Structural constraints in the Generative Design workspace

Constraints enable you to define how the design interacts with the objects not included in the model and how it is fixed. Constraints are applied to the model to prevent it from moving in response to applied loads.

It is a critical part of the design requirements in a generative study and influences the final shapes of outcomes. You must apply at least one constraint to a preserve geometry body.

Defining constraints

To define constraints, use the Structural Constraints structural constraint icon command. You can access it from the Design Conditions panel of the Generative Design toolbar.

You can apply constraints to the preserve geometry only. It is displayed in green on the canvas.

Constraint types

You can apply the following constraints:

Constraint Description
fixed constraint icon Fixed Prevents movement in selected directions. By default, all three global directions are constrained.
pin constraint icon Pin Prevents movement in radial, axial, or tangential directions. This constraint is only applicable to cylindrical surfaces (full cylinder or segment).
frictionless constraint icon Frictionless Prevents movement in the direction normal to the surface.
remote constraint icon Remote constraint Prevents movement in selected directions, similar to a fixed constraint, except the constraint is located at a remote location. When all 6 degrees of freedom are fixed, a remote constraint is the same as a fixed constraint.