Manage Incoming
The Incoming tab in Bridge shows content that your project has received from other projects. These can include:
- Sheets
- Files and folders
- As-builts
You can also import sheets, files, and folders from another project into this project. Learn more in Import Sheets, Files, and Folders from Another Project.
View Incoming Bridge Details
In the Incoming tab of the Bridge tool, you can see a list with information about the content being shared to other projects.
To customize and rearrange the columns in this table, click the cog icon at the far right of the table.
- Hold the to drag a column into the order you want.
- Some columns are required and cannot be hidden. Any columns with a checkbox can be selected or deselected to be shown or hidden.
Here are details about all the columns that you can have:
Title: The name for the group of as-builts, sheets, files, or folders that were shared with your project. This value can come from:
- The title entered when the items were shared. If none was entered, the title is "untitled".
- If a file or sheet is shared through an automation, the corresponding file or sheet name will appear as the title.
- If items were imported into this project, the title will be Imported.
Type: Sheets, Files, or As-builts
- Files: Received from another project
- Sheets (Autodesk Build): Received from another project or from a link
- As-builts (Autodesk Build): Received from another project
- As-builts (PlanGrid): Received from a PlanGrid project or workspace
Status: Review, Received, Rejected, Expired, or Failed
- Review: For project administrators only, content that needs your attention will be at the top of the list and the number of items will be in red next to the Incoming tab. Click Review to accept or reject the shared content. Learn more in Add or Reject Shared Files.
- Received, Rejected, Expired: When shared files must be accepted by a project administrator, this is the status of that process.
- Failed: The content was not successfully copied into this project. Try again.
Reviewed on: The date a project administrator in the target project of these files accepted or rejected the content
Reviewed by: The project administrator who accepted or rejected the content
Shared from: The project the incoming content came from
Shared on: The date the content was shared to this project
Shared through: Manual share or Automation
- Manual share: The sender initiated the sharing from the source project and selected whether to enable automatic syncing.
- Automation: Content was updated or added in the source project and was automatically shared by an existing Bridge automation.
Automatic syncing enabled: Yes or No
You can view what was received by selecting an instance.
This will take you to a detailed view of the sheets, files, and folders that was sent. You can view the sheet or files and folders directly by clicking the name. You will be taken to the Sheets or Files tool accordingly.