier should implement this method if it wishes to make its parameter block available for other plug-ins to access it.
virtual int GetParamBlockIndex (int id)
 If a plug-in makes its parameter block available (using GetParamBlock()) then it will need to provide #defines for indices into the parameter block.
virtual void Move (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE)
 When this method is called the plug-in should respond by moving its selected sub-object components.
virtual void Rotate (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Quat &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE)
 When this method is called the plug-in should respond by rotating its selected sub-object components.
virtual void Scale (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE)
 When this method is called the plug-in should respond by scaling its selected sub-object components.
virtual void TransformStart (TimeValue t)
 This method is called before the first Move(), Rotate() or Scale() call and before a hold is in effect.
virtual void TransformHoldingStart (TimeValue t)
 This method is called before the first Move(), Rotate() or Scale() call and after a hold is in effect.
virtual void TransformHoldingFinish (TimeValue t)
 This method is called after the user has completed the Move(), Rotate() or Scale() operation and before the undo object has been accepted.
virtual void TransformFinish (TimeValue t)
 This method is called after the user has completed the Move(), Rotate() or Scale() operation and the undo object has been accepted.
virtual void TransformCancel (TimeValue t)
 This method is called when the transform operation is canceled by a right-click and the undo has been canceled.
virtual int Display (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags, ModContext *mc)
 When this method is called the plug-in should respond by performing a quick render of the modifier gizmo in viewport using the current TM.
virtual void GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box, ModContext *mc)
 This method computes the world space bounding box of the modifier gizmo (or any object that when in sub-object mode has a gizmo).
virtual void CloneSelSubComponents (TimeValue t)
 This method is called to make a copy of the selected sub-object components of the item.
virtual void AcceptCloneSelSubComponents (TimeValue t)
 This method is called when the user mouses up after shift-cloning a sub-object selection.
virtual void SelectSubComponent (HitRecord *hitRec, BOOL selected, BOOL all, BOOL invert=FALSE)
 This method is called to change the selection state of the component identified by hitRec.
virtual void ClearSelection (int selLevel)
 This method is called to clear the selection for the given sub-object level.
virtual void SelectAll (int selLevel)
 This method is called to select every element of the given sub-object level.
virtual void InvertSelection (int selLevel)
 This method is called to invert the specified sub-object level.
virtual int SubObjectIndex (HitRecord *hitRec)
 Returns the index of the sub-object element identified by the HitRecord hitRec.
virtual void ActivateSubobjSel (int level, XFormModes &modes)
 When the user changes the selection of the sub-object drop down, this method is called to notify the plug-in.
virtual BOOL SupportsNamedSubSels ()
 An object that supports sub-object selection can choose to support named sub object selection sets.
virtual void ActivateSubSelSet (MSTR &setName)
 When the user chooses a name from the drop down list this method is called.
virtual void NewSetFromCurSel (MSTR &setName)
 If the user types a new name into the named selection set drop down then this method is called.
virtual void RemoveSubSelSet (MSTR &setName)
 If the user selects a set from the drop down and then chooses Remove Named Selections from the Edit menu this method is called.
virtual void SetupNamedSelDropDown ()
 To support the Edit Named Selections dialog, plug-ins must implement this method.
virtual int NumNamedSelSets ()
 To support the Edit Named Selections dialog, plug-ins must implement this method.
virtual MSTR GetNamedSelSetName (int i)
 To support the Edit Named Selections dialog, plug-ins must implement this method.
virtual void SetNamedSelSetName (int i, MSTR &newName)
 To support the Edit Named Selections dialog, plug-ins must implement this method.
virtual void NewSetByOperator (MSTR &newName, Tab< int > &sets, int op)
 To support the Edit Named Selections dialog, plug-ins must implement this method.
virtual void GetSubObjectCenters (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node, ModContext *mc)
 When the user is in a sub-object selection level, the system needs to get the reference coordinate system definition from the current modifier being edited so that it can display the axis.
virtual void GetSubObjectTMs (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node, ModContext *mc)
 When the user is in a sub-object selection level, the system needs to get the reference coordinate system definition from the current modifier being edited so that it can display the axis.
virtual void NotifyPreCollapse (INode *node, IDerivedObject *derObj, int index)
 This method is called before a modifier or object is collapsed.
virtual void NotifyPostCollapse (INode *node, Object *obj, IDerivedObject *derObj, int index)
 This method is called after a modifier or object is collapsed.
virtual int NumSubObjTypes ()
 Objects and modifiers that support subobjects have to overwrite this method - as well as GetSubObjType() - and return a class derived from ISubObjType in GetSubObjType().
virtual ISubObjTypeGetSubObjType (int i)
 Returns a pointer to the sub-object type for the sub-object whose index is passed.
virtual CoreExport int GetSubObjectLevel ()
 This method returns an integer which indicates the current sub-object level of the modifier or base object.
virtual void ShowEndResultChanged (BOOL showEndResult)
 This method notifies the BaseObject that the end result display has been switched (the "Show End Result" button has been toggled).
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceTarget
CoreExport void GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override
 Retrieves the name of the plugin class.
CoreExport SClass_ID SuperClassID () override
 Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
BOOL IsRefTarget () override
 Checks if this is a ReferenceTarget.
CoreExport RefResult TestForLoop (const Interval &refInterval, RefMakerHandle hmaker)
 Tests for a cyclical reference.
CoreExport BOOL HasDependents ()
 Checks if a ReferenceTarget has references.
CoreExport BOOL HasRealDependents ()
 Checks if this has Real (Strong) Dependents.
void BeginDependencyTest ()
 Starts Dependency Test.
BOOL EndDependencyTest ()
 Ends Dependency Test.
virtual void RefAdded (RefMakerHandle rm)
 Called after a reference is made to a target.
virtual void RefAddedUndoRedo (RefMakerHandle rm)
 Called after a reference is made to a target because of undo or redo.
virtual void RefDeleted (ReferenceMaker *oldOwner)
 Called after a reference to this is deleted.
virtual void RefDeletedUndoRedo (RefMakerHandle oldOwner)
 Called after a reference to this is deleted because of undo or redo.
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefsToMe () override
 Deletes all references to this ReferenceTarget.
CoreExport RefResult TransferReferences (RefTargetHandle oldTarget, BOOL delOld=FALSE)
 Transfers all the references from oldTarget to this.
CoreExport int DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep)
 Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network.
virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle Clone (RemapDir &remap)
 This method is used by 3ds Max to clone an object.
virtual CoreExport void BaseClone (ReferenceTarget *from, ReferenceTarget *to, RemapDir &remap)
 This method copies base class data from an object to its clone.
CoreExport RefResult NotifyDependents (const Interval &changeInt, PartID partID, RefMessage message, SClass_ID sclass=NOTIFY_ALL, BOOL propagate=TRUE, RefTargetHandle hTarg=nullptr, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption=REFNOTIFY_ALLOW_OPTIMIZATIONS) override
 Notify all dependent RefMakers concerned with the message.
void FlagDependents (TimeValue t, PartID which=PART_PUT_IN_FG)
 This sends the REFMSG_FLAGDEPENDENTS message up the pipeline.
virtual void NotifyForeground (TimeValue t)
 This method is called to flag dependents into the FG.
virtual void NotifyTarget (int message, ReferenceMaker *hMaker)
 Sends messages to ReferenceTargets.
CoreExport voidGetInterface (ULONG id) override
 Inherited from Animatable.
CoreExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
 Inherited from Animatable.
CoreExport ReferenceTarget ()
virtual CoreExport RefResult AutoDelete ()
 Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents.
CoreExport RefResult MaybeAutoDelete ()
 Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceMaker
void GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override
 Retrieves the name of the plugin class.
CoreExport SClass_ID SuperClassID () override
 Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
CoreExport RefResult ReplaceReference (int which, RefTargetHandle newtarg, BOOL delOld=TRUE)
 Used when cloning reference makers.
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefsFromMe ()
 Deletes all references from this ReferenceMaker.
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefs ()
 Deletes all references both to and from this item.
CoreExport RefResult DeleteReference (int i)
 Deletes the specified reference.
virtual BOOL CanTransferReference (int i)
 Tells whether this reference can be transfered.
CoreExport ReferenceSaveManagerGetReferenceSaveManager ()
 Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave, ChannelMask)
 Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Load (ILoad *iload, ChannelMask)
 Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
CoreExport void EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags) override
 Enumerate auxiliary files (e.g. bitmaps)
virtual CoreExport void SaveEnum (SaveEnumProc &sep, BOOL isNodeCall=0)
 The default save enumeration.
CoreExport int DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep)
 Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network.
CoreExport bool EnumRefHierarchy (RefEnumProc &proc, bool includeCustAttribs=true, bool includeIndirectRefs=true, bool includeNonPersistentRefs=true, bool preventDuplicatesViaFlag=true)
 This method provides a general purpose reference enumerator.
CoreExport int FindRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg)
 Get the index of the ReferenceTarget.
BOOL IsRefMaker () override
 Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker.
virtual BOOL IsRealDependency (ReferenceTarget *rtarg)
 Returns whether this is a "real" (strong) dependency or not.
virtual BOOL ShouldPersistWeakRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg)
 Specifies whether a weak reference is to be persisted on a partial load or save.
CoreExport ReferenceMaker ()
CoreExport void DeleteMe ()
 Deletes an instance of this class.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Animatable
virtual void FreeCaches ()
virtual int NumChildren ()
virtual AnimatableChildAnim (int i)
virtual CoreExport MSTR NodeName ()
virtual void EditTrack ()
virtual CoreExport BOOL SubAnimSetKeyBufferPresent (int subNum)
 returns true if the sub-anim has a "Set Key" buffer present
virtual BOOL SetKeyBufferPresent ()
 returns true if there is a "Set Key" buffer present
virtual CoreExport void SubAnimCommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t, int subNum)
 Commit any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
virtual void CommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t)
 Commit any "Set Key" buffers.
virtual CoreExport void SubAnimRevertSetKeyBuffer (int subNum)
 Revert any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
virtual void RevertSetKeyBuffer ()
 Revert any "Set Key" buffers.
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK TrackViewWinProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 This function is obsolete.
virtual BOOL IsRefMaker ()
 Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker.
virtual bool IsParamBlockDesc2Used (ParamBlockDesc2 *desc)
 Returns true if the passed description is being used.
virtual bool GetMacroRecorderName (bool used_as_rhs_value, MSTR &objectSpecifiedName)
 This method is called to access the object specified name to use for the Maxscript macrorecorder.
CoreExport Animatable ()
virtual CoreExport void DeleteThis ()
 Deletes an instance of this class.
MSTR ClassName (bool localized=true) const
 Returns the name of the plugin class.
virtual CoreExport Class_ID ClassID ()
 Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class.
virtual CoreExport void ReleaseInterface (ULONG id, void *i)
CoreExport void AppendProperty (AnimProperty *prop)
 A function to directly add arbitrary properties to this object developers should ensure that the properties ID does not conflict with any Max-specific IDs.
CoreExport AnimPropertyFindProperty (DWORD id)
 Find any property.
CoreExport void AddAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid, DWORD len, void *data)
 Adds application/plugin specific (custom) data to an Animatable.
CoreExport AppDataChunkGetAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid)
 Retrieves the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
CoreExport BOOL RemoveAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid)
 Deletes the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
CoreExport void ClearAllAppData ()
 Deletes all application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
virtual BOOL CanDeleteSubAnim (int i)
virtual void DeleteSubAnim (int i)
virtual DWORD GetSubAnimCurveColor (int subNum)
virtual int SubNumToRefNum (int subNum)
virtual BOOL CanCopyAnim ()
CoreExport int HasSubElements (int type=0)
virtual int GetSubFCurveExtents (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags)
 The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function.
virtual ParamDimensionGetParamDimension (int i)
virtual BOOL SelectSubAnim (int subNum)
virtual BOOL BypassTreeView ()
virtual BOOL BypassTrackBar ()
virtual BOOL BypassPropertyLevel ()
virtual BOOL InvisibleProperty ()
virtual int NumKeys ()
virtual TimeValue GetKeyTime (int index)
virtual int GetKeyIndex (TimeValue t)
virtual BOOL GetNextKeyTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags, TimeValue &nt)
virtual void CopyKeysFromTime (TimeValue src, TimeValue dst, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeyAtTime (TimeValue t)
virtual BOOL IsKeyAtTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetKeyTimes (Tab< TimeValue > &times, Interval range, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetKeySelState (BitArray &sel, Interval range, DWORD flags)
CoreExport void OpenTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport void CloseTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport int IsTreeEntryOpen (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport BOOL GetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv)
CoreExport void SetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv, BOOL sel)
CoreExport BOOL InTrackViewSelSet (int which)
CoreExport void SetTrackViewSelSet (int which, BOOL inOut)
virtual BOOL AssignController (Animatable *control, int subAnim)
virtual BOOL CanAssignController (int subAnim)
 Return true if we can reassign the subanim specified.
virtual BOOL CanMakeUnique ()
CoreExport int EnumAnimTree (AnimEnum *animEnum, Animatable *client, int subNum)
virtual int RenderBegin (TimeValue t, ULONG flags=0)
virtual int RenderEnd (TimeValue t)
virtual CoreExport Interval GetTimeRange (DWORD flags)
virtual void EditTimeRange (Interval range, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void ReverseTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void ScaleTime (Interval iv, float s)
virtual void InsertTime (TimeValue ins, TimeValue amount)
virtual BOOL SupportTimeOperations ()
virtual CoreExport void MapKeys (TimeMap *map, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeys (DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeyByIndex (int index)
virtual void SelectKeys (TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectSubKeys (int subNum, TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectSubCurve (int subNum, BOOL sel)
virtual void SelectKeyByIndex (int i, BOOL sel)
virtual BOOL IsKeySelected (int i)
virtual void FlagKey (TrackHitRecord hit)
virtual int GetFlagKeyIndex ()
virtual int NumSelKeys ()
virtual void CloneSelectedKeys (BOOL offset=FALSE)
virtual void AddNewKey (TimeValue t, DWORD flags)
virtual void MoveKeys (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float delta, DWORD flags)
virtual void ScaleKeyValues (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float origin, float scale, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectCurve (BOOL sel)
virtual BOOL IsCurveSelected ()
 Returns TRUE if the function curve is selected; otherwise returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL IsSubCurveSelected (int subNum)
 Returns the selected state of the sub-curve whose index is passed.
virtual int GetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue &t, float &val, DWORD flags)
virtual void SetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue t, float val, DWORD flags)
virtual int SetSelKeyCoordsExpr (ParamDimension *dim, const MCHAR *timeExpr, const MCHAR *valExpr, DWORD flags)
virtual void AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, int dx, int dy, DWORD flags)
virtual void AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float angle, float length, DWORD flags)
virtual CoreExport BOOL IsAnimated ()
virtual BOOL CanCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanPasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual TrackClipObjectCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void PasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanPasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual TrackClipObjectCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void PasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetTrackVSpace (int lineHeight)
virtual int HitTestTrack (TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcTrack, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintTrack (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintSubTrack (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int HitTestFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int HitTestSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual void EditTrackParams (TimeValue t, ParamDimensionBase *dim, const MCHAR *pname, HWND hParent, IObjParam *ip, DWORD flags)
virtual int TrackParamsType ()
virtual int GetFCurveExtents (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags)
 This method is called to calculate the largest and smallest values of the anim.
CoreExport void AddNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note)
CoreExport void DeleteNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note, BOOL delNote=TRUE)
CoreExport BOOL HasNoteTracks ()
CoreExport int NumNoteTracks ()
CoreExport NoteTrackGetNoteTrack (int i)
CoreExport DWORD DeleteAllNoteTracks ()
virtual void FreeAllBitmaps ()
virtual void GetSystemNodes (INodeTab &nodes, SysNodeContext Context)
virtual BOOL IsSubClassOf (Class_ID classID)
 returns true if the animatable has sub-classed off the given class
virtual CoreExport void MouseCycleCompleted (TimeValue t)
virtual CoreExport void MouseCycleStarted (TimeValue t)
virtual int NumParamBlocks ()
virtual IParamBlock2GetParamBlockByID (short id)
CoreExport bool SvSaveData (ISave *isave, USHORT id)
CoreExport bool SvLoadData (ILoad *iLoad)
CoreExport DWORD SvGetRefIndex ()
CoreExport void SvSetRefIndex (DWORD i)
CoreExport bool SvDeleteRefIndex ()
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference SvStdTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanInitiateLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanConcludeLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeChild)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, const MSTR &name)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
 Called when the user deletes this object in the schematic view...
virtual CoreExport bool SvIsHighlighted (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport COLORREF SvGetSwatchColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvIsInactive (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvLinkChild (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeThis, IGraphNode *gNodeChild)
virtual CoreExport bool SvEditProperties (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetRefTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetRelTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Returns a string to be displayed in the tip window in the schematic view for a relationship from "gNodeMaker" to "gNodeTarget"...
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Returns true if this object can respond to the SvDetachRel(...) method...
virtual CoreExport bool SvDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Detach this relationship.
virtual CoreExport bool SvHandleRelDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Called when this relationship is double-clicked in the schematic view...
CoreExport ICustAttribContainerGetCustAttribContainer ()
 This method returns a pointer to the custom attributes container interface class.
CoreExport void AllocCustAttribContainer ()
 This method allocates space for a custom attributes container.
CoreExport void DeleteCustAttribContainer ()
 This method deletes space used by a custom attributes container.
void SetAFlag (DWORD mask)
void ClearAFlag (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
bool TestAFlag (DWORD mask) const
 Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
void SetAFlagEx (DWORD mask)
 Sets one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
void ClearAFlagEx (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
bool TestAFlagEx (DWORD mask) const
 Tests one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
CoreExport bool TestFlagBit (int index)
 Tests the specified flag bit.
CoreExport void SetFlagBit (int index, bool newValue=true)
 Sets the specified flag bit.
CoreExport void ClearFlagBit (int index)
 Clears the specified flag bit.
- Public Member Functions inherited from InterfaceServer
virtual UtilExport ~InterfaceServer ()
virtual UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
template<class InterfaceType >
InterfaceType * GetTypedInterface ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual CoreExport bool IsRequiresLegacyDisplayMode () const
virtual CoreExport void SetReference (int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg) override
 This method sets the ShapeObject's parameter block pointer.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ReferenceTarget
CoreExport int DoEnumDependentsImpl (DependentEnumProc *dep) override
 Method to perform an enumeration on a ReferenceTarget.
virtual CoreExport ~ReferenceTarget ()=0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ReferenceMaker
virtual CoreExport ~ReferenceMaker ()=0
void BlockEval ()
 Validates a given reference link between this reference maker and its reference target.
void UnblockEval ()
 Validates a given reference link between this reference maker and its reference target.
int Evaluating ()
 Validates a given reference link between this reference maker and its reference target.
CoreExport RefResult StdNotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption)
 Validates a given reference link between this reference maker and its reference target.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Animatable
virtual CoreExport ~Animatable ()=0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Noncopyable
 Noncopyable ()
 ~Noncopyable ()


class SObjRenderingDlgProc
class ShapePostLoadCallback
class IShapeRectRenderParams

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Animatable
static CoreExport BOOL IsDeleted (Animatable *anim)
 Debug method to determine whether an object has been deleted.
static CoreExport AnimHandle GetHandleByAnim (Animatable *anim)
 Get the unique handle for an Animatable object.
static CoreExport AnimatableGetAnimByHandle (AnimHandle handle)
 Get an Animatable object from its unique handle.
static CoreExport AnimHandle GetNextHandle ()
 Get the unique handle for the next Animatable object to be created.
static CoreExport void EnumerateAllAnimatables (EnumAnimList &enumProcObject)
 Enumerator to enumerate across all animatables.
static CoreExport bool RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
static CoreExport bool UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
static CoreExport bool RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
static CoreExport bool UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
static CoreExport void ClearAFlagInAllAnimatables (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags in all Animatables.
static CoreExport void ClearAFlagExInAllAnimatables (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags in all Animatables.
static CoreExport int RequestFlagBit ()
 Requests an unique flag bit index.
static CoreExport void ReleaseFlagBit (int index)
 Releases the flag bit index.
static CoreExport void ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables (int index)
 Clears the specified flag bit in all Animatables.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator.
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Animatable
static const AnimHandle kInvalidAnimHandle = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseObject
MaxSDK::Graphics::RenderItemHandleArray mRenderItemHandles
- Protected Attributes inherited from Animatable
DWORD aflag
AnimPropertyList aprops

Detailed Description

ShapeObjects are open or closed hierarchical shapes made up of one or more pieces.

This base class defines a set of methods that plug-in shapes must implement. Note: Many plug-in shapes may be derived from Class SimpleSpline rather than this class and have fewer methods to implement. See that class for more details. Any classes subclassing off of ShapeObject should be sure to call the ShapeObject constructor in their constructor, in order to properly initialize the fields contained in the ShapeObject. This is the thickness field, which specifies the thickness of the mesh generated from the shape at rendering time. For example:

CoreExport LinearShape()
ShapeObjects are open or closed hierarchical shapes made up of one or more pieces.
Definition: object.h:4536

Also, the ShapeObject contains Load and Save methods, which handle the storage of the data contained within the ShapeObject. In order to properly store this information, classes which subclass off of ShapeObject need to call the ShapeObject Load and Save methods before storing their information. For example:

if(res != IO_OK)
return res;
if(res != IO_OK)
return res;
Definition: ioapi.h:659
Definition: ioapi.h:207
CoreExport IOResult Save(ISave *isave)
Implemented by the System.
CoreExport IOResult Load(ILoad *iload)
Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Save(ISave *isave) override
Implemented by the System.
virtual CoreExport IOResult Load(ILoad *iload) override
Implemented by the System.
Definition: maxtypes.h:201
The result was acceptable - no errors.
Definition: maxtypes.h:203

The number of ShapeObject references/subanims are defined as SHAPE_OBJ_NUM_REFS and SHAPE_OBJ_NUM_SUBS in /include/object.h and are set to the number of references and subanims in the ShapeObject class, you can use them to make your code more bullet-proof should the number of references change in the future. See maxsdk/include/splshape.h for an example of how they can be used.

See also
Class GeomObject, Class PolyShape

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ShapeObject()

◆ ~ShapeObject()

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsRequiresLegacyDisplayMode()

virtual CoreExport bool IsRequiresLegacyDisplayMode ( ) const

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, and SplineShape.

◆ GetInterface() [1/2]

virtual CoreExport BaseInterface * GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id)
Returns a pointer to the Base Interface for the interface ID passed. The default implementation of this method retrieves this information from the ClassDesc for the plug-in.

Any future object-based interfaces should be allocated unique Interface_IDs (you can use Gencid.exe for this) and made available through this call.

The default implementation of GetInterface(Interface_ID) looks up a standalone interface of the given ID on the object's ClassDesc. This gives access to standalone interfaces via any of a plug-in's objects, without having to dig around for the ClassDesc, so you should fall back to calling the default implementation if you don't recognize an ID in your implementation of GetInterface(Interface_ID).
idThe unique ID of the interface to get. See Class Interface_ID.

Reimplemented from Object.

Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and SplineShape.

◆ GetInterface() [2/2]

virtual CoreExport void * GetInterface ( ULONG  id)
This method provides a mechanism for extending the class in the future. In 3ds Max 4.0 there are new interfaces that are accessed by passing an id to this method and it will respond by returning the corresponding interface pointer.

This method has been used however for a different purpose. It currently is used to determine if an object is of a particular class. With controllers for example, there is one base class Control, however there are many super classes (CTRL_FLOAT_CLASS_ID, CTRL_SCALE_CLASS_ID, etc.). If you wanted to find out if a given Animatable was a controller you would need to compare its SuperClassID to all the known types and only if it wasn't one of the known types could you be sure it wasn't a controller. Having to do this is inconvenient for a developer.

Instead the Control class implements this method. It looks at the id, and if it matches a predefined constant I_CONTROL, it returns its this pointer. In this way, given any Animatable, it is easy to find out if it is a controller by simply asking for the control interface. There is a macro that does this:

#define GetControlInterface(anim)
Definition: control.h:1055
virtual CoreExport BaseInterface * GetInterface(Interface_ID iid) override
#define I_CONTROL
An Animatable supporting this interface is a Control.
Definition: AnimatableInterfaceIDs.h:33
A plug-in developer may use this macro as follows:

Control *c = GetControlInterface(anim);

This will either be NULL or a pointer to a valid controller.

