Mirrors and patterns in sketches

The mirror and pattern tools in the Sketch > Create panel let you create identical patterns of sketch geometry or construction geometry in an active sketch in Fusion.

You can use the following commands to create patterns in an active sketch:

Note: Before you can create sketch geometry, you must use the Create Sketch command create sketch icon to create a new sketch or right-click an existing sketch and select Edit Sketch to enter the Sketch contextual environment.


The Mirror command creates a copy of selected sketch curves mirrored across a line in the active sketch.

The result is an identical copy mirrored on the opposite side of the line. A Symmetry constraint is added to the geometry.


Note: The Mirror command in the Sketch contextual tab only works for sketch geometry. To mirror 3D components, bodies, faces, or features, use the Mirror command in the Design > Solid tab.

Rectangular Pattern

The Rectangular Pattern command creates copies in one or 2 directions that you select.

The result is a series of identical copies arranged evenly in rows and columns.

You can also suppress individual copies within the pattern.

rectangular pattern

Circular Pattern

The Circular Pattern command creates copies around a center point that you select.

The result is a series of identical copies arranged evenly around a common center point.

You can also suppress individual copies within the pattern.

circular pattern