Activity 2: Face the top

In this activity, we will flatten the top surface of the block in a process called Facing.



  1. Start a new facing operation and, from the Tutorial Tools (Metric) library, select the #1 - Ø50 mm (Face mill) tool.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 2D > Face image.

    2. On the Tool tab image, click Select. This opens the tool library.

    3. In the left panel of the Tool Library dialog, select Fusion Library > Tutorial Tools (Metric)

    4. From the list, select #1 - Ø50 mm (Face mill).


    5. Click Select.

  2. Verify the stock Face selection, change the Pass Extension setting to 5 mm, and start the calculation.

    1. In the Face command palette, click the Geometry tab image. Face assumes the stock area is the same as the machining area. The size of the stock is shown as a yellow outline around the part. There is nothing to specify.


    2. Click the Passes tab image.

    3. Increase Pass Extension to 5 mm. The Pass Extension setting specifies the distance to extend the cut beyond the machining boundary shown in yellow.

    4. Click OK to start the calculation.

Activity 2 summary

In this activity you selected a Facing operation, selected a library tool and flattened the top of the part.

The calculated toolpath is shown below. The simulated toolpath is shown below.
image image

The toolpath is shown with a red arrow start, yellow rapid move, green lead in/out move, blue cutting moves and a green arrow at the end.