About Area Calculation with DIN 277-1:2016-01

Area calculation can be performed in Areabook according to the current DIN 277-1:2016-01 version.

DIN 277 Edition January 2016: "Areas and volumes of buildings Part 1 - Building construction"

New compulsory regulations were integrated such as room enclosure, changed terms, and structure levels for example. The regulations result in a completely new version of export files, new room assignment files, and new tags.

The new DIN 277 is available along with the previous 2005 version.
  • Existing projects which were created with the 2005 version can continue to be used without updating.
  • Existing projects can be updated to the new 2016 version if needed.
  • New DIN 277 projects will be calculated with the 2016 version preset by default.
When working with the new DIN 277 2016 edition, please note:
  • Default descriptions throughout this documentation assume the current DIN 277 2016 edition.
  • Parts of the user interface change when you set the current DIN 277 2016 edition in the Calculation Settings dialog.
  • Exporting area calculations requires new export templates. The old templates are obsolete. Customized templates with company logos will need to be updated with the newer templates.
  • The room assignment TXT files have changed.
  • The room tag files have changed.
  • Net Floor Area (NFA) has been renamed to NRA (Net Room Area)
  • Room sectors A, B, and C, have changed to room enclose Regular case (R) and Special case (S)