Editing a pcurve

Occasionally when you generate a pcurve, it may need adjusting slightly.

Note: Editing a pcurve also changes the boundary containing it.

To edit a pcurve:

  1. Select the surfaces on which the pcurve lies.
  2. Click Surface Tools tab > Mode panel > Trim Region On/Off.

    The Trim Region toolbar is displayed.

  3. Select Pcurve edit mode from the mode flyout:

    All pcurves on the selected surfaces are displayed.

  4. Use the pcurve editing options to edit the pcurves:
    • — Generates diagnostics on pcurves.
    • — Selects all pcurves on the selected surface.
    • — Selects all unused pcurves on the selected surface.
    • — Displays/removes the pcurve selector.
    • — Removes one-point spikes from the selected pcurve.
    • — Removes loops from the selected pcurve.
    • — Removes surplus points to simplify the selected pcurve.
    • — Labels the ppoints on pcurves.
    • — Turn point labels off.
    • — Makes pcurves from wireframe.
    • — Copy pcurves.
    • — Extends the selected pcurve.
    • — Cuts the selected pcurve at the selected point into two pcurves.
    • — Opens the pcurve.
    • — Closes the pcurve.
    • — Deletes the pcurve.
    • — Displays/removes the ppoint selector.
    • — Edits the parametric value at the selected ppoint.
    • — Inserts ppoints into a pcurve.
    • — Deletes the selected ppoint on a pcurve.
    Note: Most operations are available when multiple surfaces are selected.