In this activity, you create the hole in the front of the rocker arm.
Sketch a new circle profile
To sketch a new circle profile, right click on Sketch1 in the browser and select Edit Sketch.
Go to the Sketch tab and select Circle > Center Diameter Circle.
Create a circle snapped to the center with a diameter of 24 mm.
Click keyboard Enter to commit. Click Finish Sketch to exit sketch mode.
Project the circle sketch onto the outer face of the rocker arm.
Right click on the outer face of the rocker arm, and click Sketch > Project. The model returns to Sketch mode.
Select the new circle sketch we just created. Click OK.
Notice that the color changes to purple, which indicates it has been selected.
To finish, click Finish Sketch. You should now see that the circle is now projected onto the outer face of the model.
Extrude the circle as a cut.
Select the area between the projected circle and the smaller circle, right-click and select Extrude.
Drag the Arrow Manipulator to -10 mm. Click OK to finish.
Mirror the cut on the other side.
Go to the Create drop-down menu and select Mirror.
Select Features as the Pattern Type.
Go to the timeline and select the last extrusion as the object we want to mirror.
Click the Mirror Plane option to activate which mirror plane to use.
Select the origin plane that is in the middle of the model.
If you are having trouble selecting the origin plane, remember to zoom out or click and hold to get the option to choose what you'd like to select.
To finish, click OK.
In this activity, you created a circular sketch and projected to the outer surface of the rocker arm. You then made a cut feature by extruding the circular profile. Lastly, you mirrored the cut feature to the other side of the rocker arm.