Edit Room Assignment Type

Edit the properties assigned to a room type when calculating area.

  1. Click Quantification tab Areabook Extension panel (Edit Room Assignment Type).
  2. In the Edit Room Assignment Type dialog, select the room type from the Type drop-down menu.
  3. To duplicate a room type, click (Duplicate the type)
  4. To rename a room type, click (Rename the type)
  5. To delete a room type, click (Delete the type)
  6. Modify the values of the parameters. Parameter definitions are listed below.
  7. Click Cancel to close the Edit Room Assignment Type dialog and dismiss any changes to the family type.
  8. Click OK to accept the changes and close Edit Room Assignment Type dialog. On the next area calculation, the new type assignments will be matched with the appropriate room names.
Name Description
Family Displays the room assignment family associated with the standard of the current project.
Room Type The current room type displaying parameters in the Edit Room Assignment Type dialog. All existing room types in the project standard are predefined and listed in this drop menu.

Select another room type to view and edit its parameters.

Calculation Factor % Percentage for calculating area for the currently selected room type. 100 means a full calculation factor; 50 means half calculation; 0 specifies no calculation takes place.
Room Enclosure (DIN-Standard Only) Room enclosure sectors defined as either:
  • Regular case (R): covered and enclosed sector in full height on all sides.
  • Special case (S): all other sectors.
Area Type DIN 277-1 (2016) (DIN-Standard Only) The area type determined by the DIN 277-1 German standard. Select one of the following:
  • NUF Nutzungsfläche
  • TF Technikfläche
  • VF Verkehrsfläche
NRA Subdivision DIN 277-1 (2016) (DIN-Standard Only) The net room area subdivision type determined by the DIN 277-1 German standard. Select one of the following:

1-Wohnen und Aufenthalt





6-Heilen and Pflegen

7-Sonstige Nutzungen

8-Technische Anlagen


Comments User defined comments about the currently selected room assignment type.