
This area of learning content consists of a series of tutorials that provide you with detailed, step-by-step instructions for a variety of different tasks, and are a great way to get started with the Generative Design in Fusion.

Model datasets

Each tutorial shows you how to locate and open the required Fusion model dataset. You cannot modify the source files; they are read-only. You will create and work with a personal copy of each tutorial dataset.

Tutorials organization

ge bracket quick start tutorial example GE bracket quick start tutorial

In this tutorial, you set up a generative study by specifying a design space, design conditions, and design criteria for the engine bracket. Next, you explore the outcomes that satisfy the design requirements specified in your study.
alcoa bracket quick start tutorial example ALCOA bracket quick start tutorial

In this tutorial, you use a starting shape in a generative study to redesign an existing bracket. You set up a generative design by specifying the design requirements for the bearing bracket. Next, you explore the outcomes to see how the starting shape influences the shape of the generated design.
ge bracket model geometry tutorial example GE bracket model geometry tutorial

There are some components of a starting shape geometry that you want to preserve in your outcomes. There are also areas of the design space where you don't want any geometry to be created. In this tutorial, you create preserve geometry and obstacle geometry from your starting shape.
motorcycle triple clamp tutorial example Motorcycle triple clamp tutorial - manufacturing methods

In this tutorial, you set up different manufacturing methods to identify the best outcome that meets the manufacturing requirements. The purpose of this tutorial is to redesign the motorcycle triple clamp using generative design to provide significant weight savings and choose the best manufacturing method.
front loader tutorial example Front Loader - work with an AutodeskĀ® InventorĀ® file

In this tutorial, you go through the workflow of using generative design with a model that has been created in Inventor. The purpose of this tutorial is to redesign the part of the front loader using generative design and compare different manufacturing methods to provide significant weight and cost savings.
Note: A generation process runs on the cloud, and relies on cloud computational services. Tokens or the Fusion Simulation Extension are required.