Activity 6: Flat areas

In this activity, we will use the Horizontal strategy to mill all the flat areas on the part,inside the machining boundary.



  1. Start a new 3D Horizontal operation and verify that Tool #14 - Ø5 mm R0.5 bullnose, is still the active tool.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Horizontal image.
    2. Select the Tool tab image
    3. Be sure tool #14 - Ø5 mm R0.5 bullnose is still the active tool.
  2. Limit the toolpath area to cut below the Top.

    1. Click the Heights tab image.
    2. The Top height drop-down list should be set to Model Top.
    3. Set the Top height Offset to -1 mm. Since we Face milled the top, this area is already machined. The Offset insures the toolpaths will start below the top face of the part.
  3. Depth cut settings, Optimal load and Stock to leave.

    1. Click the Passes tab image.
    2. Enable the Multiple Depths.
    3. Set Maxiumum Stepdown to .4 mm.
    4. Set Number of Stepdowns to 3 mm.
  4. Controlling the rapid retract clearance method and the ramp type.

    1. Click the Linking tab image.
    2. Set the Retraction Policy drop-down list to Minimum retraction.
    3. Set the Ramp Type to Plunge.
    4. Click OK to start the calculation.

Activity 6 summary

In this activity you selected a 3D Horizontal operation, restricted the top of the machining area, set multiple passes to remove material on all the flat areas, except the Model Top.

The calculated toolpath is shown below. The simulated toolpath is shown below.
image image

The toolpath is shown with a red arrow start, yellow rapid move, green lead in/out move, blue cutting moves and a green arrow at the end.