Pattern Takeoff Dialog

The Pattern Takeoff dialog is used to set the pattern template values and then accept the pattern into the job. This is accomplished using the options available on the Dimensions, Options, Items and Connectors tabs. The values set on these tabs are used to generate the pattern developments, and therefore the subsequent NC code.

The Pattern Takeoff dialog is organized into two sections. The Pattern View section on the left is divided into four subsequent views, showing the pattern from different perspectives. On the right, the Data Input section is where the pattern's dimensional data is entered. There are buttons at the bottom of the dialog that are used to Add Hole (if supported by the pattern), Develop, Redraw, Cancel and Accept the pattern respectively.

The Pattern View Section

The four views of the pattern by default display the Plan view (top left), the Right hand view (top right), the Front view (bottom left) and the 3-D Isometric view (bottom right), based on the default First Angle Projection. All the views can be moved to display different views of the fitting.

If Third Angle Projection is preferred, you can switch the views.

The Data Input Section

The Data Input section of the Takeoff dialog (the right side of the dialog) allows the user to enter a variety of dimensions and other important information about the item. For most patterns, a large variety of sizes, shapes, and options are possible from a single pattern. This example below uses a single pattern, a Pipe with Branch (CID 851), to describe the many options available on a single pattern using the Takeoff dialog.

By changing the data in the input section, it is possible to redraw the fitting, and see the changes as they affect the pattern. The lettering convention used throughout only applies if the pattern has no locked dimensions.

Dimensions Tab

The Dimensions tab lets you specify a variety of dimensions that control the sizes of the various parts of the item.

Options Tab

The Options tab lets you configure the options that are available for the fitting. The list of options that display on this tab are different for each type of fitting.

The list below describes the options for this particular fitting, shown in the example above, and what happens when they are applied.

With a combination of all of the Dimension and Option settings listed, many possibilities exist from just one pattern template. The purpose is to provide flexibility in how the ductwork is manufactured and to enable ease of assembly by cutting the parts in a logical and familiar way for sheet metal workers.

Item Tab

The Item tab specifies other important information. By default the Item tab is displayed as shown below.

It is also possible to enable more options on the Item tab. For more information see the Takeoff Options.

Note: For further information see the Specifications.

Connectors tab

The Connectors page allows connectors and seams to be assigned to the pattern after they have been set up in the Pattern Database. This method allows a common series of allowances to be applied to all connector ends of a pattern and for a seam to be identified by name rather than by the size of allowance. This is helpful in that printouts of the pattern will list the actual connectors and seams rather than a series of turnovers and allowances. If Specifications have been set up, it is possible that the seams and connectors will be selected automatically. Even if this is the case, it is still possible to change the seams and connectors to be applied.

The Connectors section at the top of the tab shows a list of the connectors available in the fittings. Once again, it is possible to relate which connector will be added and where.

The Seams section, similarly to the connectors, shows a list of seams in the fitting. As before, it is possible to relate which seam will be applied and where.

When the all Dimensions, options etc have been entered, it is possible to accept the part.