Design conditions

Design conditions are constraints and loads that you need to apply to your generative model. These load cases (sets of constraints and loads) allow you to represent the conditions that the design will have to withstand in the real world.

To specify these conditions, use the tools in the Design Conditions panel of the Generative Design toolbar.

Tool Description
structural constraint icon Structural Constraints Use constraints to define how the design interacts with the objects not included in the model.

Apply enough constraints to fully fix at least one preserve geometry so that it can resist the applied loads.
structural load icon Structural Loads Use loads to define the external forces that cause your design to work, but can also bend or break it. The design should be strong enough to resist the loads you apply. Apply loads that best match what the design will be exposed to in the real world.

Apply at least one load to a preserve geometry.
load case attributes icon Load Case Attributes Use it to view and edit attributes of constraints and loads defined in the active load case.
point mass icon Point Mass (Manual) Use it to represents the effects of an external component attached to the generative model.