NATS | |
►NCatAPI | |
CHIKDefinition | |
CIBoneGroupManager | |
CICATControl | |
CICATParent | ICATParent This is the interface class to the manager of the CAT Rig |
CIHub | |
CILayerRoot | |
CILimb | |
CINodeControl | |
CISpine | |
CITail | |
NCommonRendererUI | This namespace aggregates various UI functionality to be shared by renderers |
CHWIndex16Bit | This class is used to help with managing 16 bit hardware index buffer |
CHWIndex32Bit | This class is used to help with managing 32 bit hardware index buffer |
CHWIndexBuffer | This class is our hw index buffer representation.
CHWTupleMesh | This class is a container for vertex and index buffers |
CHWTupleMeshContainer | This is a container class of our sub meshes |
CHWVertex | This class is used to help with managing hardware(hw) vertex buffer |
CHWVertexBuffer | This is a class that lets you create a hw vertex buffer |
CIHWDrawMesh | This is a wrapper around our low level HW mesh |
CIHWSubMesh | This is a wrapper class around our HW Mesh.
CMeshVertex | This is a class used to track mesh vertices to hw vertices |
►NIKSys | |
CDofSet | |
CIHIIKGoal | |
CIIKGoal | |
CISplineIKGoal | |
CISplineIKGoal2 | Extension to ISplineIKGoal, the interface of a spline IK goal object |
►CIterJoint | |
CJointAxes | |
CLink | |
CLinkChain | |
CRootLink | |
CZeroPlaneMap | |
NImportExportInterface | |
NLightingModel | |
►NManagedServices | |
CDataNodeWrapper | |
CStringConverter | |
►NMax | |
NRenderingAPI | |
►NMaxGraphics | |
NBackfaceWireframe | |
NMAXScript | |
►NMaxSDK | |
►NAssetManagement | |
CAssetId | |
CAssetUser | |
CIAssetManager | |
►NChannelData | These are classes and enums to support the Data Channel Modifier |
CIDataChannelEngine | This is a black box engine that takes some input and outputs some data |
CIInputData | Descripes an input entry which consists of an type description and pointer to the data |
CIOutputData | Descripes an output entry which consists of an type description and pointer to the data Also lets the engine tell the modifier what channel it supports Other data that the engine needs to store per instance can also be stored here since the output data is stored on the modifier local data for modifiers |
►NColorManagement | |
CColorConverter | This is a fully header-implemented class wrapping IColorEngine for type-safe color conversions |
CIColorEngine | Interface class for internal color transformation engine, developers should not use this class directly |
►CIColorPipeline | Interface class that defines color conversions from source color space to target color space |
CIParameter | Dynamic parameters for the IColorPipeline objects |
CIColorPipelineMgr | This is the central class for handling system-wide color management related data and tasks |
CImageLayoutInfo | Helper template class for providing memory layout information for various pixel data types |
CIModeSettings | This class holds the detailed settings for each of the color management modes (see ColorPipelineMode) |
CInputColorSpaceInfo | This class is used internally by the BitmapInfo class |
►NCUI | |
CICuiActionMenuItem | |
CICuiDynamicMenu | |
CICuiMenu | |
CICuiMenuItem | |
CICuiMenuManager | |
CICuiQuadMenu | |
CICuiQuadMenuContext | |
CICuiQuadMenuManager | |
CIMouseConfigManager | A core interface for accessing properties of the customized mode introduced in 3ds Max 2013 |
CIQtMenuExt | |
CIWinMenuExt | |
►NCustomFileStreamAPI | This API is used to support OLE structured storage streams containing user specified string data in 3ds Max scene files or other OLE Structured Storage based files |
CCustomFileStreamHeader | Stream header consists of WORD version number, a private flag DWORD, and a public flag DWORD |
CIUnknownDestructorPolicy | Helper class for controlling IStorage and IStream deletion |
NDebuggingTools | |
►NGeomBind | These classes let you define skin weighting using a voxel or height map based algorithm |
CIContext | Class IContext does all the actual skin weight computations |
CIMesh | Class IMesh describes the mesh to be used to compute the skin weights |
CIProgress | Class IProgress just a class that the solver uses to tell how far along the process is and allows the user to cancel out of the process |
►CISparseVertexWeights | Class ISparseVertexWeights describes the weights that are assigned to a skin |
CInfluence | |
CITransformHierarchy | Class ITransformHierarchy describes the skeleton to be used to compute the skin weights |
►NGraphics | |
NHelperFunctionsBaseRaster | |
NMaterialConversionHelper | MaterialConversionHelper is a class to convert from a 3ds Max material (Mtl class) into a Viewport material (BaseMaterialHandle class) This viewport material can be assigned with : |
►NUtilities | |
►CMarkerConsolidationItem | This class collects all marker items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
CConsolidationData | Data structure used by the item |
CMarkerConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a marker item consolidation strategy |
CMarkerItemKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for marker consolidation item |
CMarkerRenderItem | Base class for marker render items |
►CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX11 | This class collects mesh edge render items and build hardware buffers for them |
CConsolidationData | |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationItemDX9 | |
CMeshEdgeConsolidationStrategy | This class defines an immediate mesh edge render item consolidation strategy |
CMeshEdgeKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for MeshEdgeRenderItem |
CMeshEdgeRenderItem | This class is designed for small meshes that only renders edge element |
►CSplineConsolidationItem | This class collects all spline items(both immediate and non-immediate), hardware build vertex buffer and index buffer in Realize() function and render them in Display() function |
CConsolidationData | Data structure used by the item |
CSplineConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a spline item consolidation strategy |
CSplineItemKey | This is a utility class for provide a key for spline consolidation item |
CSplineRenderItem | Base class for spline render items |
►NViewportInstancing | This API is about having a single INode in the scene, but having many geometries being instantiated at the GPU level in the viewport when the INode is drawn, e.g : a particles system |
CInstanceData | The struct InstanceData is used to pass instance data to different methods of the InstanceDisplayGeometry class |
CInstanceDisplayGeometry | InstanceDisplayGeometry is an extension of IRenderGeometry dealing with instancing |
►NViewportVolumeDisplay | Volume Display functions for 3ds Max's viewport This is a set of functions for an Object plug-in to support a volume display in the viewport Link with MaxGraphics.lib when using this header |
CDisplayParams | The parameters set for the display of the volume grid in the viewport |
CGridGPUParams | This structure contains the GPU data of the volume that lives as the DisplayParams::mGridGPUParams member so we don't recompute all of this each frame |
CGridParams | GridParams is where you define the parameters of the volume grid, independently from the display |
CARefObject | This class implemented IRefObject interfaces |
CAtomicRefCounter | This class contains an integer which is initialized to zero |
CAutoRestoreRenderNodeMaterial | This is a utility class for assigning customized solid material to the solid mesh render item of a render node when generating render items from IMeshDisplay2::GetRenderItems() during the execution of BaseObject::UpdatePerNodeItems() |
CAutoRestoreWorldMatrix | |
CBaseMaterialHandle | This is base graphics material class |
CBaseRasterHandle | This is our base graphics raster resource class |
CBlendState | This class holds the blend state for all render targets |
CConnectionPoint | ConnectionPoint is the base class that manages the connections between view fragments |
CConsolidationData | This a structure that holds parameters used for render item consolidation |
CCustomRenderItemHandle | CustomRenderItemHandle is a wrapper of ICustomRenderItem |
CCustomRenderStageHandle | CustomRenderStageHandle is the base wrapper class of the custom render stage |
CDefaultLifeTimePolicy | |
CDepthStencilState | This class encapsulates a complete depth buffer and stencil buffer state |
CDeviceCaps | This struct is used to store some device related information |
CDisplayCallbackContext | This class contains context which can be queried in IDisplayCallback |
CDisplayTextureHelper | Used for creating texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system |
CDisplayTextureHelperExt | DisplayTextureHelperExt extends DisplayTextureHelper to support more textures Used for creating stage texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system |
CDrawContext | Typically ICustomRenderItem::Draw() and ICustomRenderItem::HitTest() bring instance of this class as parameter |
CEffectHandle | EffectHandle is a class provides features similar as Effect in Direct3D This class is used for viewport display and Quicksilver |
CEffectInstanceHandle | EffectInstanceHandle is a class which stores values of parameters in an effect |
CEvaluationContext | This struct is a collection of elements that are necessary in a render view |
CFragment | Fragment is the base computation unit in the view system |
CFragmentGraph | FragmentGraph is a graph consisting of fragment nodes |
CFragmentMessageParameter | Message parameters |
CGenerateMeshRenderItemsContext | This class contains all information that will be passed to Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() to update its display data |
CGeometryRenderItemHandle | This is a special render item which used only by Mesh/MNMesh |
CHitTestContext | This is a hit test context class |
►CHLSLMaterialHandle | HLSLMaterialHandle is a material class to support HLSL custom material |
CParameterDesc | This is parameter description of HLSLMaterialHandle parameter |
CIActiveShadeFragment | This class is used to manage ActiveShade in a viewport (called ActiveShadeFragment) A view fragment is a part of the viewport drawing system |
CICamera | The interface of a render camera for nitrous viewport |
CIConsolidationKey | This class is used as a key for a hash table |
CIConsolidationRenderItem | This class defines a consolidation render item, which is used to improve rendering performance by batching similar render items together |
CIConsolidationStrategy | This class defines a strategy to consolidate one type of consolidation key |
CICustomRenderItem | This class is used to customize the behavior of a render item |
CIDisplayCallback | A developer would implement this interface to allow immediate mode drawing of primitives, text and markers |
CIDisplayManager | A core interface for accessing properties of the graphics library introduced in 3ds Max 2012 |
CIDisposable | |
CIFixedViewportPipeline | This class provide some facility to add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline |
CIHLSLMaterialTranslator | Facilitates translation of material parameter values to their shaders representation |
CIMeshDisplay2 | Use this interface to query the per node related render items from a mesh or mnesh |
CImmediateFragment | ImmediateFragment is a class which let application render primitives outside the render loop |
CImmediateRenderItemHandle | This class is used to wrap user defined IDisplayCallback class |
CIndexBufferHandle | IndexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain index data |
CINormalMappingManager | This interface manages the normal mapping modes that can affect how 3ds Max calculates/interprets the tangent/binormal(bitangent) in vertex/pixel shading level during baking/rendering |
CInput | Class that stores input information for a fragment |
CIObjectDisplay2 | To give object plugins better control of display, now object plugins can expose IObjectDisplay2 interface |
CIParameterTranslator | Facilitates translation of material and texture map parameter values to their shaders representation |
CIPerViewportFilter | The interface for filtering per viewport |
CIPrimitiveRenderer | This class is used to draw simple primitives, markers, text with given material and transformations |
CIRefObject | This class is similar to IUnknown in COM |
CIRenderGeometry | IRenderGeometry is a representation of a geometry |
CIRenderItemContainer | A render item container, it provides various methods to access the contained render items |
CIRenderStateManager | IRenderStateManager controls primitive renderer's current render style |
CIRenderView | This class is a representation of a render view which provides some common functions to manipulate a viewport |
CIRenderView2 | IRenderView2 provide the access to IFixedViewportPipeline with which 3rd party developer can add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline |
CIShaderManager | Represents the programmable shader associated with a material or texture map plug-in |
CIShaderManagerCreator | Factory class for IShaderManager objects |
CISimpleMaterial | ISimpleMaterial provides any material or texture plugin the ability to display itself in the new Viewport Display system in 3ds Max 2012 |
CISimpleMaterialExt | ISimpleMaterialExt extends ISimpleMaterial to support more textures |
CITextureDisplay | This interface enables material and texture map plugins to display textures in the new viewport display system in 3ds Max 2012 |
CIVariableDictionary | IVariableDictionary is a map structure that contains key/variable pairs |
CIView | This class is a representation of a basic view |
CIViewportFragmentManager | IViewportFragmentManager is used to manage the view fragment graph for viewports |
CIViewportViewSetting | Viewport Setting For The Nitrous Graphics Viewport |
CIViewportViewSetting2 | Viewport Setting For The Nitrous Graphics Viewport |
CIVirtualDevice | This class provides low level access to the GPU device |
CLockedRect | Defines a rectangular region that has been locked by a call to TextureHandle::LockRect() |
►CMaterialRequiredStreamElement | This struct describes a single stream element that will be used by the hardware shader of a material |
CDataUnion | |
CMaterialRequiredStreams | This class is used for describing the mesh stream requirements of a material |
CMatrix44 | |
CMemoryTargetHandle | Application can use this class to create a render target in memory which can be a target input/output for a fragment node |
CMeshElementDescription | This class describes a single mesh element(which corresponds to a render item) required to be generated by calling Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() from the specified mesh(or mnmesh) |
COutput | Class that stores output information for a fragment |
CPresentableTargetHandle | This class is similar as TargetHandle |
CQuery_Data_SO_Statistics | |
CQueryHandle | QueryHandle is a query object used for submitting hardware queries |
►CRasterizerState | This class encapsulates a complete rasterizer state, like fill mode, cull mode, point size, etc |
CDepthBias | The z buffer depth bias value Default value is 0 |
CRectangleSize | Struct that defines the width and height of one rectangle |
CRefPtr | This template class act similar as CComPtr |
CRenderItemHandle | This is the base wrapper class for all viewport render items |
CRenderItemHandleArray | This is a utility class |
CRenderItemHandleDecorator | This is a decorator class for RenderItemHandle |
CRenderNodeHandle | This class describes a graphics node |
CRenderNodeIterator | RenderNodeIterator is the iterator class to iterate all render nodes in the current render world |
CRenderRegion | Note: The render region can set the clipping rectangle,offset and scale of render target in the screen space of render view |
CRenderWorldHandle | RenderWorldHandle is the base wrapper class of the nitrous world |
CSafeReferenceObjectProxy | This class is internally used for preventing the AddRef and Release of a pointer returned by RefPtr::operator -> from being called |
CShadowMapData | ShadowMapData is used to get the shadow map data associated to an INode which is a light |
CSimpleRenderGeometry | SimpleRenderGeometry is a simple implementation of IRenderGeometry |
CSimpleVertexStream | Used by DrawPrimitive and DrawIndexedPrimitive for vertex data |
CSmartHandle | This is the base wrapper class for all graphics primitive classes in max viewport: worlds, nodes, render items, materials, etc |
CSolidColorMaterialHandle | SolidColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support solid color |
CStandardMaterialHandle | StandardMaterialHandle is a material class to support phong style material |
CStencilOperation | This class encapsulates a complete set of stencil buffer operations for stencil test |
CTargetBlendState | This class holds the blend state for single render target |
CTargetHandle | Application can use this class either as a render target or convert it to texture and assign to model |
CTextureCoordStream | This structure is used to define vertex's texture coordinate information |
CTextureHandle | This is texture class to support texture for material, such as TextureMaterialHandle |
CTextureHandleUtility | This is utility class to create TextureHandle from Texmap |
CTextureMaterialHandle | This is material class to support material with texture |
CUpdateDisplayContext | This class contains all information that will be passed to IObjectDisplay::UpdateDisplay and will be used by plugin to update its display data |
CUpdateNodeContext | This class contains node dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerNodeItems(), and IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() |
CUpdateViewContext | This class contains view dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() |
CVariable | Variable is a simple class that stores certain data that a developer can decide at runtime |
CVertexBufferHandle | VertexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain vertex data |
CVertexColorMaterialHandle | VertexColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support vertex color |
CViewFragment | Base class of all viewport fragment |
CViewParameter | This class wrap up all viewport related parameters |
►NNotificationAPI | |
CIGenericEvent | IGenericEvent is a common class to all notifications events received: |
CIImmediateInteractiveRenderingClient | Immediate client is to get notifications as soon as they happen (by opposite to OnDemand client) |
CIImmediateNotificationClient | Immediate client is to get notifications as soon as they happen (by opposite to OnDemand client) |
CIInteractiveRenderingCallback | InteractiveRenderingCallback is the the class to derive from to create a callback to receive events from InteractiveRendering |
CIInteractiveRenderingClient | Base class for Interactive Rendering clients |
CIInteractiveRenderingManager | IInteractiveRenderingManager class is the entry point of the Interactive Rendering API, you can create or remove a Interactive Rendering Client Interactive rendering API is a middle API that makes the link between the low level NotificationAPI and the customer |
CIMaterialEvent | You receive a IMaterialEvent instance when something is changed in a Material: Events monitored : all related to materials |
CINodeEvent | Base class for all events associated with notifier types: NotifierType_Node_* |
