Local Simulation user interface

Applies to 2023.0 Update and later

Get acquainted with the range of controls for solving simulations and analyzing the results.

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Start-up dialog

By default, Local Simulation shows start-up dialog for convenience upon launch.

Powderbed fusion, Directed-energy deposition Click either to select which type of new simulation to set up.
Create simulation As the next step, click this to open the applicable source file.
  • For powderbed fusion, load mesh models.
  • For directed-energy deposition, select an LSR file.
Open simulation Prompts to browse for an existing simulation project (filetype TIVUS)
Recent files Shows a list of recently opened simulation projects
Manage processing parameters Opens the processing parameters library directly
To set up and run a simulation Links to the quickstart guide in this help
Tutorials Links to the section of tutorials in this help

Main window
