Activity 7: Cavity Contour

In this activity, we will start the finishing process with 3D Contour. This will finish the cavity walls.



  1. Start a new 3D Contour operation and, from the Tutorial Tools (Metric) library, select the #21 - Ø6 mm R3 mm ball tool.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Contour image.
    2. On the Tool tab image, click Select. This opens the tool library.
    3. In the Library, select Samples > Tutorial – Metric
    4. From the list, select #21 - Ø6 mm R3 mm (Ball end mill).
    5. Click Select.
  2. Containment of the machining area and angled wall slope control.

    1. In the 3D Contour command palette, click the Geometry tab image.
    2. From the Tool Containment drop-down list, select Tool center on boundary. This will keep the toolpath within the shadow edge boundary of the model.
    3. Set Additional Offset to 1 mm.
    4. Enable the Slope checkbox.
    5. Set From Slope Angle to 30 degrees.*. This will limit machinable faces that range from 30 deg. horizontal, to 90 deg. vertical.
  3. Depth cut settings, flat area detection.

    1. Click the Passes tab image.
    2. Set Maxiumum Stepdown to .3 mm.
    3. Disable the Flat area detection checkbox.
  4. Controlling the rapid retract clearance method.

    1. Click the Linking tab image.
    2. Set the Retraction Policy drop-down list to Minimum retraction.
    3. Set Safe Distance to 5 mm.
    4. Set Maximum Stay Down Distance to 8 mm.
    5. Click OK to start the calculation.

Activity 7 summary

In this activity you selected a 3D Contour finishing operation, selected a library tool, contained the toolpath, restricted the angle of the walls it will machine.

The calculated toolpath is shown below. The simulated toolpath is shown below.
image image

The toolpath is shown with a red arrow start, yellow rapid move, green lead in/out move, blue cutting moves and a green arrow at the end.