FAQ for Autodesk® Rendering


“A Problem occurred. The file could not be translated -1”

"A problem occurred. The Rendering service could not complete your request. The file could not be uploaded."

"An authentication error occurred."

"A problem occurred. The Rendering service could not complete your request."

"No Internet connection. You must be connected to the internet to access this service."

No rendering dialog/ compressed rendering window

Render quality issues

Why is the material/texture scale wrong (too big)?

Why is the material color incorrect?

Why does my image look speckled and noisy even in the final quality render?

Why does my image look so bright? How can I adjust the exposure?

How can I specify image size when rendering from Revit?

Why are some objects (walls or furniture) in my render are missing?

Why are there differences between Native and Cloud rendering?

After I click "Start rendering" nothing happens. I don't see my renders in My Renderings. It looks like my render job is stuck or has failed. What should I do?

Known issues

What are some known service limitations?

Are there known feature issues?

Are there any known performance issues?