Activity 5: Apply thermal loads

In this activity, as with the previous study, you assume that the inner wall of the pipe is the same temperature as the water that is flowing it. You also assume that the flow rate is high enough that the temperature change of the water is negligible across the radiator. The fins, however, will lose heat to the environment by natural convection and by radiation. It is important to make the same assumptions, to ensure a valid comparison.

In this activity, you



  1. Open the Thermal Loads dialog, and Select all the faces of the pipe only, ready to apply a thermal load to simulate the hot water inside the pipe.

    1. In the Browser, expand folder icon Model Components.
    2. Click make visible icon next to Fins to hide them.
    3. Click make visible icon next to Pipe to make it visible.
    4. Click the RIGHT face of the ViewCube to adjust the orientation of the pipe.
    5. Click thermal load icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Loads panel > Thermal Loads, to open the Thermal Loads dialog.
    6. In the Thermal Loads dialog, confirm that the Load Type is thermal load icon Applied Temperature.
    7. Click select all faces icon Select all faces so you can select all of the pipe surfaces, then click on the pipe.

      select all pipe faces
  2. Deselect the outer faces of the pipe, so that the thermal load is applied only to the inner faces of the pipe.

    1. In the Thermal Loads dialog, click select all faces icon Select all faces to deactivate it so that you can use standard selection to deselect the exterior faces of the pipe.
    2. Left-click to the right and above the model and drag a window selection over the edges on the right side of the model.
      Note: It is important to pull the selection window to the left to properly deselect surfaces.

      deselect pipe faces
  3. Apply a thermal load of 75 C to the inside faces of the pipe.

    1. In the Thermal Loads dialog, click change units icon Change Units.
    2. Select C from the drop-down list.
    3. Change the Temperature Value to 75 C.

      pipe inside temperature
    4. Click OK to accept the temperature and close the dialog.
  4. Confirm that the correct temperature has been applied to the correct pipe faces.

    1. In the Browser, expand load case icon Load Case1, then expand structural load icon Loads.
    2. Hover over thermal load icon Applied Temperature1, then click edit icon Edit. The applied temperature is shown and the 11 inside faces are highlighted in blue.

      temperature surfaces
    3. Click Cancel to close the Thermal Loads dialog.
  5. Apply a thermal load to the fins to simulate loss of heat to the environment by Radiation, at ambient temperature.

    1. In the Browser, under Model Components, click make visible icon next to Fins to make them visible.
    2. Click make visible icon next to Pipe to hide it.
    3. If the orientation was changed, click the RIGHT face of the ViewCube.
    4. Click thermal load icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Loads panel > Thermal Loads, to open the Thermal Loads dialog.
    5. In the Thermal Loads dialog, change the Load Type to thermal load icon Radiation.
    6. Left-click and drag a window around all the fins, and confirm that 140 Faces are selected.
    7. Click the down arrow directly above the ViewCube, to change the orientation, so the top of the fins is pointing out of the canvas towards you.
    8. Left-click on the model face to the left and above the top hole in the fins and drag a window selection over all the holes. Notice that now only 84 Faces are selected.

      deselect pipe fin intersection
    9. Leave the default values for Emissivity at 1 and Ambient Temperature Value at 293.15 K (20 C), then click OK to apply the command and close the dialog.
  6. Apply a thermal load to the fins to simulate loss of heat to the environment by natural Convection, at ambient temperature and with a Convection Value of 5 W /(m^2 K).

    1. Click the RIGHT face of the ViewCube, so you can see all the fins again.
    2. Click thermal load icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Loads panel > Thermal Loads, to open the Thermal Loads dialog.
    3. In the Thermal Loads dialog, change the Load Type to thermal load icon Convection.
    4. Left-click and drag a window around all the fins, and confirm that 140 Faces are selected.
    5. Click the down arrow directly above the ViewCube, to change the orientation, so the top of the fins is pointing out of the canvas towards you.
    6. Left-click on the model face to the left and above the top hole in the fins and drag a window selection over all the holes, to select the same surfaces as in the previous step.
    7. Leave the temperature at ambient, and change the Convection Value to 5 W /(m^2 K).
    8. Click OK to apply the command and close the dialog.

      Tip: Check the Browser to confirm all three loads are shown. Confirm that the thermal loads on the fins are correct, in the same manner as you confirmed the pipe.
  7. Define the contacts between the bodies that makeup the model.

    Note: Since you are using the default settings, you could run the analysis without defining the contacts, and the simulation would calculate them automatically.
    1. Click automatic contacts icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Contacts panel > Automatic Contacts, to open the Automatic Contacts dialog.
    2. Click Generate to accept the command and close the dialog.

      The parts are all coincident so the default tolerance is acceptable.

    3. In the Browser, click make visible icon next to Pipe to make it visible.
    4. Click viewcube home icon Home view above the ViewCube to return the model to its original size and orientation.

Activity 5 summary

In this activity, you