The Duplicate tool within the Additive workflow offers you the option to add multiple instances of selected components to the Manufacturing Model.
Alongside the Fill Build Volume tool, where the multiplication and distribution of copies happens automatically, Duplicate offers a way to efficiently arrange component copies in a controlled way.
In the Place Copies drop-down, you can choose between three distribution methods:
At Same Location places copies of the selected components in the same locations as the originals. You can then rearrange them manually or automatically using Additive Arrange.
In Array (True Shape) places copies at equal distances along a single axis. The True Shape calculation method used in this option allows the copies to interlock, so that they could be placed closer to each other. In this method, you specify a minimum gap to be left between neighboring copies.
Along XYZ Axis (Bounding Box) places copies at equal distances along the X, Y, and Z axes. This option uses the Bounding Box space calculation method which does not allow interlocking of the copies. The spacing that you specify in this method sets the distance between their respective bounding boxes.