Nonlinear static stress results

The results generated in a Nonlinear Static Stress study, and their access points, are listed in the table below.

Results generated by a Nonlinear Static Stress study

Result Result type Plot type Access
Safety Factor (default) Contour Legend bar
Stress von Mises, 1st Principal, 3rd, Principal, Normal XX, Normal YY, Normal ZZ, Shear XY, Shear YZ, Shear ZX Contour Legend bar
Displacement Total, - X, - Y, - Z Contour Legend bar
Reactions Total, - X, - Y, - Z Contour, Text Contour: Legend bar

Text: Ribbon > Inspect panel
Strain Equivalent, 1st Principal, 3rd, Principal, Normal XX, Normal YY, Normal ZZ, Shear XY, Shear YZ, Shear ZX Contour Legend bar
Transient results (all results) Contour, 2D Legend bar
Contact pressure Total, - X, - Y, - Z Contour Legend bar results selector
Contact force Total, - X, - Y, - Z Contour Legend bar results selector