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The Quick-Start tutorial is designed for first-time users of InfoWater Pro and provides a guided tour to core commands and functions used to create, run, and analyze a model in InfoWater Pro. The Quick Start tutorial will help first-time users become familiar with the core set of InfoWater Pro features and should be used as a launching point to a more comprehensive understanding of InfoWater Pro.
The general layout of the InfoWater Pro interface is shown below. All ArcGIS Pro menus and ribbon are accessible while using InfoWater Pro. To avoid confusion between ArcGIS Pro and InfoWater Pro menus, all InfoWater Pro menus are accessed using the InfoWater Pro drop-down menu. The ArcGIS Pro table of contents is shown on the left.
The Model Explorer - Attribute Tab is on the right-side panel of the screenshot below. The Model Explorer - Attribute Tab details the currently selected feature in the InfoWater Pro model. InfoWater Pro adds three additional tabs to this dialog box, Contour, Operation, and Annotation. Feature data may be updated in the tabular section, while the buttons at the top provide access to more advanced parameters and functions.
The InfoWater Pro user interface consists of the following:
InfoWater Pro Menu – Contains all InfoWater menus. Individual menus are organized by functionally within this main menu.
Contents – Controls the display of all layers in the map document. Refer to ESRI documentation for more details.
Model Explorer - Attribute Tab – The InfoWater Pro Explorer - Attribute Tab allows you to view and edit the database information of a selected link or node. The InfoWater Browser also provides access to operational features as well as annotation and contours and Command Center with Edit, Exchange, Scenario, Tools, Utilities, and Help menus.
The basic InfoWater Pro menu structure is detailed below:
Project – Use to import H2OMAP or H2ONET projects and set the project's spatial reference.
Edit – Use to edit InfoWater model input data including attributes for multiple components.
View – Use to change the map display.
Exchange – Import and export data including shapefiles, EPANET files, and feature classes.
Scenario – Use to define and edit scenarios and their components.
Tools – Use to run a simulation, view reports/graphs, create animations, and much more.
Utilities – Contains specialized editing tools including:
Help - Use the online help system for information on how to use InfoWater Pro. Additionally, link to the Innovyze Internet home page for additional information and software updates.
The estimated time to complete the Quick Start tutorial is approximately four hours.
The Quick Start tutorial will help first-time users become familiar with the following:
During the Quick Start tutorial, you will modify an existing project called “Yourtown”, which can be downloaded from Quick Start Tutorial Example files.
The “Yourtown” project modified in this tutorial illustrates how InfoWater models network hydraulics and chlorine decay, performs fire flow analyses, calculates pump operating costs, and evaluates distribution system performance before and after adding a planned development (subdivision) to the model.
The “Yourtown” model is partially complete and will be completed as part of this tutorial. The completed model contains two pressure zones and consists of the following components:
Pump 200 turns off when the level in tank 103 rises above 40 feet and turns on when the level in tank 103 falls below 25 feet. Pump 210 turns off when the level in tank 103 rises above 45 feet and turns on when the level in tank 103 falls below 35 feet.
Use the following as a reference when completing the tutorial.
During the tutorial, you will be guided through:
Although not necessary to complete the Quick Start tutorial, it is suggested that you briefly review the Data Elements as described in InfoWater Pro’s online help before continuing.
The first step is to open the InfoWater Pro project.
Before adding new components (pipes, pumps, valves, storage nodes, and junction nodes) to the model, you should identify basic project units and hydraulic properties. In this step, you will identify “gallons per minute” as the flow units and the Hazen-Williams headloss formula for hydraulic analysis. Step 2 should only be performed once when the project is created. These options are saved as a permanent part of the project. You can skip Step 2 whenever the Tutorial project is opened for later use.
Select the
from the
InfoWater Browser window, and click Simulation Options
® Base Simulation Options. When the Simulation Options dialog box appears, choose
2. Choose Gallon/Minute from the Flow Unit drop-down list on the Simulation Options dialog box. Flow units are applied to pipe flows and to junction demands and define the units of your input data. Gallon/Minute also indicates that your input data (elevations, diameters, etc.) will be in US Customary units.