Note: Plug-in defined interfaces should be greater than the following value:

#define I_USERINTERFACE 0x0000ffff

If a plug-in implements this method for its own purposes, it would, in general, switch on the id and if it is not aware of the id it would call this method on the base class. Otherwise it could respond to the id as it needed. See the sample code below for the how the Control class implements this method.
idThe id of the interface.
Default Implementation:
{ return NULL; }
Sample Code:
The following is the Control class implementation of this method. It looks at the id passed, and if it matches I_CONTROL it returns its this pointer. Otherwise it calls the base class method.

void* Control::GetInterface(ULONG id)
if (id==I_CONTROL) {
return this;
else {
virtual CoreExport void * GetInterface(ULONG id)
CoreExport void * GetInterface(ULONG id)

Reimplemented from Object.

Reimplemented in SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleSpline, and SplineShape.

◆ GetObjectDisplayRequirement()

virtual CoreExport unsigned long GetObjectDisplayRequirement ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >.

◆ PrepareDisplay()

virtual CoreExport bool PrepareDisplay ( const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext prepareDisplayContext)

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >.

◆ UpdatePerNodeItems()

virtual CoreExport bool UpdatePerNodeItems ( const MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateDisplayContext updateDisplayContext,
MaxSDK::Graphics::UpdateNodeContext nodeContext,
MaxSDK::Graphics::IRenderItemContainer targetRenderItemContainer 

◆ IsShapeObject()

virtual BOOL IsShapeObject ( )

Returns the number of shapes contained inside this object.

A shape container may return zero if it doesn't currently have any shapes.

The number of shapes. A return value of -1 indicates this is not a container.

Reimplemented from Object.

4571{ return TRUE; }

◆ IntersectRay()

virtual int IntersectRay ( TimeValue  t,
Ray &  ray,
float &  at,
Point3 &  norm 

Computes the intersection point of the ray passed and the shape.

This method has a default implementation and it is not necessary to define this method in classes derived from ShapeObject.
tThe time to compute the intersection.
rayRay to intersect.
atThe point of intersection.
normThe surface normal at the point of intersection.
Nonzero if a point of intersection was found; otherwise 0.

Reimplemented from Object.

Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4582{return FALSE;}

◆ InitNodeName()

virtual void InitNodeName ( MSTR s)

This is the default name of the node when it is created.

sThe default name of the node is stored here.

Reimplemented from GeomObject.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4583{ s = _M("Shape"); }
#define _M(x)
Used to wrap string literals.
Definition: strbasic.h:67

◆ SuperClassID()

SClass_ID SuperClassID ( )

Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.

A super class id that uniquely identifies the type (category) of the plugin. Note that several plugin classes can be of the same type, thus return the same super class id. Plugins are uniquely identified by their class ids.
See also

Reimplemented from GeomObject.

4584{ return SHAPE_CLASS_ID; }
Shape object super-class ID.
Definition: plugapi.h:450

◆ IsRenderable()

virtual CoreExport int IsRenderable ( )

Indicates whether the object may be rendered.

Some objects such as construction grids and helpers should not be rendered and can return zero.

Nonzero if the object may be rendered; otherwise 0.

Reimplemented from GeomObject.

Reimplemented in MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ CopyBaseData()

virtual CoreExport void CopyBaseData ( ShapeObject from)

In order to simplify things for subclasses of ShapeObject, this method is now available.

It should be called whenever the ShapeObject-based object is copied. It takes care of copying all the data to the ShapeObject from another ShapeObject-based object Implemented by the System.

fromThe ShapeObject to copy from.

◆ GetThickness() [1/2]

CoreExport float GetThickness ( TimeValue  t,
Interval ivalid 

Implemented by the System.

Returns the shape's thickness setting.

tThe time to obtain the thickness.
ivalidThe validity interval.

◆ GetThickness() [2/2]

float GetThickness ( TimeValue  t)
4599{ Interval interval = FOREVER; return GetThickness(t, interval); }
Definition: interval.h:36
CoreExport float GetThickness(TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
Implemented by the System.
#define FOREVER
Definition: interval.h:168

◆ GetSides() [1/2]

CoreExport int GetSides ( TimeValue  t,
Interval ivalid 

This method returns the number of sides for the cross-section of the rendering mesh version of the shape for the specified time.

tThe time to obtain the thickness.
ivalidThe validity interval.

◆ GetSides() [2/2]

int GetSides ( TimeValue  t)
4605{ Interval interval = FOREVER; return GetSides(t, interval); }
CoreExport int GetSides(TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
This method returns the number of sides for the cross-section of the rendering mesh version of the sh...

◆ GetAngle() [1/2]

CoreExport float GetAngle ( TimeValue  t,
Interval ivalid 

This method returns the angle that the cross-section of the rendering mesh will be rotated to, for the specified time.

tThe time to obtain the thickness.
ivalidThe validity interval.

◆ GetAngle() [2/2]

float GetAngle ( TimeValue  t)
4611{ Interval interval = FOREVER; return GetAngle(t, interval); }
CoreExport float GetAngle(TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
This method returns the angle that the cross-section of the rendering mesh will be rotated to,...

◆ GetViewportThickness()

CoreExport float GetViewportThickness ( )

This method returns the thickness of the viewport version of the rendering mesh.

This is not an animated parameter.

◆ GetViewportSides()

CoreExport int GetViewportSides ( )

This method returns the number of sides for the cross-section for the viewport version of the rendering mesh.

This is not an animated parameter.

◆ GetViewportAngle()

CoreExport float GetViewportAngle ( )

This method returns the angle that the cross-section of the viewport version of the rendering mesh will be rotated to.

This is not an animated parameter.

◆ GetRenderable()

CoreExport BOOL GetRenderable ( )

Implemented by the System.

The ShapeObject class now has a "renderable" flag contained within it. Access to this is via this method and SetRenderable(). If this is set to TRUE and the node is set to renderable, the spline will be rendered. This defaults to FALSE.

◆ GetGenUVs()

CoreExport BOOL GetGenUVs ( )

Implemented by the System.

Returns TRUE if the generate UVs switch is on; FALSE if off.

◆ GetDispRenderMesh()

CoreExport BOOL GetDispRenderMesh ( )

This method returns TRUE if the "Display Render Mesh" switch is on.

FALSE when the switch is off.

◆ GetUseViewport()

CoreExport BOOL GetUseViewport ( )

This method returns TRUE if the "Use Viewport Settings" switch is on.

FALSE when the switch is off.

◆ GetViewportOrRenderer()

CoreExport BOOL GetViewportOrRenderer ( )

This method returns the value of the Viewport/Render switch and either returns GENMESH_VIEWPORT or GENMESH_RENDER.

◆ SetThickness()

CoreExport void SetThickness ( TimeValue  t,
float  thick 

Implemented by the System.

Sets the thickness setting of the shape to the specified value.

tThe time at which to set the thickness.
thickThe new thickness setting for the shape.

◆ SetSides()

CoreExport void SetSides ( TimeValue  t,
int  s 

This method allows you to set the number of sides for the rendering mesh version of the shape for the specified time.

The allowable ranges for this parameter are 3-100.

tThe time at which to set the number of sides.
sThe number of sides you wish to set.

◆ SetAngle()

CoreExport void SetAngle ( TimeValue  t,
float  a 

This method allows you to set the cross-section rotation angle for the rendering mesh version of the shape, in degrees, for the specified time.

tThe time at which to set the angle.
aThe angle you wish to set, in degrees.

◆ SetViewportThickness()

CoreExport void SetViewportThickness ( float  thick)

◆ SetViewportSides()

CoreExport void SetViewportSides ( int  s)

This method allows you to set the number of sides for the viewport version of the rendering mesh.

This is not an animated parameter.

sThe number of viewport sides you wish to set.

◆ SetViewportAngle()

CoreExport void SetViewportAngle ( float  a)

This method allows you to set the angle that the cross-section of the viewport version of the rendering mesh will be rotated to, in degrees.

This is not an animated parameter.

aThe viewport angle you wish to set, in degrees.

◆ SetRenderable()

CoreExport void SetRenderable ( BOOL  sw)

Implemented by the System.

