Multi-Cut Tool hotkeys

Hotkey Function
Click / Drag

Drop new point or move existing point.

When no cut or slice points have been placed:
  • Ctrl-click
  • Ctrl + middle-click (snap to the middle of the path)
  • Ctrl + Shift-click (snap to increments of the Snap Step %)

Insert an edge loop.

When cut points have been placed:
  • Shift-click an edge (snap to increments of the Snap Step %)
  • Shift-drag over an edge (set the Snap Step % interactively)
  • Ctrl + Shift-click (constrain to perpendicular angles).

Snap cut points to an edge.

Constrain to perpendicular angles.

When placing cut or slice points:
  • Hold X + click (snap slice point to the grid)
  • Hold V + click (snap slice point to other points)

Snap slice points.

Drag, starting from off mesh

Slice faces

Middle-drag anywhere

Quick slice faces


Undo last dropped point, or delete highlighted edge.

z/Shift + z

Undo/redo any action.

Middle-drag a slice plane

Reposition a slice plane.

Right-click / Enter

Complete a cut or slice.


Cancel a cut or slice operation.

X or V + click

Activate grid or point snapping when placing points.

Ctrl + Shift + right-click

Open Multi-Cut Tool marking menu

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