CINodeParamBlockEvent | Event related to a parameter block change in a node's object |
CINodePropertyEvent | Event related to a change in a node's object GI properties |
CINotificationCallback | The notification callback used to process all events from the notification API |
CINotificationClient | Base class for a notification client, is used to subscribe to notification events by monitoring 3ds Max data |
CINotificationManager | INotificationManager class is the entry point of the Notification API, you can create or remove a Notification Client |
CINotificationManager2 | Extends INotificationManager |
CIOnDemandInteractiveRenderingClient | Is a client where you get the notifications on demand, they are stored until you ask for them |
CIOnDemandNotificationClient | Is a notification client where you get the notifications on demand, they are stored until you ask for them |
CIReferenceTargetEvent | You receive a IReferenceTargetEvent instance when something is changed in a ReferenceTarget: Events monitored : all related to reference targetss |
CISceneNodeEvent | You receive a ISceneNodeEvent instance when some nodes have been added/removed to/from the scene Event monitored: EventType_Scene_Node_Added/EventType_Scene_Node_Removed |
CITexmapEvent | You receive a ITexmapEvent instance when something is changed in a Texmap: Events monitored : all related to texmaps |
CIViewEvent | You receive a IViewEvent instance when something dealing with the view has changed: Events received with that class : EventType_View_Transform or EventType_View_Active |
►CParamBlockData | Is a data structure for parameter blocks updates, used with events such as : EventType_Material_ParamBlock, EventType_Node_ParamBlock, ... All related to paramblocks updates |
CContainerTypeAndIndex | Is a data structure for parameter blocks container information Retrieve the parameter block that was updated in the references or custom attributes or whatever of the Object* from the INode* or Mtl* or Texmap* etc... Example is a parameter from the shadow generator of a light node has been updated : m_ParamBlockType is the type of the param block such as PB1 or PB2 m_ParamBlockIndexPath contains the path to retrieve which parameter block was udpated |
NNotificationAPIUtils | This namespace exposes 4 private internal calls to the 3dsmax application |
►NOSL | |
CINodePropertyManager | Manages properties that OSL is interested in |
CINodePropertyValue | Handles object properties as used by OSL |
CIOSLGlobalInterface | Interface for the 3ds Max OSL global interface |
CIOSLMapInterface | The Interface for the 3ds Max OSL Map interface |
CIOSLRaytracingInterface | Interface for the 3ds Max OSL Raytracing features, allowing OSL to use a 3rd party renderer's raytracing engine |
CNodeProperties | Container for properties that OSL is interested in |
►NParticleFlow | |
CSlateModelWrapper | SlateModelWrapper is a simple wrapper class that holds an internal pointer to a particle flow slate model |
►NPerformanceTools | |
CThreadTools | This class lets control the amount of threading in different parts of Max */ |
CTimeBlock | Just a helper class to record how long a block of code. it starts a timer when constructed and stops when destructed. Useful for code block with lots of breaks and/or returns |
CTimer | Just a helper class to record how long a task takes. Just call this at the start and EndTimer at the end will return the amount of time that has passed in milliseconds |
►NPointCloud | |
CDoublePoint3 | |
CIPointCloud | The interface for interacting with point cloud objects |
CIPointCloudEx | |
CIPointCloudVisibleVoxelNode | The interface for interacting with point cloud voxel nodes |
CPointCloudVertex | A structure that contains the basic information about a point cloud vertex |
CUBytePoint4 | |
►NPopulate | |
CIPopulate | This is the interface class to Populate |
CIPopulateFlow | IPopulateFlow is the interface class to Populate flow objects |
CIPopulateIdleArea | IPopulateIdleArea is the interface class to Populate idle area objects |
CIPopulateSeat | IPopulateSeat is the interface class to Populate seat objects |
►NRenderingAPI | |
►NTranslationHelpers | |
►CIMeshCollector | Utility interface for collecting the definition of a 3ds max mesh |
CFaceDefinition | Defines the vertex indices that form a triangular face in a mesh |
►CIMeshFlattener | Utility interface for creating a flattened representation of a mesh |
CTextureCoordChannel | Contains the vertex UVW coordinates for a single texture coordinate channel |
►CINodeInstancingPool | Abstracts a set of nodes that all point to the the same object instance |
CIManager | Manages the creation and existence of node instancing pools |
CINotifier | Notification callback for monitoring changes in a node instancing pool |