Sets the rendering flag to the specified value.

swTRUE for on; FALSE for off.

◆ SetGenUVs()

CoreExport void SetGenUVs ( BOOL  sw)

Implemented by the System.

Pass TRUE to set the generate UVs switch to on; FALSE to set it off.

swTRUE for on; FALSE for off.

◆ SetDispRenderMesh()

CoreExport void SetDispRenderMesh ( BOOL  sw)

This method allows you to turn the "Display Render Mesh" switch on or off.

swTRUE or FALSE to set or unset the "Display Render Mesh" switch.

◆ SetUseViewport()

CoreExport void SetUseViewport ( BOOL  sw)

This method allows you to turn the "Use Viewport Settings" switch on or off.

swTRUE or FALSE to set or unset the "Use Viewport Settings" switch.

◆ SetViewportOrRenderer()

CoreExport void SetViewportOrRenderer ( BOOL  sw)

This method allows you to set the value of the Viewport/Render switch.

swSet this parameter to GENMESH_VIEWPORT or GENMESH_RENDER.

◆ GetRenderMesh()

virtual CoreExport Mesh * GetRenderMesh ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
View view,
BOOL &  needDelete 

This method should be implemented by all renderable GeomObjects.

It provides a mesh representation of the object for use by the renderer. Primitives that already have a mesh cached can just return a pointer to it (and set needDelete to FALSE). Implementations of this method which take a long time should periodically call View::CheckForRenderAbort() to see if the user has canceled the render. If canceled, the function can either return NULL, or return a non null pointer with the appropriate value for needDelete. (If needDelete is TRUE a non-null mesh will be deleted.)

tThe time to get the mesh.
inodeThe node in the scene.
viewIf the renderer calls this method it will pass the view information here. See Class View.
needDeleteSet to TRUE if the renderer should delete the mesh, FALSE otherwise.
A pointer to the mesh object.

Reimplemented from GeomObject.

Reimplemented in MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ GetRenderMeshInfo()

virtual CoreExport void GetRenderMeshInfo ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
View view,
int nverts,
int nfaces 

Returns information on the rendering mesh.

Implemented by the System.

tThe time to get the information.
inodeThe node associated with the mesh.
viewDescribes properties of the view associated with the render. See Class View.
nvertsThe number of vertices in the render mesh.
nfacesThe number of faces in the render mesh.

◆ GenerateMesh()

virtual CoreExport void GenerateMesh ( TimeValue  t,
int  option,
Mesh mesh 

This method will generate a mesh based on either the viewport or rendering parameters for the specified time.

tThe time at which to generate the mesh.
optionThe option can be either GENMESH_VIEWPORT, GENMESH_RENDER, or GENMESH_DEFAULT. When using the default definition the mesh generator will use whatever is in the Viewport/Render switch in the parameter block.
meshA pointer to a Mesh object. If this is set to NULL, the mesh will be generated and cached, but not returned.

◆ NumberOfVertices()

virtual int NumberOfVertices ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve = -1 

This method is used by the Summary Info and Object Properties dialogs to inform the user how many vertices or CVs are in the object.

The method is passed a TimeValue and a curve index; if the curve index is <0, the function should return the number of vertices/CVs in the entire shape. Otherwise, it should return the number of vertices/CVs in the specified curve.

tThe time at which the number of vertices is to be computed.
curveThe curve index. See note above.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4710{ return 0; } // Informational only, curve = -1: total in all curves

◆ NumberOfCurves()

virtual int NumberOfCurves ( TimeValue  t)
pure virtual

Returns the number of polygons in the shape at the given time.

tThe time to check.
the number of polygons in the shape.

Implemented in LinearShape, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, SimpleShape, and SimpleSpline.

◆ CurveClosed()

virtual BOOL CurveClosed ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve 
pure virtual

This method is called to determine if the specified curve of the shape is closed at the time passed.

tThe time to check.
curveThe index of the curve to check.
TRUE if the curve is closed; otherwise FALSE.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ InterpCurve3D()

virtual Point3 InterpCurve3D ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve,
float  param,
int  ptype = PARAM_SIMPLE 
pure virtual

This method returns a point interpolated on the entire curve.

This method returns the point but you don't know which segment the point falls on. See method InterpPiece3D().

tThe time to evaluate.
curveThe index of the curve to evaluate.
paramThe 'distance' along the curve where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.
ptypeThe parameter type for spline interpolation. See Parameter types for shape interpolation.
The interpolated point on the curve.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and SimpleShape.

◆ TangentCurve3D()

virtual Point3 TangentCurve3D ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve,
float  param,
int  ptype = PARAM_SIMPLE 
pure virtual

This method returns a tangent vector interpolated on the entire curve.

Also see method TangentPiece3D().

tThe time at which to evaluate the curve.
curveThe index of the curve to evaluate.
paramThe 'distance' along the curve where 0.0 is the start and 1.0 is the end.
ptypeThe parameter type for spline interpolation. See Parameter types for shape interpolation.
The tangent vector

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and SimpleShape.

◆ LengthOfCurve()

virtual float LengthOfCurve ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve 
pure virtual

Returns the length of the specified curve.

Note: This method makes no allowance for non-uniform scaling in the object transform. To do that, see the following code fragment (os is the ObjectState with the shape object and xfm is the NodeTM of the shape object node).

if (os.obj->SuperClassID() == SHAPE_CLASS_ID)
ShapeObject *sobj;
sobj = (ShapeObject *) os.obj;
int cct = sobj->NumberOfCurves(ip->GetTime());
PolyShape workShape;
sobj->MakePolyShape(ip->GetTime(), workShape);
float len = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i<cct; i++)
len += workShape.lines[i].CurveLength();
virtual TimeValue GetTime()=0
CoreExport float CurveLength()
Returns the length of the calling PolyLine object.
A multi-polygon shape class.
Definition: polyshp.h:525
CoreExport void Transform(const Matrix3 &tm)
Transforms the vertices of each PolyLine in this PolyShape by the specified matrix.
PolyLine * lines
The array of lines.
Definition: polyshp.h:528
virtual int NumberOfCurves(TimeValue t)=0
Returns the number of polygons in the shape at the given time.
virtual void MakePolyShape(TimeValue t, PolyShape &shape, int steps=PSHAPE_BUILTIN_STEPS, BOOL optimize=FALSE)=0
Create a PolyShape representation with optional fixed steps.
tThe time at which to compute the length.
curveThe index of the curve.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and SimpleShape.

◆ NumberOfPieces()

virtual int NumberOfPieces ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve 
pure virtual

Returns the number of sub-curves in a curve.

tThe time at which to check.
curveThe index of the curve.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ InterpPiece3D()

virtual Point3 InterpPiece3D ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve,
int  piece,
float  param,
int  ptype = PARAM_SIMPLE 
pure virtual

This method returns the interpolated point along the specified sub-curve (segment).

For example consider a shape that is a single circle with four knots. If you called this method with curve=0 and piece=0 and param=0.0 you'd get back the point at knot 0. If you passed the same parameters except param=1.0 you'd get back the point at knot 1.

tThe time to evaluate the sub-curve.
curveThe curve to evaluate.
pieceThe segment to evaluate.
paramThe position along the curve to return where 0.0 is the start and 1.0 is the end.
ptypeThe parameter type for spline interpolation. See Parameter types for shape interpolation.
The point in world space.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ TangentPiece3D()

virtual Point3 TangentPiece3D ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve,
int  piece,
float  param,
int  ptype = PARAM_SIMPLE 
pure virtual

Returns the tangent vector on a sub-curve at the specified 'distance' along the curve.

tThe time to evaluate the sub-curve.
curveThe curve to evaluate.
pieceThe sub-curve (segment) to evaluate.
paramThe position along the curve to return where 0 is the start and 1 is the end.
ptypeThe parameter type for spline interpolation. See Parameter types for shape interpolation.
The tangent vector.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ GetMatID()

virtual MtlID GetMatID ( TimeValue  t,
int  curve,
int  piece 

This method provides access to the material IDs of the shape.

It returns the material ID of the specified segment of the specified curve of this shape at the time passed. There is a default implementation so there is no need to implement this method if the shape does not support material IDs. Note: typedef unsigned short MtlID;

tThe time to evaluate the sub-curve.
curveThe zero based index of the curve to evaluate.
pieceThe sub-curve (segment) to evaluate.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4798{ return 0; }

◆ CanMakeBezier()

virtual BOOL CanMakeBezier ( )

This method is called to determine if the shape can be converted to a bezier representation.

