Activity 7: Associatively update the drawing

Update a drawing to reflect any changes made to the model.

In this activity, you:


How to Know when the Model has Changed

If you make any changes to the model's geometry and then save the model, you can update your drawing to reflect those changes by clicking Get Latest get latest icon on the toolbar.

If there are saved changes to a model, you can see this message in the bottom right corner of your screen:

get latest

A warning indicating saved changes to a model.

And you can see this message if you hover over the Get Latest button:

get latest

Get Latest button and its message.

How to Update the Drawing

If you click the Get Latest button, the drawing updates to reflect any changes made to the model since the drawing was created (or since Get Latest was last executed).


Get Latest button and its message.

If any annotations associated with the drawing become disassociated because of the model change, badges are displayed on the screen. To delete or manually re-associate these badged annotations, you can perform one of the following two corrective steps:

Activity 7 summary

In this activity, you: