This tasks assumes you are already in the Simulation Workspace. If you are not in the Simulation workspace, use the Workspace switcher to switch to the Simulation workspace, the proceed from step 2.
Click (Setup tab > Study panel > New Simulation Study) to open the New Study dialog.
In the New Study dialog, select Quasi-static Event Simulation.
Click Settings in the top right corner of the Quasi-static Event Simulation description, to open the Settings dialog.
Enter the Number of Result Intervals per Step you want.
In the Mesh tab, check the mesh settings and adjust them as necessary.
Click Back, then Create Study to accept the input and create the new study.
Click (Setup tab > Rigid Bodies panel > Rigid Body) to specify the rigid bodies in your model.
Click (Setup tab > Materials panel > Study Materials) and select a nonlinear material from the Fusion Nonlinear Material Library.
Click (Setup tab > Constraints panel > Structural Constraint) to apply a structural constraint, as appropriate.
Click (Setup tab > Constraints panel > Prescribed Translation) to apply a prescribed translation constraint, as appropriate, and using the
multiplier curve at the bottom of the dialog, define the curve that controls how the displacement is applied as the analysis progresses.
Click (Setup tab > Constraints panel > Prescribed Rotation) to apply a prescribed rotation constraint, as appropriate, and using the
multiplier curve at the bottom of the dialog, define the curve that controls how the displacement is applied as the analysis progresses.
Click (Setup tab > Loads panel > Transient Load) to apply a transient load, as appropriate.
Click (Setup tab > Contacts panel > Global Contacts) to automatically detect and generate contacts pairs if multiple bodies are present.
Adjust local mesh settings where appropriate: If you don't wish to adjust the default mesh settings, the mesh will be generated automatically at solve time. Refer to the Meshes section in the how-to branch of the Simulate help for more details.
Click (Setup tab > Solve panel > Pre-check) to confirm that the analysis set up is complete and the study is ready to solve.
Click (Setup tab > Solve panel > Solve) to solve the analysis.
Review results: Refer to the View simulation results topic in this section for more details.