TRUE if the shape can turn into a bezier representation; otherwise FALSE.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4803{ return FALSE; } // Return TRUE if can turn into a bezier representation

◆ MakeBezier()

virtual void MakeBezier ( TimeValue  t,
BezierShape shape 

Creates the bezier representation of the shape.

tThe time to convert.
shapeThe bezier representation is stored here.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4807{} // Create the bezier representation

◆ OrganizeCurves()

virtual ShapeHierarchy & OrganizeCurves ( TimeValue  t,
ShapeHierarchy hier = NULL 
pure virtual

This method is called to prepare the shape for lofting, extrusion, etc.

This methods looks at the shape organization, and puts together a shape hierarchy. This provides information on how the shapes are nested.

tThe time to organize the curves.
hierThis class provides information about the hierarchy. See Class ShapeHierarchy.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ MakePolyShape()

virtual void MakePolyShape ( TimeValue  t,
PolyShape shape,
BOOL  optimize = FALSE 
pure virtual

Create a PolyShape representation with optional fixed steps.

tThe time to make the PolyShape.
shapeThe PolyShape representation is stored here.
stepsThe number of steps between knots. Values >=0 indicates the use of fixed steps:

Use the shape's built-in steps/adaptive settings (default).

Force adaptive steps.
optimizeIf TRUE intermediate steps are removed from linear segments.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ MakeCap() [1/2]

virtual int MakeCap ( TimeValue  t,
MeshCapInfo capInfo,
int  capType 
pure virtual

This method generates a mesh capping info for the shape.

tThe time to create the cap info.
capInfoThe cap info to update.
capTypeSee Shape Capping Types.
Nonzero if the cap info was generated; otherwise zero.

Implemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ MakeCap() [2/2]

virtual int MakeCap ( TimeValue  t,
PatchCapInfo capInfo 

This method creates a patch cap info out of the shape.

Only implement this method if CanMakeBezier() returns TRUE.

tThe time to create the cap info.
capInfoThe cap info to update.
Nonzero if the cap info was generated; otherwise zero.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

4835{ return 0; } // Only implement if CanMakeBezier=TRUE -- Gen patch cap info

◆ AttachShape()

virtual BOOL AttachShape ( TimeValue  t,
INode thisNode,
INode attachNode,
BOOL  weldEnds = FALSE,
float  weldThreshold = 0.0f 

This method is called to attach the shape of attachNode to thisNode at the specified time.

If any endpoints of the curves in the shape being attached are within the threshold distance to endpoints of an existing curve, and the weld flag is TRUE, they should be welded.

tThe time to attach.
thisNodeThis is the node associated with this shape object.
attachNodeThe node of the shape to attach.
weldEndsIf TRUE the endpoints of the shape should be welded together (based on the threshold below). If FALSE no welding is necessary.
weldThresholdIf any endpoints of the curves in the shape being attached are within this threshold distance to endpoints of an existing curve, and the weld flag is TRUE, they should be welded
Return TRUE if attached; otherwise FALSE.
4849{ return FALSE; } // Return TRUE if attached

◆ HasUVW() [1/2]

virtual BOOL HasUVW ( )

Call this method to find out if the object has UVW coordinates.

This method returns TRUE if the object has UVW coordinates; otherwise FALSE. In 3ds Max 2.0 and later there is code in the renderer that will automatically turn on the UVW coordinates of the base object if UV's are missing (and needed). The base object has to implement two simple methods to make this work: HasUVW() and SetGenUVW(). Developers are encouraged to put these methods in their objects: it makes using the program easier for the user. If they are not implemented, it doesn't cause any real harm: it will just operate as before and put up the missing UVW's message. Here is how the procedural sphere implements these methods:

BOOL SphereObject::GetGenUVW()
BOOL genUVs;
pblock->GetValue(PB_GENUVS, 0, genUVs, v);
return genUVs;
void SphereObject::SetGenUVW(BOOL sw)
if (sw==GetGenUVW()) return;
pblock->SetValue(PB_GENUVS,0, sw);

Important Note: The pblock->SetValue() will cause a call to NotifyDependents(FOREVER, PART_TEXMAP, REFMSG_CHANGE), which will invalidate the UVW cache. It is essential that this call be made, so if the 'generate UVW' boolean is not handled by a parameter block, then NotifyDependents() needs to be called explicitly. Also Note: For "modifiable objects" that pass up the pipeline getting modified, such as TriObject, EditTriObject, etc., which cannot generate their own UVWs, but can carry them in their data structures, only this HasUVW() method needs to be implemented. For example, here is the implementation for TriObject: BOOL TriObject::HasUVW() { return mesh.tvFace?1:0; }

Reimplemented from Object.

Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

4851{ return GetGenUVs(); }
CoreExport BOOL GetGenUVs()
Implemented by the System.

◆ HasUVW() [2/2]

virtual BOOL HasUVW ( int  mapChannel)

Call this method to find out if the object is has UVW coordinates for the specified mapping channel.

This method returns TRUE if the object has UVW coordinates; otherwise FALSE. See the method HasUVW() above for more details.

mapChannelSee ~{Mapping Channels}~.

Reimplemented from Object.

4852{ return (mapChannel==1) ? HasUVW() : FALSE; }
virtual BOOL HasUVW() override
Call this method to find out if the object has UVW coordinates.
Definition: object.h:4851

◆ SetGenUVW() [1/2]

virtual void SetGenUVW ( BOOL  sw)

This method is called to change the state of its Generate UVW boolean.

If the state changes, the object must send a REFMSG_CHANGE up the pipeline by calling NotifyDependents(). This applies to map channel 1.

swThe new state for the generate UVW flag.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

4853{ SetGenUVs(sw); }
CoreExport void SetGenUVs(BOOL sw)
Implemented by the System.

◆ SetGenUVW() [2/2]

virtual void SetGenUVW ( int  mapChannel,
BOOL  sw 

This method is called to change the state of its Generate UVW boolean for the specified mapping channel.

If the state changes, the object must send a REFMSG_CHANGE up the pipeline by calling NotifyDependents().

mapChannelThe mapping channel index. See ~{Mapping Channels}~.
swThe new state for the generate UVW flag.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

4854{ if (mapChannel==1) SetGenUVW (sw); }
virtual void SetGenUVW(BOOL sw) override
This method is called to change the state of its Generate UVW boolean.
Definition: object.h:4853

◆ Save()

virtual CoreExport IOResult Save ( ISave isave)

Implemented by the System.

This method handles the storage of the data contained within the ShapeObject. In order to properly store this information, classes which subclass off of ShapeObject need to call this methods before storing their information.

isaveAn interface for saving data. See Class ISave.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ Load()

virtual CoreExport IOResult Load ( ILoad iload)

Implemented by the System.

This method handles the loading of the data contained within the ShapeObject. In order to properly load this information, classes which subclass off of ShapeObject need to call this methods before loading their information.

iloadAn interface for loading data. See Class ILoad.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ SpecifySaveReferences()

virtual CoreExport bool SpecifySaveReferences ( ReferenceSaveManager referenceSaveManager)

Implemented by the System.

This method handles the saving of references when saving to previous version files. The ShapeObject maintains a parameter block for the renderable shape parameters and this needs to be adjusted when saving to older versions of 3ds max.

referenceSaveManagerThe ReferenceSaveManager to use. See Class ReferenceSaveManager.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

◆ PreferredCollapseType()

virtual CoreExport Class_ID PreferredCollapseType ( )

Implemented by the System.

This is an implementation of the Object method. It simply returns splineShapeClassID.

Reimplemented from GeomObject.

Reimplemented in MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ GetExtendedProperties()

virtual CoreExport BOOL GetExtendedProperties ( TimeValue  t,
MSTR prop1Label,
MSTR prop1Data,
MSTR prop2Label,
MSTR prop2Data 

Implemented by the System.

This is an implementation of the Object method. It fills in the property fields with the number of vertices and curves in the shape.

Reimplemented from Object.

Reimplemented in MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ RescaleWorldUnits()

virtual CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits ( float  f)

Implemented by the System.