3. Choose PSI from the Pressure Unit drop-down list. Choose Hazen-Williams from the Headloss Equation drop-down list.
4. Click OK to close the Simulation Options dialog box.
The next step is to complete the network by adding new components and entering modeling data for those new network components (facilities). In this step, you will add components to the network and enter the critical attributes required for modeling into the project database. You will add seven pipes, one junction, one tank, one pressure reducing valve, and one pump.
Use the tables below as a guide when creating the network.
NOTE: Lengths will be automatically calculated by InfoWater Pro when adding pipes.
In tutorial Step 5, you will modify the lengths to match those indicated in this table.
NOTE: Database fields for which no values are required are not illustrated here.
Leave these fields empty when entering data.
When creating the network, do not worry if it does not match the exact shape and dimensions of that illustrated above; in tutorial Step 4 you will modify network geometry to better match the illustrated network representation.
Before adding new components, you should set the desired symbol sizes for those new components. InfoWater Pro stores and displays symbols in font size. To change your default symbol sizes, perform the following:
InfoWater Pro
, and then select
Preferences. When the
Preferences dialog box appears on the screen, select the
Default Symbol tab as shown below.
2. Click on each symbol and specify the sizes for each element type as shown below. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
You will start by digitizing the tank located at node 103 in the upper right-hand corner of the model.
Click on the Insert
drop-down menu, and choose Tank
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon. Move the cursor to the desired location, and click on the mouse button. Select a general tank location per the network map provided.
2. You are then prompted to enter the identifier and an optional description for the new tank. Enter the Tank ID in the field as shown below, using a comma to separate the ID from the description.
3. The tank should now appear on the screen as a blue tank symbol. In the Model Explorer - Attribute Tab window, perform the following:
Choose “0: Cylindrical Tank” in the Type field.
Enter “320.00” in the Elevation field.
Enter “10.00” in the Minimum Level field.
Enter “50.00” in the Maximum Level field.
Enter “44.00” in the Initial Level field.
Enter “50.00” in the Diameter field.
Leave all other fields blank.
The Model Explorer dialog box should appear as above. Note: You may have different values for the geometry coordinates.
4. Click Save.
Now digitize junction node 87 in the lower left-hand corner of the network. This node represents one end of the pressure reducing valve and the boundary with pressure zone 2.
Refer to the Using InfoWater < Data Elements < Junction Nodes topic in the online InfoWater Help for more information on junction nodes.
You will now add pump 200 between junction 1 and junction 3.
Click Insert
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon. Move the cursor to the center of the network (just above pump 210) and click on the mouse button. For the general location of junction pump 200, refer to the network map.
2. You are then prompted to enter the pump identifier and an optional description for the new pump. Enter the Pump ID in the field as shown below, using a comma to separate the ID from the description.
3. Pump 200 should now appear as a magenta pump node symbol. In the Model Explorer dialog box on the right, perform the following:
The Model Explorer window should appear as:
4. Click Save.
You will now add valve 300 between junction nodes 87 and 49. This valve maintains unidirectional flow and constant water pressure from pressure zone 1 to pressure zone 2.
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon. Move the cursor to the lower left corner of the network and click on the left-mouse button. For the general location of valve 300, refer to the network map.
2. You are then prompted to enter the valve identifier and an optional description for the new valve. Enter the Valve ID in the field as shown below, using a comma to separate the ID from the description.
3. Valve 300 should now appear as a yellow valve symbol. In the Model Explorer dialog box on the right, perform the following:
The Model Explorer dialog box should appear as:
4. Click Save.
Digitize the pipes, starting with pipe 52 at the bottom left-hand corner of the network, connected to PRV 300.
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon. Using your mouse, click on
Junction Node 33, and then double-click on
Junction Node 87 to complete the straight line representing pipe 52.
2. You are then prompted to enter the pipe identifier and an optional description for the new pipe. Enter “52, New Pipe” in the Pipe ID field as shown below.
3. Pipe 52 should now appear as a blue line connecting junction nodes 33 and 87. In the Model Explorer dialog box, choose Modeling and enter the information associated with pipe 52 as listed in the Pipe Attributes table except for the Length field. Leave the length as is. The Model Explorer dialog box should appear as:
4. Click Save.
Enter the location and attributes for pipes 76, 104, 200A, 200B, 300A and 300B in a similar fashion as pipe 52. You should add intermediate shape-defining vertices along pipe 76 to reflect the slight bend in the road.
The pipes connecting the point facilities at Pump 200 and Pressure Reducing Valve 300 determine the anticipated direction of flow for these items. Pipe 200A should be defined from node 1 to pump node 200 and pipe 200B should be defined from pump node 200 to node 3. The pipes at the valve node 300 should be defined in a similar fashion. Pipe 300A will go from node 87 to valve node 300 and pipe 300B will go from valve node 300 to node 49.
You have probably noticed that nodes must be added to the project prior to adding the pipes connecting them. Choosing the Insert Junction, Insert Tank, Insert Reservoir, Insert Pump, and Insert Valve commands before adding pipes can therefore slow the network creation process when you have a large number of components to add.
InfoWater Pro provides a shortcut allowing you to create network component of all types at one time. You can use Insert
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro ribbon to digitize junctions and pipes in series, eliminating the need to keep making separate choices. The
Digitize Network
command provides a method for data entry where you are not required to first enter the junction nodes prior to entering pipes. Use of the
Digitize Network command is entirely optional, but is recommended for bulk data entry.
Additional commands such as Merge Node from the Utilities menu (to remove a junction node and dissolve the boundary between two adjacent pipes of the same type) can be used to further modify your distribution system network.
To modify the attributes of any network component, use the Model Explorer window.
InfoWater Pro provides tools allowing you to maintain and modify the network geometry. In this step, you will modify a pipe’s shape and a junction node’s location.
Before modifying the network, you should turn off the Auto Length Calculation preference. When this setting is active, InfoWater Pro automatically calculates pipe lengths based on the drawing scale when pipes are added or edited. When this preference is inactive, user-specified pipe lengths will be preserved regardless of the length of the pipe on the map display. To disable the Auto Length Calculation preference, perform the following:
InfoWater Pro
, and then select Preferences from the Project menu.
2. Choose the Operation Settings tab to disable the Auto Length Calculation preference by clicking on the check box so that no check appears next to the prompt. Leave all other preferences in their current state.
3. Click OK to close the window. The preference is now set.
If you added any pipes in Step 3 above with a curvilinear representation, you can now adjust any intermediate shape-defining points for those pipes. You will now re-digitize pipe 76 to better match the shape of the street. First note the length of the pipe before the edit:
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon, click on
pipe 76 and then select
Redraw Pipe
icon from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro ribbon to redraw the pipe.
From the
Model Explorer dialog box, note that the length of the pipe remains unchanged as the Auto Length Calculation preference is OFF (disabled). Alternatively, you can edit the vertices by using the
Edit Pipe Vertex
icon from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
Now you can adjust the location of one or more nodes. Note that when you move a node, InfoWater Pro will also stretch the pipes connected to that node. If the Auto Length Calculation preference is “ON” (it is not at this point in the tutorial), InfoWater Pro will re-calculate the lengths of all connecting pipes. To move a node:
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon, place the cursor on the node to be moved and click on the mouse button, then select the
Move Node
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon to move the node to the desired location.
InfoWater Pro provides two tools for modifying network component attributes. One method entails selecting a component and modifying its attributes one component at a time. Another method entails viewing and modifying attributes in a spreadsheet format with the DB Editor. The former method is illustrated here as you enter the correct pipe lengths for individual pipes and the latter method is used to adjust pipe roughness coefficients.
When entering pipes earlier in the tutorial, InfoWater Pro automatically calculated pipe lengths. Now, enter the correct pipe lengths for pipes 52, 76, 104, 200A, 200B, 300A and 300B. Perform the following for each pipe:
from the Edit group of InfoWater ribbon, and then select the pipe with
ID 52.
2. In the Modeling section of the Model Explorer dialog box, change the length (as computed by InfoWater Pro) to the correct length.
3. Click Save on the Model Explorer dialog box and repeat the process for the 6 other pipes.
The DB Editor is used to maintain InfoWater Pro database tables. The DB Editor provides the ability to customize tables by adding user-defined fields and adding, modifying, and deleting table information in a spreadsheet fashion. Using the DB Editor, you will globally adjust pipe roughness for all pipes in the “Tutorial” project.
DB Editor
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro ribbon.
2. When the Open Table dialog box appears on the screen, choose the Pipe Hydraulic (Modeling) Data table from the Element Hydraulic Data section, and then select Entire Table in the Data Scope area (indicating you want the entire contents of the table to be displayed and available for editing), and click OK. The Pipe Hydraulic (Modeling) Data table appears on the screen.
3. To adjust the contents of an entire field, in this case Roughness, click once on the column header with the mouse. The entire column should be highlighted.
4. You will adjust all roughness coefficients by increasing the current coefficients by 10.
5. Click Block Editing while the Roughness field remains highlighted. When the Block Editing dialog box appears on the screen, choose the Add operation, enter “10” for the value to be added, and then click OK. All roughness coefficients should now be increased by 10. Click Save.
The following picture illustrates how the DB Editor dialog box should appear after increasing the pipe roughness coefficients by 10:
at the top of the
DB Editor dialog box. Close the
DB Editor by clicking
at the top of the window.
7. This would be a good time to save your work. Choose File > Save . This will save the current state of the InfoWater Pro project data. It is recommended that you save the project after all subsequent tutorial steps.
Now that you have completed the process of creating the network and entering the attributes associated with network components, the next step is to enter hydraulic modeling options. You will specify a 24-hour extended period simulation (EPS) with a 1-hour hydraulic simulation timestep, build a demand pattern to model temporal variation in water usage at junction nodes, and specify pump 200 to turn on and off based on the water level in tank 103.
Select the
Operation tab
from the
InfoWater Pro
Model Explorer, choose the
Simulation Time ®Base
, Base Simulation Time Setting and double-click. The
Simulation Time dialog box should appear on the screen.
Note: Make sure your Quality Timestep and Rule Timestep are always 1/10th smaller than the Hydraulic Timestep per the EPANET engine recommendations.
2. Double-click on the Decimal Time field to the right of Duration, enter “24” (indicating a length of the entire simulation of 24 time units), and press the TAB key to apply the change. Choose the Hours option under Units, indicating a 24-hour simulation.
3. Double-click on the Decimal Time field to the right of Hydraulic Timestep, enter “1” and press the TAB key to apply the change. Choose the Hours option under Units, indicating network hydraulics will be calculated every hour for 24 hours.
4. Change the Pattern Timestep to “1” in a similar fashion as the hydraulic timestep above and choose the “Hours” option. InfoWater Pro will apply a unique demand multiplier for each hydraulic timestep period. Therefore, 24 demand multipliers are required to model varying demands over a 24-hour period. The Simulation Time dialog box should appear.
Leave all the other fields to their default values. Click
to close the
Simulation Time dialog box.
Build a time-series pattern defining a set of multipliers to be applied to the base demand of each junction node at each simulation timestep. Each pattern is identified by a unique alphanumeric identifier (up to 32 characters with no embedded spaces or special characters, i.e. #, $, &) and an optional description. At any timestep, the demand at a junction node is the base demand multiplied by the current pattern multiplier. You will enter 24 multipliers for an average day demand pattern, and InfoWater Pro will apply each multiplier for a 1-hour period during the simulation:
Select the
from the
InfoWater Pro Model Explorer, click
Pattern, and then right-click and select the
New command.
2. You are prompted to enter a new ID and description for the pattern. Enter “1, Average Day Demand”, and click OK.
3. The Pattern dialog box appears on the screen. Enter the 24 multipliers for pattern 1.
Set Rows
, then enter “24” as the value, and click
*Enter the pattern factors from step 2. As you add the multipliers, the graph will be shown on the dialog box.
at the top of the dialog box to apply the factors to pattern 1.
You will enter the following 24 pattern multipliers set in the values column:
to close the
Pattern dialog box. Pattern 1 now contains 24 multipliers and is ready for use.
Now that a time-series pattern of demand multipliers has been defined, the pattern can be assigned to the junction nodes.
To assign the 24 demand multipliers (pattern) to the junction nodes, click
DB Editor
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
2. When the Open Table dialog box appears on the screen, go to the Element Hydraulic Data section and choose Junction Demand (Modeling) Data table , and select Entire Table in the Data Scope area (indicating you want the entire contents of the table to be displayed and available for editing), and click OK. The Junction Demand (Modeling) Data table appears on the screen.
3. To adjust the contents of an entire field, in this case Pattern1, click once on the column header with the mouse. The entire column should be highlighted.
Now specify Pattern ID 1 (Average Day Demand) for each junction node. Click
Block Editing
while the
Pattern1 field remains highlighted. When the Block Editing dialog box appears on the screen, replace with a “1”, indicating pattern ID “1” and then click
OK. All junction nodes now have a pattern equal to “1”.
5. Click Save
, and then click
at the top of the DB Editor window. Close the
DB Editor by clicking
at the top of the window.
Set controls for pump 200 so that the pump turns on when the water level in tank 103 falls below 25 feet (above the tank’s bottom elevation) and off when the water level in tank 103 rises above 40 feet at any time during the simulation:
1. Click Select
from the
Edit group of InfoWater
ribbon, and place the cursor on pump 200 and click on the mouse button.
To define the control rules to turn pump 200 on and off, click on the
Tools icon
on the
Model Explorer dialog box, and then choose
Control. The
Pump Control
dialog box appears on the screen.
To define the control stating pump 200 will be turned on if the level in tank 103 falls below 25 feet:
* Choose Open.
* Choose Pressure/Head method and enter the number “103” in the Node ID entry field (alternately you can graphically pick tank 103 by clicking the select button).
* Select Below in the Level Value area on the dialog box and enter a value of “25”. Because you selected a tank, InfoWater Pro assumes the value is the tank water level (above tank bottom).
* Click Insert to add the control rule for pump 200.
3. To define the control stating pump 200 will be turned off if the level in tank 103 rises above 40 feet:
* Choose Closed.
* Choose the Pressure/Head method and enter the number “103” in the Node ID entry field.
* Select Above in the Level Value area on the dialog box and enter a value of “40”.
* Click Insert to add the second control rule for pump 200. You should now have two control rules defined for pump 200.
The Pump Control dialog box should appear as:
Create to close the Pump Control dialog box. Click
of the Model Explorer - Attribute window.
You will now specify water quality model options and parameters. In conjunction with the 24-hour hydraulic simulation, you will also perform a chlorine decay analysis. In this step, you will specify the type of quality analysis (there are several in InfoWater Pro), specify the initial water quality (i.e., chlorine concentration) throughout the system at the start of the simulation, and specify reaction rate coefficients for the model.
Indicate to InfoWater Pro that you wish to run a water quality simulation when calculating network hydraulics. Also indicate the reaction rates for the chlorine decay analysis.
1. Select the
from the
InfoWater Pro Model Explorer, and click
Simulation Options
® Base Simulation Options. When the
Simulation Options
dialog box appears, choose
2. Choose Quality on the Simulation Options dialog box. Choose Chemical to indicate a chemical growth/decay analysis.
3. Enter “Chlorine” in the entry field to the right of Chemical Name and choose “mg/L” in the MASS Unit entry field. This is only for descriptive purposes; what you type and select in these two boxes is the name and unit of the chemical displayed on output graphs, charts, and reports. The reaction rates that you specify are critical to proper simulation of water quality constituent movement and consequence throughout the distribution system.
