Projected views

In the Drawing workspace in Fusion, you can use the Projected View command to create additional views of a design, relative to a parent view.

A projected view is an orthographic view that is generated from the base view, another projected view, or a section view on the current sheet.


You can create projected views in 8 orientations, relative to the parent view. The orientation is determined by the direction in which you drag the cursor when you create the projected view.

projected view example

  Orientation Drag direction
1 Right Right (0 degrees)
2 NE Isometric Upper right (45 degrees)
3 Top Up (90 degrees)
4 NW Isometric Upper left (135 degrees)
5 Left Left (180 degrees)
6 SW Isometric Lower left (225 degrees)
7 Bottom Down (270 degrees)
8 SE Isometric Lower right (315 degrees)


A projected view maintains a parent/child relationship with the view from which it was generated. A projected view inherits the properties of the base view by default.

If you change the properties of the base view, the projected view properties also change. However, if you override a property of a projected view, then change that property in the base view, the property will not update in the projected view.