Post process for a part alignment

Fusion Manufacturing Extension

This feature is part of an extension. Extensions are a flexible way to access additional capabilities in Fusion. Learn more.

After you have generated an Inspect Surface operation to inspect the surface of the part, post process it to create NC code, which you can then run on the CNC machine fitted with a probe.

  1. In the Part Alignment contextual environment, click Post for Alignment post for alignment icon.

    The NC Program dialog opens.

  2. In the Operations tab, confirm that only the Inspect Surface operations, whose results will be used to calculate the part alignment, are selected.

    operations tab

    Note: A red cross cross icon indicates that the part alignment has not been calculated yet.
  3. (Optional) If you have multiple operations and want to group those that use the same probe, select the Reorder to Minimize Tool Changes checkbox.

  4. Complete the Settings tab, selecting an appropriate post processor that supports Inspect Surface capabilities.

    Note: The parameters displayed depend on the selected post processor.
  5. Click Post.

    An NC Program node is added to the Browser and a message is displayed when the file has been created.

Now transfer the NC code to the machine controller, and then run it on the CNC machine. After that, import the inspection results so that Fusion can calculate the part alignment.

Warning: All manufacturing operations require a supporting post processor to send instructions to a CNC machine. Post processors to support new capabilities are constantly under development and will be made available for download from the Post Library when ready. To get help with editing a post processor, visit the HSM Post Processor Forum, or contact a reseller on the Services Marketplace to ask about customizations.