Now enter the reaction rates for chlorine in the “Tutorial” system:
4. Enter “-1.0” in the entry field to the right of the Global Bulk. This is the reaction rate of chlorine within the pipe bulk flow for all pipes in the system. The negative sign indicates decay rather than growth.
5. Enter “-0.5” in the entry field to the right of the Global Wall. This is the reaction rate of chlorine as it comes in contact with the pipe wall for all pipes in the system.
6. Click
to close the Simulation Options dialog box.
Now specify the initial water quality (chlorine concentration for this tutorial) at junction and storage nodes at the beginning of the simulation. For this tutorial you will specify an initial water quality of 0.5 mg/L for all junction nodes and tank 103.
To do this, you will create a domain and use the Group Editing function to edit water quality for a selected group of network components.
A domain is a temporary selection of network components. Components in the domain are highlighted for visual reference. The domain is useful in that many of InfoWater’s data editing and mapping functions can be performed globally on components in the domain. In this tutorial, you will create a domain containing all junction nodes and tank 103. You will then specify the initial water quality for those nodes in a single operation.
1. Click
InfoWater Pro
to select
Domain Manager from the Domain menu. The Domain Manager dialog box appears on the screen.
There are several methods for including network components in the domain, including graphical selection and database query. An additional method, which you will employ, is to add all components of a selected type (junctions, pipes, etc.) to the domain:
2. To add all junction nodes to the domain, choose the Network element source option, select “All Junctions”, and then click Add. All junction nodes should now appear highlighted in the color red.
3. To add tank 103 to the domain, choose the MAP Selection element source option and click Add. InfoWater Pro will then prompt you to select objects. With the mouse button, click on tank 103 and then right click and press Enter to confirm the selection. Tank 103 should now appear highlighted in the color red. You can now close the Domain Manager dialog box by clicking Close.
4. Click Group Editing on Domain icon from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon. The
Group Editing
dialog box appears on the screen.
5. In the
Desired Element Selection section, select
Domain. Choose the
Initial Quality tab
on the
Group Editing dialog box. All components in the domain (all junction nodes and tank 103) will be assigned an initial water quality of 0.5 mg/L:
* Enter “0.5” in the Initial Value entry field.
* Click Apply.
* Click OK when prompted to confirm applying changes and then click Close to close the Group Editing dialog box.
Any values set on the Group Editing dialog box are applied to components in the domain.
6. Finally, clear the domain by opening the Domain Manager dialog box (see step 1 above) and click Clear. You can now close the Domain Manager dialog box by clicking Close.
You should now assign a baseline source concentration of 1.2 mg/L at the water treatment plant (storage node 101). InfoWater Pro will assume no variation (constant 1.2 mg/L input dosage) in source concentration over time.
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
ribbon, place the cursor on reservoir 101, and click on the mouse button.
In the
Model Explorer
dialog box, click on the
Tools icon
and then choose the
Quality Source command. Select
Concentration in the
area and enter “1.2” in the
Baseline Concentration field. Leave the
Concentration Pattern entry field blank indicating there is no variation in source concentration over time. In fact, the optional
Concentration Pattern identifies the pattern ID which will be used to vary the source concentration about its baseline level over time. The
Node Water Quality - Concentration dialog box should appear as shown below.
Create, and click
of the
Model Explorer dialog box.
You have now entered all required information for the model. To run the simulation, perform the following:
Run Manager
from the
Model Explorer on the top right (also, click Refresh Output in the Model Explorer). The
Run Manager dialog box appears on the screen.