CINodeInstancingPool2 | Extends class INodeInstancingPool with additional functionality |
CBaseTranslator_Camera | Base class for translating the scene camera |
CBaseTranslator_Environment | Base class for translating an environment |
CBaseTranslator_INode | Base class for translating an INode |
CBaseTranslator_Mtl | Base class for translating a material |
CBaseTranslator_MtlBase | Base class for translating a MtlBase |
CBaseTranslator_Object | Base class for translating the object referenced by a node instancing pool |
CBaseTranslator_ReferenceTarget | Base class for translating an arbitrary ReferenceTarget |
CBaseTranslator_Texmap | Base class for translating a Texmap |
CDefaultTranslatorAllocator | |
CGenericTranslatorKey_Empty | |
CGenericTranslatorKey_SinglePointer | |
CGenericTranslatorKey_SingleReference | |
CGenericTranslatorKey_Struct | |
►CICameraContainer | Abstracts the common properties of the camera to be rendered |
CIChangeNotifier | Notification callback interface for ICameraContainer |
CIEnvironmentContainer | Aggregates the properties related to environment and background mapping |
►CIFrameBufferProcessor | Generic interface for processing the contents of an frame buffer |
CIFrameBufferReader | Generic interface for reading frame buffer data |
CIInteractiveRenderSession | An interface which encapsulates a render session for interactive rendering |
CIOfflineRenderSession | An interface which encapsulates a render session for offline (non-interactive) rendering |
CIRenderingLogger | The Rendering API's interface for logging messages against 3ds Max build-in mechanisms |
►CIRenderingProcess | The Rendering API's interface for managing the render process |
CIMainThreadJob | Interface to a job which gets executed from the main thread |
CNamedTimerGuard | Guard class for starting and stopping a timer automatically |
CIRenderSession | Common base class for IOfflineRenderSession and IInteractiveRenderSession |
►CIRenderSessionContext | Encapsulates all that a render session needs to render a frame |
CIChangeNotifier | Notification callback interface for IRenderSessionContext |
►CIRenderSettingsContainer | Abstracts the set of settings and parameters which may affect rendering |
CIChangeNotifier | Notification callback interface for IRenderSettingsContainer |
►CISceneContainer | Abstracts the contents of the scene to be rendered |
CIChangeNotifier | Notification callback interface for ISceneContainer |
CITranslationManager | Manages the translation graph for a scene |
CITranslationProgress | Interface used for progress reporting by translators |
CITranslatorOutput | Base class for all translator outputs |
CMotionBlurSettings | Encapsulates the camera shutter settings used with motion blur |
CMotionTransforms | Encapsulates motion transforms for an object |
CTranslationResult | Encapsulates all of the possible result states for a translation operation |
CTranslator | Base class for a translator |
CTranslatorKey | Unique identifier for a translator in the scene's translation graph |
CTranslatorStatistics | Container for translation statistics |
CUnifiedRenderer | Unifies functionality for, both, interactive (ActiveShade) and offline (Production) rendering |
►NRenderTimeInstancing | This API is meant to be implemented by plugins and used by renderers to instantiate objects at render-time |
CChannelInfo | |
CInstanceMatIDInfo | Material ID overrides |
CInstanceUVWInfo | UVW channel override data |
CMotionBlurInfo | Motion blur information struct |
►CRenderInstanceSource | Information about a given source, to be instanced multiple times |
CIterator | |
CRenderInstanceTarget | Information about a given instance of a RenderInstanceSource |
►CRenderTimeInstancingInterface | The RenderTimeInstancingInterface allows a renderer to access an object's instancing information so that it can do efficient instancing at render-time |
CIterator | |
►NSkinEngine | |
CCBoneDataClass | |
CCSkinEngine | |
CPointDataClass | |
CStrideArray | |
►NThreadingDebuggingTools | The functions in this namespace are provided to assist in debugging operations performed on a worker thread |
CWorkerThreadSet | A class to help control the setting of the worker thread |
NTranslationSupport | MAXScript scripts are typically written in English, but when MAXScript accesses names from TrackView nodes only localized names are available |
►NUtil | |
►NDebugHelpers | |
►NTextFile | |
CBaseTextReader | This class is the base for all text file readers |
CBaseTextWriter | This class is the base for all text file writers |
CReader | Reads and interprets text files |
CReaderWriter | This class is used to access text file with both reader and writer functionality |
CWriter | Write Text files |
CAutoPtr | Old AutoPtr class, maintained to support backwards compatibility |
CBailOutManager | A wrapper around the underlying IBailOutProcessManager instance |
