
// Copyright (c) 2008 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: October 2008
#include "rply.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// This is the SDK header, all plugins have to include it.
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#if defined(JAMBUILD)
#include <Mudbox/mudbox.h>
#include "../../include/Mudbox/mudbox.h"
using namespace mudbox;
// This macro makes a record in the memory to describe the plugin.
MB_PLUGIN( "PLY Importer", "PLY file import/export plugin", "Autodesk", "", 0 );
// The following class will implement the Importer interface.
class PLYImporter : public Importer
// The following line must be used in every class which wants to use RTTI.
// Just a plain empty constructor to initialize some data.
PLYImporter( void );
// And a destructor to destroy some.
~PLYImporter( void );
// The following function is responsible to return the supported file extension(s) by the plugin.
virtual QString Extension( void ) const { return NTR("ply"); };
// This will return a description of the file type we are importing.
virtual QString Description( void ) const { return tr("Polygon File"); };
QVector<FileExtension> SupportedExtensions( void ) const { QVector<FileExtension> ret; ret.push_back(FileExtension(NTR("ply"), tr("Polygon File"))); return ret; }
// This is the main function, this will be called when a file should be imported.
virtual void Import( const QString &sFileName, mudbox::Scene::LoadData &cData );
// Internal stuff follows. The next function will be called when some new vertex data (coordinate) is read from the file.
void OnVertexData( float fData );
// This is called when new face data (vertex index) is read.
void OnFaceData( int iIndex, int iFaceSize, int iData );
// Pointer to the result mesh.
Mesh *m_pMesh;
// Index of the current vertex which is being read.
unsigned int m_iVertexIndex;
// Index of the current corner of the triangle which is being read (possible values are 0, 1, 2).
unsigned int m_iCornerIndex;
// Index of the current triangle which is being read.
unsigned int m_iTriangleIndex;
// Coordinates of the current vertex.
Vector m_vPosition;
// The PLY import code uses C functions from the RPly library. Since we cannot pass instances
// of Importers into these functions we define a global pointer to the current ply importer.
PLYImporter* g_pImporter = 0;
PLYImporter::PLYImporter( void )
Kernel()->Log( "PLY Import plugin initialized\n" );
m_pMesh = 0;
g_pImporter = this;
m_iVertexIndex = 0;
m_iCornerIndex = 0;
m_iTriangleIndex = 0;
PLYImporter::~PLYImporter( void )
if( g_pImporter == this )
g_pImporter = 0;
// The code reads one coordinate of a vertex at a time, so this function is called three times for each vertex.
void PLYImporter::OnVertexData( float fData )
// Store the incoming data to the current vector, and step to the next coordinate of the vector.
m_vPosition[m_iCornerIndex++] = fData;
// If the vector is ready (i.e. it has all the three coorinates filled) then store it in the mesh.
if ( m_iCornerIndex == 3 )
// Restart filling up the vector
m_iCornerIndex = 0;
// Just to be sure we check the number of vertices.
if ( m_iVertexIndex < m_pMesh->VertexCount() )
m_pMesh->SetVertexPosition( m_iVertexIndex++, m_vPosition );
Kernel()->Interface()->ProgressSet( m_iVertexIndex );
MB_ERROR( "Too much vertex in file" );
// Same as above, the code reads one index at a time, so this function will be called three times for a triangle.
void PLYImporter::OnFaceData( int iIndex, int iFaceSize, int iData )
if ( iIndex == -1 )
if ( iFaceSize == 3 )
MB_ERROR( "Face with more than 3 vertex found in file (not supported)" );
if ( m_iTriangleIndex < m_pMesh->FaceCount() && iIndex < 3 && iIndex >= 0 )
m_pMesh->SetTriangleIndex( m_iTriangleIndex, iIndex, iData );
MB_ERROR( "Vertex index out of range" );
if ( iIndex == 2 )
Kernel()->Interface()->ProgressSet( m_iVertexIndex+m_iTriangleIndex );
// This is a callback function for the PLY reader code to use for vertices.
static int vertex_cb(p_ply_argument argument)
g_pImporter->OnVertexData( (float)ply_get_argument_value(argument) );
return 1;
// And this is for faces.
static int face_cb(p_ply_argument argument)
long iLength, iValueIndex;
ply_get_argument_property(argument, 0, &iLength, &iValueIndex);
g_pImporter->OnFaceData( iValueIndex, iLength, (unsigned int)ply_get_argument_value(argument) );
return 1;
// This is the main function which will do the importing.
void PLYImporter::Import( const QString &sFileName, mudbox::Scene::LoadData &cData )
unsigned int iVertexCount, iTriangleCount;
// Open the file.
QByteArray qbaFileName = QFile::encodeName(sFileName);
p_ply ply = ply_open(qbaFileName.constData(), 0);
// Check for errors. If something is wrong we use the MB_ERROR macro, which will throw an exception, so the execution of the function will be stopped here.
if ( !ply )
MB_ERROR( tr("Invalid file: %1").arg(sFileName) );
if ( !ply_read_header(ply) )
MB_ERROR( tr("Invalid file: %1").arg(sFileName) );
// Initialize vertex reading for three coordinates with the same callback.
iVertexCount = ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "x", vertex_cb, 0, 0);
ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "y", vertex_cb, 0, 0);
ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "z", vertex_cb, 0, 1);
// Initialize face reading.
iTriangleCount = ply_set_read_cb(ply, "face", "vertex_indices", face_cb, 0, 0);
// Log some information, just for debugging purposes.
