3D Elements View

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A refined analysis model can be viewed with 3D object rendering. This allows the user to check the structural integrity of the model. The 3D objects rendered include beam elements, finite elements, supports, beam releases and post tensioned tendons. Features include:

Outline Procedure

This form is accessed via File | 3D Elements View from the main menu, or by the shortcut Ctrl-M.

Form Graphic

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Field Help

Common toolbar commands are detailed in the topic Analysis Graphics Toolbars field help. Commands exclusive to the 3D Elements View are as follows:

3D Elements

Toggle this button to switch between 3D and 2D view configurations. Annotation is only available for the 2D Elements view. The member annotation is aligned to the local x axis.

Section Cut

Toggle this button to switch between a section cut view and the full model view. When switching to section cut mode for the first time, a prompt will be shown to pick the cut line. This is done by two mouse clicks across the model. For example, in plan view, a click either side of the model will give an elevation cut view.

The drop down arrow on the Section Cut button shows a menu with the following additional commands:

Command Description
Pick Cut Plane... Select to define section cut plane.
Off Switches off section cut mode.
Cross Section Sets section cut mode to cross section.
Forward Division Switch to mode which hides model behind section cut.
Backward Division Switch to mode which hides model in front of section cut.
Capping Mode The cut face can be hatched, solid or clear.

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Use this form for finer control of the dynamic view.

Refer to the General toolbar field help for additional view configuration items (i.e. colour scheme, wire frame view, etc.).

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