Design Reservation

Design Reservation lets you and your project members reserve designs while you edit them in order to prevent design conflicts in your projects.

collaboration illustration

design reservation open and reserved example

Note: Only a team's Administrator can enable or disable Design Reservation. If you are not an Administrator, contact your team's Administrator to enable or disable this feature. Design Reservation is not available for Fusion for personal use or teams with only one member.


An Avatar is a set of initials in a colored circle that represents a project member in Fusion.

design reservation avatars - open

A project member's Avatar displays in the following places when they have a design or external component open:

Reservation Badges

A Reservation Badge is a white dot applied to the lower-right corner of a project member's Avatar while they are editing a design. The Reservation Badge indicates that the project member has made a savable change to the design. The design is reserved by that project member until they save or discard their changes.

design reservation avatars - reserved

A project member's Avatar, with the Reservation Badge applied, displays in the following places when they are editing a design or external component:

design reservation reservation badge

Read-Only For Me

When you're working on a distributed design with multiple project members, there may be times when you want to view, analyze, or experiment with a design without reserving it and blocking access for other project members.

Read-Only For Me lets you temporarily make a design read-only for yourself, so you're free to navigate the design while other project members continue editing.

You can make a design read-only for you before you make any savable changes or after you've made a savable change and the design is reserved for you.

If you've already edited a design and it is reserved by you, when you use Read-Only For Me to make it read-only for yourself, Fusion releases your reservation so that another project member can edit the design and save their changes.

The Read-Only menu displays at the top of the canvas, indicating that the design is read-only. You can make the design savable again from here.

read-only menu

A lock icon also displays on the document tab next to the design name.

read-only for me lock

If you right-click the default component, you can also hover over Read-Only For Me in the context menu to see the current status of the design:


read-only savable