JointGeometry Object

Derived from: Base Object
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Components/JointGeometry.h>


A transient object used to define and query the geometric input of a joint and the resulting coordinate system it defines. New JointGeometry objects are created using its various static create methods and are then used as input to the Joints.createInput method.


Name Description
classType Static function that all classes support that returns the type of the class as a string. The returned string matches the string returned by the objectType property. For example if you have a reference to an object and you want to check if it's a SketchLine you can use myObject.objectType == fusion.SketchLine.classType().
createByBetweenTwoPlanes Creates a new transient JointGeometry object based on a plane bisecting the two input planes.
createByCurve Creates a new transient JointGeometry object using a BRepEdge or SketchCurve as input. A JointGeometry object can be used to create a joint or joint origin.
createByNonPlanarFace Creates a new transient JointGeometry object based on a non-planar analytical BRepFace object. This is limited to cylinders, cones, spheres, and tori. A JointGeometry object can be used to create a joint or joint origin.
createByPlanarFace Creates a new transient JointGeometry object based on a planar BRepFace object. A JointGeometry object can be used to create a joint or joint origin.
createByPoint Creates a new transient JointGeometry object using a ConstructionPoint, SketchPoint or BRepVertex as input. A JointGeometry object can be used to create a joint or joint origin.
createByProfile Creates a new transient JointGeometry object based on a planar BRepFace object. A JointGeometry object can be used to create a joint or joint origin.
createByTwoEdgeIntersection Creates a new transient JointGeometry object that is positioned at the intersection of the two input linear BRepEdge objects.


Name Description
entityOne The first entity that's defining this joint geometry. This can be various types of geometry depending on how this joint geometry is defined. The geometryType property indicates how this joint geometry is defined a provides a clue about the type of geometry to expect back from this property.
entityTwo This is the second entity that defines this joint geometry. This isn't used for all joint geometry types and will return null in the cases where it's not used. A second geometry is used in the case where the geometryType property returns JointProfileGeometry, JointPlanarBRepFaceGeometry, JointBetweenTwoFacesGeometry or JointByTwoEdgeIntersectionGeometry.
geometryType Returns the type of geometry this JointGeometry object represents.
isValid Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference.
keyPointType Returns the keypoint type this JointGeometry is using.
objectType This property is supported by all objects in the API and returns a string that contains the full name (namespace::objecttype) describing the type of the object.

It's often useful to use this in combination with the classType method to see if an object is a certain type. For example: if obj.objectType == adsk.core.Point3D.classType():
origin Returns the origin point that's been calculated for this joint geometry.
planeOne Returns the first plane for joint geometry that is defined between two planes. Returns null in all other cases.
planeTwo Returns the second plane for joint geometry that is defined between two planes. Returns null in all other cases.
primaryAxisVector Returns the direction of the primary axis that's been calculated for this joint geometry. Conceptually, this is the Z-axis of the computed coordinate system.
secondaryAxisVector Returns the direction of the secondary axis that's been calculated for this joint geometry. Conceptually, this is the X-axis of the computed coordinate system.
thirdAxisVector Returns the direction of the third axis that's been calculated for this joint geometry. Conceptually, this is the Y-axis of the computed coordinate system.

Accessed From

AsBuiltJoint.geometry, AsBuiltJointInput.geometry, JointGeometry.createByBetweenTwoPlanes, JointGeometry.createByCurve, JointGeometry.createByNonPlanarFace, JointGeometry.createByPlanarFace, JointGeometry.createByPoint, JointGeometry.createByProfile, JointGeometry.createByTwoEdgeIntersection, JointOrigin.geometry, JointOriginInput.geometry


Name Description
BallJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with ball joint motion
CylindricalJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with cylindrical joint motion.
Joint Origin Between Two Faces Sample Demonstrates creating a new Joint Origin between two planes.
Joint Origin Sample Demonstrates creating a new Joint Origin.
Joint API Sample Demonstrates creating a new joint.
Pin Slot Joint Motion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with pin slot joint motion
Planar Joint Motion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with planar joint motion
RevoluteJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with revolute joint motion.
SliderJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with slider joint motion.


Introduced in version July 2015