Objects derived from this class which have RescaleWorldUnits methods implemented need to call this method. The following example is the SplineShape implementation of this method from core.

// Call the base class's rescale (this sets the A_WORK1 flag)
// Now rescale stuff inside our data structures
Matrix3 stm = ScaleMatrix(Point3(f, f, f));
bool TestAFlag(DWORD mask) const
Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
Definition: Animatable.h:322
virtual CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits(float f) override
Implemented by the System.
CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits(float f)
Implemented by the System.
#define A_WORK1
Definition: AnimatableFlags.h:216
ScripterExport MAXSuperClass shape

Note that the A_WORK1 flags is tested first to be sure it isn't processing the rescale twice. The code then calls ShapeObject::RescaleWorldUnits, which sets the A_WORK1 flag and performs the necessary rescale methods for all references for the object, and scales the renderable thickness value.

fThe parameter to scale.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SplineShape, MSPluginShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ NotifyRefChanged()

virtual CoreExport RefResult NotifyRefChanged ( const Interval changeInt,
RefTargetHandle  hTarget,
PartID partID,
RefMessage  message,
BOOL  propagate 

This method will notify the Shape Object of changes in values in its parameter block.

The ShapeObject's parameter block is reference number zero. If subclasses implement this method, they should pass any messages referring to the ShapeObject's parameter block to it. For example:

If this isn't one of our references, pass it on to the ShapeObject...

if(hTarget == GetReference(0))

return ShapeObject::NotifyRefChanged(

changeInt, hTarget, partID, message);

This is a vital part of the mechanism; When a parameter in the parameter block changes, the ShapeObject must be able to flush its cached mesh which will no longer be valid.

changeIntThis is the interval of time over which the message is active.
hTargetThis is the handle of the reference target the message was sent by. The reference maker uses this handle to know specifically which reference target sent the message.
partIDThis contains information specific to the message passed in. Some messages don't use the partID at all. See the section Reference Messages for more information about the meaning of the partID for some common messages.
messageThe msg parameter passed into this method is the specific message which needs to be handled. See Reference Messages.
propagate- If called through ReferenceMaker::NotifyDependents(), the value of 'propagate' passed to it. Used if calling NotifyDependents() from within NotifyRefChanged().
The return value from this method is of type RefResult. This is usually REF_SUCCEED indicating the message was processed. Sometimes, the return value may be REF_STOP. This return value is used to stop the message from being propagated to the dependents of the item.

Implements ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ GetReference()

virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle GetReference ( int  i)

This method allows the ShapeObject to return a pointer to its parameter block.

Any subclasses implementing this method must pass on the call if it indicates the ShapeObject's reference. For example:

>RefTargetHandle SomeShape::GetReference(int i) {
If(i == 0) return ShapeObject::GetReference(i);
A scene entity that is being owned and listened to by other scene entities.
Definition: ref.h:1869
virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i) override
This method allows the ShapeObject to return a pointer to its parameter block.
iThe reference handle to retrieve.
The handle to the Reference Target.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ SetReference()

virtual CoreExport void SetReference ( int  i,
RefTargetHandle  rtarg 

This method sets the ShapeObject's parameter block pointer.

Any subclasses implementing this method must pass on the call to the ShapeObject if it refers to index 0. For example: void SomeShape::SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg) {

if(i == 0) ShapeObject::SetReference(i, rtarg);


iThe virtual array index of the reference to store.
rtargThe reference handle to store.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ SubAnim()

virtual CoreExport Animatable * SubAnim ( int  i)

This method returns the ShapeObject's animatable pointer.

Derived classes implementing this method must pass on references to index 0 to the ShapeObject. For example:: Animatable* SomeShape::SubAnim(int i) {

if(i == 0) return ShapeObject::SubAnim(i);


iThis is the index of the sub-anim to return.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

◆ SubAnimName()

virtual CoreExport MSTR SubAnimName ( int  i,
bool  localized = true 

This method returns the name of the animatable's name.

Derived classes implementing this method must pass on references to index 0 to the ShapeObject. For example: MSTR SomeShape::SubAnimName(int i, bool localized) {

if (i == 0) return ShapeObject::SubAnimName(i, localized);


iThis is the index of the sub-anim's name to return.
localizedIf true, then the sub-anim name returned is localized.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleSpline, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, and SplineShape.

◆ GetParameterDim()

CoreExport ParamDimension * GetParameterDim ( int  pbIndex)

This method returns the parameter dimension of the parameter whose index is passed.

pbIndexThe index of the parameter to return the dimension of.
Pointer to a ParamDimension.

◆ GetParameterName()

CoreExport MSTR GetParameterName ( int  pbIndex,
bool  localized = true 

This method returns the name of the parameter whose index is passed.

pbIndexThe index of the parameter to return the dimension of.
localizedIf true, then the parameter name returned should be localized in the language 3ds Max is currently using. Otherwise it should be the parameter name in English. If a plugin does not provide localized string resources, it can disregard this parameter and always return the parameter name in English.

◆ RemapRefOnLoad()

virtual CoreExport int RemapRefOnLoad ( int  iref)

This method remaps references at load time so that files saved from previous versions of 3ds Max get their references adjusted properly to allow for the new ShapeObject reference.

If derived classes implement this method, they must properly pass on the call to the ShapeObject's code. An example from the SplineShape code:

// Have the ShapeObject do its thing first...
if(loadRefVersion == ES_REF_VER_0)
return iref+1;
return iref;
virtual CoreExport int RemapRefOnLoad(int iref) override
This method remaps references at load time so that files saved from previous versions of 3ds Max get ...
CoreExport int RemapRefOnLoad(int iref)
This method remaps references at load time so that files saved from previous versions of 3ds Max get ...

Note that the SplineShape first calls ShapeObject's remapper, then applies its remapping operation to the index returned by the ShapeObject code. IMPORTANT NOTE: For this remapping to operate properly, the derived class MUST call ShapeObject::Save as the first thing in its Save() method, and must call ShapeObject::Load as the first thing in its Load() method. This allows the ShapeObject to determine file versions and the need for remapping references.

irefThe input index of the reference.
The output index of the reference.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in SplineShape.

◆ NumRefs()

virtual int NumRefs ( )

The ShapeObject makes 1 reference; this is where it tells the system.

Any derived classes implementing this method must take this into account when returning the number of references they make. A good idea is to implement NumRefs in derived classes as: Int SomeShape::NumRefs() {

return myNumRefs + ShapeObject::NumRefs();


Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

5019{return 1;}

◆ NumSubs()

virtual int NumSubs ( )
The system uses a virtual array mechanism to access the sub-anims of a plug-in. This method returns the total number of sub-anims maintained by the plug-in. If a plug-in is using a parameter block to manage its parameters it should just return 1 for all the parameters directed by the parameter block.
The number of sub-anims used by the plug-in.
Default Implementation:
{ return 0; }

Reimplemented from Animatable.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSPluginSimpleSpline.

5020{return 1;}

◆ BeginEditParams()

CoreExport void BeginEditParams ( IObjParam objParam,
ULONG  flags,
Animatable prev 

This method allows the ShapeObject to create its new "Rendering" rollup.

To use it, the derived class simply calls it first thing in its own BeginEditParams method. An example from the SplineShape code:

void SplineShape::BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags,Animatable prev )


ShapeObject::BeginEditParams(ip, flags, prev);



objParamThe interface pointer passed to the plug-in.
flagsThe flags passed along to the plug-in in Animatable::BeginEditParams().
prevThe pointer passed to the plug-in in Animatable::BeginEditParams().

Reimplemented from Animatable.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >.

◆ EndEditParams()

CoreExport void EndEditParams ( IObjParam objParam,
ULONG  flags,
Animatable next 

Similarly to BeginEditParams, this method allows the ShapeObject to remove its "Rendering" rollup.

A derived class simply calls this first thing in its own EndEditParams. An example from the SplineShape code:

*next )
ShapeObject::EndEditParams(ip, flags, next);
// ...
Definition: Animatable.h:118
Definition: maxapi.h:8415
CoreExport void EndEditParams(IObjParam *objParam, ULONG flags, Animatable *next) override
Similarly to BeginEditParams, this method allows the ShapeObject to remove its "Rendering" rollup.
virtual CoreExport void EndEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next)
Similarly to BeginEditParams, this method allows the ShapeObject to remove its "Rendering" rollup.
objParamThe interface pointer passed to the plug-in.
flagsThe flags passed along to the plug-in in Animatable::BeginEditParams().
nextThe pointer passed to the plug-in in Animatable::EndEditParams().

