Create a rectangular pattern

Learn how to use the Rectangular Pattern command to duplicate faces, bodies, features, or components in a design and distribute them along linear axes in rows and columns to create a rectangular pattern in Fusion.

rectangular pattern example

  1. Click Design > Solid > Create > Pattern > Rectangular Pattern rectangular pattern icon

    The Rectangular Pattern dialog displays, and Type is set to Rectangular Pattern.

  2. Select the Object Type:

    • faces icon Faces: Duplicates faces on solid or surface bodies and distributes them according to the pattern settings.
    • body icon Bodies: Duplicates solid or surface bodies and distributes them according to the pattern settings.
    • pattern features icon Features: Duplicates features in the timeline and distributes them according to the pattern settings.
    • components icon Components: Duplicates components in an assembly and distributes them according to the pattern settings.
  3. In the canvas, Browser, or Timeline, select Objects to pattern.

  4. Select one or more linear objects to define the Axes to distribute pattern instances along.

    You can select edges, axes, or sketch curves.

    After you select directions, two perpendicular quantity manipulators display in the canvas.

    Select a second edge to change the angle of the second direction.

  5. Select the Distribution:

    • extent icon Extent: Distributes pattern instances evenly along the full extent of the distance value that you specify.
    • spacing icon Spacing: Distributes pattern instances so that they are spaced at the distance value that you specify.
  6. For Axis 1, adjust the Quantity, Distance, and Direction:

    1. Drag the Quantity manipulator handle in the canvas, or enter an exact value.

    2. Drag the Distance manipulator handles in the canvas, or enter an exact value.

    3. Select a Direction:

      • one direction icon One Direction: Distributes pattern instances in one direction from the source object along this axis.
      • symmetric direction icon Symmetric: Distributes pattern instances symmetrically in two directions from the source object along this axis.
  7. For Axis 2, adjust the Quantity, Distance, and Direction:

    1. Specify the Quantity value.

    2. Specify the Distance value.

    3. Select a Direction:

      • one direction icon One Direction
      • symmetric direction icon Symmetric
  8. If Object Type is set to pattern features icon Features, select a Compute Type:

    • Optimized: Creates identical copies by patterning feature faces. (Fastest)
    • Identical: Creates identical copies by replicating results of original features. Use when Optimized is not possible.
    • Adjust: Creates potentially different copies by patterning features and calculating extents or terminations of each instance individually. (Slowest)
    Note: The Optimized setting may cause errors when patterning split features.
  9. Optional: Check Suppression to display a suppression checkbox over each pattern instance in the canvas. Uncheck instances to remove them from the pattern.

  10. Click OK.

The Rectangular Pattern displays in the canvas.