CBinaryStream | Represent an abstract binary stream of data |
CBinaryStreamMemory | Holds binary data in memory only |
CBitwise_hash | Template struct Bitwise_hash |
CBufferedFile | Opens a file and sets its buffer size |
CChar | Represents a single Unicode character |
CCharAccumulator | Character accumulator |
CCharIterator | Iterate intelligently inside a string |
CException | Base exception class for 3ds Max |
CFileMutexObject | This class creates and attempts to acquire a named Mutex based on a file name in its constructor, and releases and closes the Mutex in its destructor |
CIBailOutBusyProcessManager | An interface of bailing out the busy processing functions by pressing the 'Esc' key |
CIDlgShowingStatusForPolyObj | A pure virtual interface for Poly Object's UI as dialog Showing Status |
CITipSystem | An interface of giving users a tip |
CMaxString | Stores all the strings inside CStr and WStr |
CMaxStringCast | A MaxStringCast is used when casting a MaxString to a type |
CMaxStringCastCP | A Utility class for helping to convert to a specified code page |
CMaxStringCastUTF8 | A Utility class for helping to convert to UTF8 |
CNoncopyable | Noncopyable is a handy utility mix-in base class that makes any class derived from it non-copyable |
CNullDereferenceException | Thrown when a null pointer is dereferenced |
COutOfRangeException | Thrown when an out of bounds index is detected |
CPath | Path type - adds path-operation richness over symbol strings |
CProcessData3dsMax | When a 3ds Max session starts up, immediately after creating the main HWND a named file mapping object is created that contains the data associated with an instance of struct ProcessData3dsMax |
CRunTimeException | General multi-purpose exception for runtime errors |
CScopedTrace | A diagnostic class used for tracing |
CStopWatch | A basic timer tool |
CTabOutOfRangeException | Thrown when an invalid index is passed into Tab::operator[] or Tab::Addr |
CArray | A generic array container, with proper support for non-POD types |
CArrayAutoPtr | Standard implementation of a AutoPtr for pointer to array types |
CArrayPointerDestructor | DestructorPolicy template for pointer to array types |
CAutoPtr | Automatic memory-ownership pointer supporting "resource acquisition is initialization |
CAutoPtrRef | Helper class used to implement destructive copy semantics and allow for AutoPtrs to be used as return values |
CBlockWrite_Ptr | Holds a non-const pointer to data but restricts the ability to change the pointer itself |
CBlockWrite_Value | Holds a non-const copy of a value but restricts the ability to write to it |
CDeleteThisAutoPtr | Partial template specialization of AutoPtr for types requiring destruction through a DeleteThis method |
CDeleteThisDestructor | DestructorPolicy template for types requiring destruction through DeleteThis |
CDependentBundle | A plugin package may contain various pieces of information including a list of packages it is dependent on |
CHoldBegin | |
CIActiveShadeFragmentManager | Used to control the active shade fragment (in-viewport) active shade |
CIActiveShadeFragmentManager2 | Used to control the ActiveShade fragment (in-viewport ActiveShade) and extends IActiveShadeFragmentManager |
►CIHairModifier | Provides access to hair strand definitions for a modifier that generates hair |
CShadingParameters | Defines the standard set of shading parameters for hair strands |
CIHelpSystem | This interface provides access to the 3ds Max Help system |
CIMaterialBrowserEntryInstanceCallback | The IMaterialBrowserEntryInstanceCallback allows you to register a callback that gets executed when a user creates a material or texture from the material browser in the Schematic or Compact Material Editor |
CINoSignalCheckProgress | An alternative progress reporting interface to class RendProgressCallback, which does not process the window message queue |
►CIPhysicalCamera | Access to the properties of the Physical Camera object |
CRenderTransformEvaluationGuard | A guard class which enables a physical camera INode to evaluate itself for ray-traced rendering (as opposed to viewport rendering) |
►CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler | Utility class that provides efficient sampling for a bitmap aperture on the physical camera |
CIApertureBitmapAccess | Interface used to provide generic access to the bitmap aperture |
CRGBValue | A simple RGB color value. the Max SDK's Color class couldn't be used since we want to remain independent from the rest of the Max SDK |
►CIPhysicalCameraToneOperator | Access to the properties of the Physical Camera Exposure Control |
CParameters | The set of parameters used by the Physical Camera Exposure Control |
►CIPhysicalSunSky | Access to functionality and properties of the Physical Sun & Sky environment map |
CIShader | An object which encapsulates the evaluation (shading) of the Physical Sun & Sky environment |
CIShaderGenerator | Provides facilities to initialize the shading parameters of the Physical Sun & Sky plugin |
CShadingParameters | Encapsulates the set of shading parameters for the Physical Sun & Sky |
CISceneScriptSecurityManager | Interface class for the Scene Script Security Manager |
►CISunPositioner | Access to functionality and properties of the Sun Positioner object |
CWeatherMeasurements | Encapsulates weather measurements provided by a weather data file |
CMaxGuid | |
CMeshChannelContainer | Container for managing the MaxSDK::MeshChannelData objects |
CMeshChannelData | Base class for Mesh data channel objects |
CMeshEdgeVisibilityChannelData | Edge visibility channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMeshGeomChannelData | Geometry channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMeshMaterialChannelData | Material channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMeshTextureMapChannelData | Texture map channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMeshTopoChannelData | Topology channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMeshVertexColorChannelData | Vertex color channel object for Mesh, stored in the MeshChannelContainer |
CMNChannelContainer | Container for managing the MaxSDK::MNChannelData objects |
CMNChannelData | Base class for MNMesh data channel objects |
CMNGeomChannelData | Geometry channel object for MNMesh, stored in the MNChannelContainer |
CMNTextureMapChannelData | Texture map channel object for MNMesh, stored in the MNChannelContainer |
CMNTopoChannelData | Topology channel object for MNMesh, stored in the MNChannelContainer |
CMNVertexColorChannelData | Vertex Color channel object for MNMesh, stored in the MNChannelContainer |
CMtlSwitcherInterface | |
CPluginPackageComponent | A plugin package may contain various 3ds Max components, including native C++ plug-ins, managed assemblies, maxscripts, macroscripts, various resources such as icons, etc |
CPluginPackageInfo | A plugin package may contain various pieces of information including name, package description, company email, and so on |
CPluginPackageManager | The PluginPackageManager is a service implemented by 3ds Max |
CQMaxColorSwatch | Simple UI component to display and modify a color-value |
CQmaxDockingWinHost | This class acts as docking host for native win32 ui controls |
CQmaxDockingWinHostDelegate | |
CQmaxDockWidget | |
CQmaxDoubleSpinBox | 3ds Max's version of a Qt QDoubleSpinBox |
CQmaxFloatSlider | Qt Max slider for float values |
CQmaxLightingSpinBox | A special QmaxDoubleSpinBox that displays its value using the current lighting units |
CQmaxMainWindow | This class is used by 3ds Max for its docking UI and should be used as replacement for the standard QMainWindow |
CQmaxMatrix3Spinner | |
CQmaxMultiSpinner | |
CQMaxParamBlockWidget | Base class for QWidgets which are to be controlled by a parameter block/map |
CQmaxPoint2Spinner | |
CQmaxPoint3Spinner | |
CQmaxPoint4Spinner | |
CQmaxProxyDockingWinHostDelegate | |
CQmaxRollup | 3ds Max Qt Rollup class |
CQmaxRollupContainer | |
CQmaxSpinBox | 3ds Max's version of a Qt QSpinBox |
CQmaxSpinBoxPrivate | |
CQmaxToolBar | This class is used by 3ds Max for the docking toolbars and should be used as replacement for the standard QToolBar |
CQmaxToolClips | Collection of tool clip related methods |
CQmaxTranslationLoader | |
CQMaxWinHost | Simple widget that can host a native win32 window |
CQmaxWorldSpinBox | A special QmaxDoubleSpinBox that displays its value using the current display units like cm or inches |
CSharedMesh | SharedMesh is a class to share a mesh between different classes |
CSinglePointerDestructor | DestructorPolicy template for pointer to single object types |
CSingleWeakRefMaker | Utility base class for a ReferenceMaker with a single target that does not share ownership of it's ReferenceTarget |
CTexmapThreadSafe | TexmapThreadSafe interface has been deprecated |
CTreeEntry | Holds an Animatable handle, its clients handle and the subanim index such that: client->SubAnim(index) == anim |
CTypedSingleWeakRefMaker | |
CVariableGuard | Resets a variable when the object goes out of scope |
CWindowsMessageFilter | Runs a message loop without blocking, allowing only acceptable Windows messages through to their destination UI controls |
NNodeEventNamespace | |
►NPF | |
CCreatedChannelLinker | |
NQtHelpers | |
NSceneEventNamespace | |
NSlate | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< MaxSDK::MaxGuid > | |
Chash< MaxSDK::TreeEntry > | |
►NToolClips | |
CTCEvent | This event is sent to the Qt control before the toolclip widget is showing up |
►NUI | Namespace UI (Userinterface) Containing the namespace, EMouseCursors containing the function to load the cursors |
NMouseCursors | |
NUtilityInterface | |