Reimplemented from Animatable.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >.

◆ GetShapeObjValidity()

CoreExport Interval GetShapeObjValidity ( TimeValue  t)

This method gets the validity interval for the ShapeObject's internal parameters only.

It DOES NOT include those of the derived classes. So, if you called this method on a ShapeObject that was a circle with an animated radius, you wouldn't see the effect of the animated radius on the interval

  • All you'd see would be the interval of the ShapeObject's rendering parameters. To get the entire ShapeObject's interval, you would call ShapeObject::ObjectShapeObjValidity(t).
    tThe time about which the interval is computed.

◆ Display()

CoreExport int Display ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
ViewExp vpt,
int  flags 

This method displays the shape's generated mesh if necessary.

Objects derived from ShapeObject will want to have the ShapeObject code display the rendering mesh in the viewport; this method will do that for them. Simply set the viewport transform and call this method. An example from the SplineShape code: int SplineShape::Display(TimeValue t, INode inode, ViewExp vpt, int flags)



GraphicsWindow *gw = vpt->getGW();


ShapeObject::Display(t, inode, vpt, flags);



If the ShapeObject's "Display Render Mesh" switch is off, it will do nothing. Otherwise, it will display the proper mesh as specified by its parameter block.

tThe time to display the object.
inodeThe node to display.
vptAn interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.
flagsSee Display Flags.
The return value is not currently used.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >.

◆ HitTest() [1/2]

virtual CoreExport int HitTest ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
int  type,
int  crossing,
int  flags,
IPoint2 *  p,
ViewExp vpt 

This method is called to determine if the specified screen point intersects the item.

The method returns nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.

tThe time to perform the hit test.
inodeA pointer to the node to test.
typeThe type of hit testing to perform. See Scene and Node Hit Test Types. for details.
crossingThe state of the crossing setting. If TRUE crossing selection is on.
flagsThe hit test flags. See Scene and Node Hit Testing Flags for details.
pThe screen point to test.
vptAn interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.
Nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ HitTest() [2/2]

virtual CoreExport int HitTest ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
int  type,
int  crossing,
int  flags,
IPoint2 *  p,
ViewExp vpt,
ModContext mc 

This method is used in modifier gizmo hit testing.

It is called to determine if the specified screen point intersects the gizmo. The method returns nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.

tThe time to perform the hit test.
inodeA pointer to the node to test.
typeThe type of hit testing to perform. See Scene and Node Hit Test Types. for details.
crossingThe state of the crossing setting. If TRUE crossing selection is on.
flagsThe hit test flags. See Scene and Node Hit Testing Flags for details.
pThe screen point to test.
vptAn interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.
mcA pointer to the modifiers ModContext.
Nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.

Reimplemented from BaseObject.

Reimplemented in SplineShape, and MSShapeXtnd.

◆ GetBoundingBox()

virtual CoreExport Box3 GetBoundingBox ( TimeValue  t,
Matrix3 *  tm = NULL 

This method returns a bounding box for the shape, if it's active, if the "Display Render Mesh" switch is on.

It is necessary to include this box when computing the bounding box for a shape, otherwise the viewport display will not work properly.

tThe time to get the bounding box.
tmThe points of ShapeObject are transformed by this matrix prior to the bounding box computations.

◆ InvalidateGeomCache()

virtual CoreExport void InvalidateGeomCache ( )

This method is very important - It causes the ShapeObject to flush its cached rendering mesh.

Most objects have their own "InvalidateGeomCache" methods; simply call this when a shape derived from ShapeObject changes and it will ensure that the rendering mesh is regenerated the next time it is evaluated. Failure to call this method will result in improper rendering mesh updates.

Reimplemented in LinearShape, and SplineShape.

◆ SetProperty()

int SetProperty ( ULONG  id,
void data 

Associates data passed in to given id.

Retains and associates passed in AnimProperty data to the id passed in by client.

idAn id used to identify the property.
dataA pointer (needs to be castable to AnimProperty *) that contains the data to be kept.
returns 1

Reimplemented from Animatable.

5142 {
5143 AnimProperty *prop = (AnimProperty *)GetProperty(id);
5144 if (prop) prop = (AnimProperty*)data;
5145 else
5146 {
5147 prop = (AnimProperty *)data;
5148 aprops.Append(1, &prop);
5149 }
5150 return 1;
5151 }
Definition: AnimProperty.h:19
AnimPropertyList aprops
Definition: Animatable.h:185
void * GetProperty(ULONG id)
Retrieves data associated with id.
Definition: object.h:5158
int Append(int num, T *el, int allocExtra=0)
Appends items at the end of the Tab.
Definition: tab.h:313

◆ GetProperty()

void * GetProperty ( ULONG  id)

Retrieves data associated with id.

Retrieves the AnimProperty data associated with the passed in id.

idId that is associated with desired data.
The associated data (castable to AnimProperty *), or NULL if no data is associated with this id.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

5159 {
5160 for(int i = 0;i<aprops.Count();i++)
5161 if (aprops[i] && aprops[i]->ID() == id )
5162 return aprops[i];
5163 return NULL;
5164 }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
int Count() const
Retrieves the number of items in the Tab.
Definition: tab.h:219

◆ GetUsePhysicalScaleUVs()

CoreExport BOOL GetUsePhysicalScaleUVs ( )

Queries whether if real world texture size is used or not.

◆ SetUsePhysicalScaleUVs()

CoreExport void SetUsePhysicalScaleUVs ( BOOL  flag)

Sets whether real world texture size is used or not.

◆ GetTwistCorrect()

CoreExport BOOL GetTwistCorrect ( )

Queries the twist correction switch.

◆ SetTwistCorrect()

CoreExport void SetTwistCorrect ( BOOL  flag)

Sets the twist correction switch.

◆ GetCap()

CoreExport BOOL GetCap ( )

Queries the main capping switch.

◆ SetCap()

CoreExport void SetCap ( BOOL  flag)

Sets the main capping switch.

◆ GetQuadCap()

CoreExport BOOL GetQuadCap ( )

Queries the quad capping switch.

◆ SetQuadCap()

CoreExport void SetQuadCap ( BOOL  flag)

Sets the quad capping switch.

◆ GetCapSegments() [1/2]

CoreExport int GetCapSegments ( TimeValue  t,
Interval ivalid 

Get/Set the cap segments count.

This value is used for quad capping and allowable ranges are from 1 to 200 Queries the cap segments value at the specified time.

tThe time at which to obtain the segment count.
ivalidThe validity interval.

◆ GetCapSegments() [2/2]

int GetCapSegments ( TimeValue  t)
5202{ Interval interval = FOREVER; return GetCapSegments(t, interval); }
CoreExport int GetCapSegments(TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
Get/Set the cap segments count.

◆ SetCapSegments()

CoreExport void SetCapSegments ( TimeValue  t,
int  count 

Sets the cap segments value for the specified time.

tThe time at which to set the segment count.
countThe count you wish to set.

◆ GetSphereCap() [1/2]

CoreExport float GetSphereCap ( TimeValue  t,
Interval ivalid 

Get/Set the sphere capping value used in quad capping.

Range is 0 (flat cap) to 1 (spherical). Queries the sphere cap value.

tThe time at which to obtain the segment count.
ivalidThe validity interval.

◆ GetSphereCap() [2/2]

float GetSphereCap ( TimeValue  t)
5215{ Interval interval = FOREVER; return GetSphereCap(t, interval); }
CoreExport float GetSphereCap(TimeValue t, Interval &ivalid)
Get/Set the sphere capping value used in quad capping.

◆ SetSphereCap()

CoreExport void SetSphereCap ( TimeValue  t,
float  value 

Sets the sphere capping value (0-1).

tThe time at which to set the sphere amount.
valueThe value you wish to set.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ SObjRenderingDlgProc

friend class SObjRenderingDlgProc

◆ ShapePostLoadCallback

friend class ShapePostLoadCallback

◆ IShapeRectRenderParams

friend class IShapeRectRenderParams