2. Choose Standard. Before running the simulation, you can pick the simulation options (hydraulic and/or water quality), time and duration options (steady state or extended period simulation), and reporting options to be associated with the next simulation run.
at the top of the
Run Manager dialog box. Upon successful completion of the simulation, the status stoplight on the Run Manager should show green, indicating successful completion of the simulation run. Click
OK to close the
Run Manager dialog box.
NOTE: The model results are stored in an output source entitled *ACTIVE*:STANDARD. When you want to access results from this run, you will choose the output source with that name.
InfoWater Pro offers numerous tools for reviewing and analyzing model results. In this tutorial, you will be introduced to displaying results on the network map, and reviewing results in graph and report form.
First you will use the Model Explorer dialog box to review model results one network component at a time. To do this, perform the following:
Select icon
from the
Edit group of the InfoWater Pro
and place the cursor on the desired node or pipe.
2. Results for that node or pipe are shown in the Output sectionof the Model Explorer window.
3. To review how the model results change throughout the simulation, move the slider bar to the desired simulation timestep in the Model Explorer.
If you desire, you can launch a graph or a spreadsheet report showing model results for the selected node or pipe. Simply click
icons on the Model Explorer - Attribute Table window. You will also display reports and graphs using a different tool later in the tutorial.
You will now customize the network map display, labeling pipes with calculated flows and with flow direction arrows, and labeling all junction nodes with calculated chlorine concentrations. Pipes will be color-coded based on flow values and junction nodes will be color-coded based on chlorine concentrations. The results will be displayed for the 24th (and final) timestep of the extended period simulation. Arrows indicating flow direction at the 24th timestep will also be displayed.
You will use the
Map Display icon
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro ribbon to customize the map display.
Choose simulation timestep
24:00 HRS in the
InfoWater Pro Model Explorer ribbon, indicating that InfoWater Pro will display results at the last simulation timestep. Click
Map Display
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro ribbon. The Map Display dialog box appears on the screen.
2. Choose the Junction option in the Element Type area and select the Active Output optionin the Data Source area. This output data source stores the results of your most recent simulation run.
Select Chlorine (mg/L) as the
Data Field that will be displayed. Enter “5” in the
Classes field and select
Set Breaks
button to set the levels.
4. Now choose the colors and range breaks used to display chlorine. Perform the following to define five classification range breaks as shown below.
Table: Chlorine Classification
Color | Size | Break | Label |
Blue | 4 | 0.20 | less than 0.20 |
Cyan | 4 | 0.40 | 0.20˜0.40 |
Green | 4 | 0.60 | 0.40˜0.60 |
Yellow | 4 | 0.80 | 0.60˜0.80 |
Red | 4 | 1.20 | 0.80˜1.20 |
5. For this example, enter “0.2” in the Break section as the first break value and assign the corresponding color to highlight all junctions with a chlorine concentration less than 0.2 mg/L. Single-click on the corresponding color box in the Color section, choose the corresponding color and then click OK. Repeat the above step using the range breaks shown in the table above.
6. Choose the Label Properties tab, and check the Show Unit checkbox. Click Apply, and then click OK to close the window. The nodes will be redrawn to reflect your choices.
Repeat steps 1 to 6 to customize the pipe display. Label each pipe with the FLOW at simulation timestep 24:00. Check the Show Flow Direction option and the flow direction arrows will be automatically displayed.
To remove the map customization and revert to the default display, click on the
from the
Edit group of InfoWater Pro
Another method for reviewing model results is to view results in tabular or spreadsheet format. InfoWater Pro provides several tools for browsing results in this fashion. The Report Manager is used to display simulation results in either tabular or graph form. You can fully customize the format, content, and layout of display tables and graphs with the Report Manager.
In this example, you will open a table displaying model results for junction nodes.
1. Click
InfoWater Pro
and from the
View menu, and choose the
Report Manager
2. On the Report Manager, click New. When the Output Report & Graph dialog box appears on the screen, select the *ACTIVE*:STANDARD Output Source (containing results from your most recent model run), click Report, choose Junction Report, and then click Open.
