Work with tool presets

Create a tool preset and copy it to another tool of the same type. Reorder presets in a way that works best for you.

Create a tool preset

Create presets of your proven feeds and speeds for different materials, machines, or cutting application (rough/finish).

  1. In the Tool Library, select a library and a tool for which you create a preset.

  2. Right-click the tool and select Edit tool from the context menu.

Note: You can edit tools in these libraries: Documents, Local, and Cloud if enabled.

A dialog for editing tool parameters appears.

  1. Open the Cutting data tab and click Add preset library cut data add preset icon to create a preset. If there are not other presets for the tool, the default preset is selected.

  2. Enter a preset name.

create a tool preset

A preset with the specified name appears on the list. It is a copy of the default preset.

Tip: If a tool has other presets, you can select any of them, then click Add preset library cut data add preset icon to create a preset based on it.
  1. Modify the preset parameters as needed.

    Tip: You can enter cutting data, or use the Surface speed and Use feed per revolution parameters to calculate the speeds & feeds.

Copy and paste presets to tools

Select presets and paste them to tools of the same type. When pasting, expression-based parameters in the presets are updated, making it easy for you to replicate presets across tools.

Copying and pasting presets is particularly helpful when you use expressions to drive cutting data from tool geometry. The expression-based parameters persist in the Tool Library dialog.

  1. In the Tool Library, select a library and a tool whose preset you want to copy.

  2. In the Cutting Data table, right-click a preset and select Copy preset copy preset icon from the context menu.

Note: To select multiple presets, hold the Shift or Ctrl key.

copy preset

  1. Select a target tool where you want to paste the preset.
Note: You can copy a preset to one or more tools of the same type. For example, for a milling tool, you can copy a preset from a Ball end mill tool and paste it to another Ball end mill tool.
  1. In the Cutting Data table for the target tool, right-click and select Paste preset paste preset icon from the context menu.

The confirmation appears in the bottom-right corner of the Tool Library dialog.

You have successfully copied the preset to the target tool.

Reorder presets

  1. Place the pointer over a preset.
  2. Press and hold the button to the left of the preset name.
  3. Drag the preset to a desired location.

library cut data presets