Kernel()->Log( NTRQ("\t%1 vertices, %2 triangles.").arg(iVertexCount).arg(iTriangleCount) );
// Create a mesh.
m_pMesh = Kernel()->Scene()->CreateMesh( Topology::typeTriangular );
// Initialize the mesh to match the specs from the file.
m_pMesh->SetFaceCount( iTriangleCount );
m_pMesh->SetVertexCount( iVertexCount );
// Start a progress bar in Mudbox.
Kernel()->Interface()->ProgressStart( "importing...", iVertexCount+iTriangleCount );
// Try to read the file. If something went wrong, just throw an exception.
if (!ply_read(ply))
MB_ERROR( tr("Invalid file: %1").arg(sFileName) );
// Close the file.
// Remove the progress bar.
// Importing is done. Add the converted mesh to the Importer's scene.
// Mudbox will then merge that scene into it's scene, after this call is done.
// Note that the importer's scene will be automatically destroyed by Mudbox
// when it is no longer needed. Plugin writers do not need to manage memory
// of objects in the importer's scene.
AddMesh( m_pMesh );
// This macro is needed for all classes which want to use RTTI
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( PLYImporter, Importer, "PLY Importer" );
// Implementation of the Exporter interface, to handle writting to PLY files.
class PLYExporter : public Exporter
// Needed for RTTI.
// Pass file extension to Mudbox.
QString Extension( void ) const { return NTR("ply";) };
// And file description. These will be visible in the browse dialog.
QString Description( void ) const { return tr("Polygon file"); };
QVector<FileExtension> SupportedExtensions( void ) const { QVector<FileExtension> ret; ret.push_back(FileExtension(NTR("ply"), tr("Polygon File"))); return ret; }
// Mudbox will call these two functions, to let the exporter know which meshes should be exported. First it tells the number of meshes,
void SetMeshCount( unsigned int iMeshCount ) { m_aMeshes.SetItemCount( iMeshCount ); };
// And then a pointer to each mesh.
void SetMesh( unsigned int iIndex, const Mesh *pMesh ) { m_aMeshes[iIndex] = pMesh; };
// Internal function, used to write a single line into a text file (such as the PLY).
void Write( const QString &sText )
m_pStream << sText;
m_pStream << NTR("\n");
// Main function, this is doing the export itself. The function gets the filename as a parameter.
void Export( const QString &sFileName, const QString & )
// If there is no mesh to export, we do nothing.
if ( m_aMeshes.ItemCount() == 0 )
// If there are more than one mesh to export, we report an error since this implementation only supports a single mesh.
if ( m_aMeshes.ItemCount() > 1 )
MB_ERRORQ( tr("Only a single mesh can be exported to PLY file format.") );
// Create and open the file as usual.
if (!
MB_ERRORQ( tr("Can't open %1 for writing: %2").arg(sFileName).arg(m_pFile.errorString()) );
// Write the header of the file. This is hardcoded, this plugin only writes the most simple format of PLY files.
Write( NTR("ply") );
Write( NTR("format ascii 1.0") );
Write( NTRQ("element vertex %1").arg(m_aMeshes[0]->VertexCount() ) );
Write( NTR("property float x") );
Write( NTR("property float y") );
Write( NTR("property float z") );
Write( NTRQ("element face %1").arg( m_aMeshes[0]->FaceCount() ) );
Write( NTR("property list uchar int vertex_indices") );
Write( NTR("end_header") );
// Write all the vertex positions into the file.
for ( unsigned int v = 0; v < m_aMeshes[0]->VertexCount(); v++ )
Vector p = m_aMeshes[0]->VertexPosition( v );
Write( NTRQ("%1 %2 %3").arg(p.x).arg(p.y).arg(p.z ) );
// And then write the vertex indices from the faces.
if ( m_aMeshes[0]->Type() == Mesh::typeTriangular )
// If the mesh has triangles, write three indices in a row.
for ( unsigned int f = 0; f < m_aMeshes[0]->FaceCount(); f++ )
Write( NTRQ("3 %1 %2 %3").arg(m_aMeshes[0]->TriangleIndex( f, 0 )).arg( m_aMeshes[0]->TriangleIndex( f, 1 )).arg( m_aMeshes[0]->TriangleIndex( f, 2 ) ) );
// And write four indices if there are quads in the mesh.
for ( unsigned int f = 0; f < m_aMeshes[0]->FaceCount(); f++ )
Write( NTRQ("4 %1 %2 %3 %4").arg(m_aMeshes[0]->QuadIndex( f, 0 )).arg( m_aMeshes[0]->QuadIndex( f, 1 )).arg( m_aMeshes[0]->QuadIndex( f, 2 )).arg( m_aMeshes[0]->QuadIndex( f, 3 ) ) );
// Thats all, close the file and we are ready.
// This array will be used to store the list of meshes which has to be exported.
// A simple handler to the file we are writting to.
QFile m_pFile;
QTextStream m_pStream;
// RTTI information about the PLYExporter class.
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( PLYExporter, Exporter, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PLYExporter", "PLY Exporter") );