About Room Assignment Type

Learn how room assignment types assign room names to predefined area definitions.

Each project standard requires particularly predefined room assignments in the appropriate language. These are defined by their project standard (the International Standard or a DIN standard).

Area calculation applies labels to each existing room with a room tag containing Areabook-specific data. A comprehensive list of predefined room names based on the project standard is contained in the room assignment file:
For accurate room tags, you should:
Note: The correct definition in the room assignment file should already be completed before the first area calculation. When the room assignment file is later changed, and you run another area calculation, the room assignments applied on the first calculation are kept. This ensures that you do not to overwrite manual changes. You can however change the room assignment anytime with the (Edit Room) tool and selecting the room name from the Type list.

Understand that upon area calculation, the room names are compared with the contents of the room assignments file and the equivalents are replaced. Areabook takes away the duty of manually assigning each room from you. Be aware that the Equivalents must be identical. For example, a room named Kitchen will be identified as Kitchen in the room assignment file. If another room is named Ap2 Kitchen, Areabook will not identify an equivalence and mark the room as not defined. You could still edit each room individually.