3. When the Junction Report appears on the screen, the Output Report & Graph dialog box will close automatically.
4. The results are displayed for the first simulation timestep; “00:00”. Pick the desired time from the drop-down list. The Report Manager will display junction results for the selected time period. You can open additional output reports and/or graphs by clicking New.
You may now restrict the display to only those components meeting a user-specified criterion. For instance, you could request to see only those junction records where chlorine residuals are greater than 0.75 mg/L at simulation timestep “8:00”:
1. Select timestep 8:00 from the drop-down list then choose the
Filtering button
. The
Data Filtering dialog box appears on the screen:
When the Data Filter dialog box closes, the junction node records meeting your criterion will be identified check box.
The selected records may be scattered throughout the table. Therefore you can sort the table on the chlorine residual column such that the selected records are grouped together:
2. Click once on the Chlorine field header in the Report Manager. The entire column should be selected.
3. Click
Sort Ascending
. The Junction Report table will now be sorted from the lowest chlorine concentration to the highest. Scroll to the bottom of the report to view the selected records. The
Sort Descending
would sort the junction nodes in reverse (descending) order.
Another method for reviewing model results is to display simulation result variables on time-series graphs. With InfoWater Pro you can graph any simulation result variable for pipes or nodes and can also display and animate pump curves and hydraulic grade lines. Here, you will graph calculated chlorine concentrations for a selected junction node. Graphs are also created using the Report Manager.
While the
Report Manager is open (and is displaying the Junction Report from Step 10 above), choose the
New button
. When the
Output Report & Graph dialog box appears on the screen, choose the
*ACTIVE*:STANDARD Output Source, click on the
Graph button, choose
Junction Graph, and then choose
2. Place the cursor on the desired junction node and press the mouse button. A graph is then displayed on the screen showing demand for the selected node.
3. When the Junction Graph dialog box appears on the screen the Output Report & Graph dialog box will automatically close.
4. To change to a different type of graph, choose the desired variable from the drop-down list above the graph.
You may use any of the available buttons above the graph to customize the graph display.
You can print or export the content of an output reportgraph or table. Alternately, you can copy selected results and paste them into other applications using standard Windows copy-and-paste functionality.
1. Open a new graph or report, or alternately make active the desired graph or report by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the Report Manager.
2. Click
. For graphs, the current graph display is sent to the printer. For reports, you can specify report header and footer information. Additionally, for tabular data you can select any number of rows or columns to print. If nothing is selected (highlighted) on the table, the entire table will be printed.
To copy model result data and paste them into other Windows applications such as a word processor or spreadsheet, perform the following:
1. Open a new graph or report, or alternately make active the desired graph or report by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the Report Manager.
For tabular reports:
2. Select the desired cells, rows, or columns to copy by dragging the mouse over the desired data. Release the left mouse button when you are done selecting data.
3. Press Ctrl-C to copy the data to the Windows Clipboard.
4. Open the desired word processor or spreadsheet and press Ctrl-V (or Paste from the Edit menu) to paste the data into the application.
Congratulations! You have completed the Quick-Start tutorial. You have been introduced to the most commonly used InfoWater Pro commands and functions. You have opened a model, entered network data for that model, developed and performed a 24-hour hydraulic and water quality simulation, and used several tools to review simulation results. Your “Tutorial” project should now closely match the “Sample” project in the InfoWater Examples directory.
At the end of each tutorial step, you were referred to one or more locations in the InfoWater Pro online help to gain more information on that particular function in InfoWater Pro. You may now want to review those chapters and experiment with some of the new InfoWater Pro features you learned about while reading those chapters. It is suggested that you experiment with new features using the “Tutorial” project. Alternately, you can begin to create a model of your water distribution system.
For those who want to learn more about InfoWater Pro, it is suggested that you review the following topics in the online help before experimenting with new commands and features in InfoWater Pro:
You may want to print these sections for easier review. However, the online help has numerous links to quickly and easily move between related topics.