Button Script Commands

The following commands can be added to a button as a Button Script.

Script Command Description
PickPoint Select point(s) on screen to be used by script commands in the button script; for example, Stretch to 3 points, Fit to 3 points.
Add the item associated with the button to the model at either the active end (Attacher arrow) or user position by prompting. This is the default action of clicking on the button to add to the model. This is typically used when there is a selection of items behind a button that you want to add to the model sequentially; for example, a length of straight followed immediately by a damper. With a straight and a damper associated with the button, the sequence of actions would be:
  1. PickPoint
  2. PickPoint
  3. Stretch to Three Points - Straight or Bend
  4. Increment to next Valid Item
  5. Takeoff
Set Attacher Set the Attacher arrow to the end of the last item added to the model, so additional items can be attached in that place.
Takeoff by Other End All items by default attach via Connector End 1 (C1). In some situations, an item such as a valve or a 45 Tee has a handle or branch oriented the wrong way if it is attached via the C1 Connector End. This scripting command lets you to change the connector end that the items attach to. See Takeoff by Other End for a step-by-step example of how to create and execute this script.
Force Fix Relative Inserts the associated button item into the model and applies the Fix Relative option.
Insert Into Run Branch Emulates the "Takeoff As Cut in" command.
Insert Into Run Same functionality as Insert into Run Branch described above.
Remove Attacher Removes the active Attacher from the model so that the next part added to the model reverts to prompting for a position.
Match Item by Width/Depth at Insertion End Makes the next active item behind the button one that matches the current size. Can have several different sized items. This will match the one that fits for the current dimensions. Useful in assembly takeoffs where there may be different fittings for different sizes.
Use First Item
Makes the next active item the first one in the list on the button, which can then be taken off. The sequence of actions would be:
  1. PickPoint
  2. PickPoint
  3. Stretch to Three Points - Straight or Bend
  4. Increment to next Valid Item
  5. Takeoff
  6. Use First Item
  7. Takeoff
Stretch to Three Points - Straight or Bend
Inserts and stretches the item associated with the button into the model between the points selected - 2 for a straight, and 3 for a bend. The sequence of actions would be:
  1. PickPoint
  2. PickPoint
  3. Stretch to Three Points - Straight or Bend
Fit To Three Points - No Stretching
Inserts the item associated with the button into the model between the points selected - 2 for a straight, and 3 for a bend. The sequence of actions would be:
  1. PickPoint
  2. PickPoint
  3. Fit To Three Points - No Stretching
Match Item by Length/Angle Used in conjunction with Match by Width/Depth. Locates a matching item in the button list that satisfies the Width/Depth and Length/Angle of the active item.
Match Items by Lengths Less Than Used in conjunction with Match by Width/Depth. Locates a matching item in the button list that satisfies the Width/Depth and its length is less than the Length of the active item.
Do not match by Length Resets the search functionality to only use Width/Depth.
Increment To Next Valid Item Using matching criteria index next matching item (in the button items). Match via carry over sizes.
Fit From Bottom - Appendable
Point modifiers that modify the PickPoints to be justified so the part placed uses the same justification. The part must be added before the PickPoint they are going to apply to. The sequence of actions would be:
  1. Fit From Bottom - Appendable
  2. PickPoint
  3. Fit From Bottom - Appendable
  4. PickPoint
  5. Fit From Bottom - Appendable
  6. PickPoint
  7. Stretch to Three Points - Straight or Bend

The example would position the bend in the model so that the bottom of the bend is at the height of the points picked.

Fit From Top - Appendable Provides the same behavior as described above, but with Top alignment.
Fit From Left - Appendable Provides the same behavior as described above, but with Left alignment.
Fit From Right - Appendable Provides the same behavior as described above, but with Right alignment.
Revert To Default Fit Removes all the Point Modifiers previously applied to the PickPoint.
Run to End Provides a way to automate a branch run between the main duct run and a grill, or between the main duct run and a similar item. Once setup, this command reduces the time it takes to perform this often repetitive procedure. See Run to End for a step-by-step example of how to create and execute this script.