Store< type > Class Template Reference

#include <array.h>

Class Description

template<typename type>
class mudbox::Store< type >

Simple array class.

This class represents a simple array and should be used in all circumstances instead of plain C-style arrays. The class is templated, so that you can use to instantiate arrays of any type.

Its advantages of Store arrays include:

  • when the object is deleted, the associated data is deleted automatically. This means that if the Store instance was created on the heap, or it is a member variable of another class, then you don't have to bother freeing the memory, reducing the chance of a memory leak.
  • Additional functionality, such as expandability, sorting, and removing specified elements.
  • Easy to serialize.
  • The mudbox kernel can examine the list of all Store arrays in the memory at any time, which is helpful for diagnosing high memory footprint problems, as well as memory leaks.

Typical usage:

Typically, you create an empty Store instance, and then set the number of items (if you know it) by calling SetItemCount(). Alternatively, you can add elements into the array one by one, using the Add() function. If the elements of the array are class instances, their constructors and destructors can optionally be called when the array space is allocated and deallocated. (You must call the right methods.) For this reason, any class from which you will create an array should have a constructor that takes no arguments.

When the array is extended (for example when new elements are added by calling the Add() function), the existing array elements will be copied to the new location with the "=" operator of the element class. For this reason, you should ensure that this operator will work correctly, especially in cases where your class contains pointers. (If you have no "-" operator defined in the data class, it will just do a direct memory copy.)

A Store instance sometimes has more memory allocated than needed by the number of elements in the array. See the Optimize() function for more details.

Note: If you use the "=" operator to copy one entire Store array to another, the original array is left empty. (This is a speed optimization.) If you want to do a deep copy of the contents of the Store array, you should instead use the Clone() function as follows:

Store<int> a;
a = b.Clone();
+ Examples:

Definition at line 334 of file array.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for Store< type >:

Public Member Functions

 Store (const char *sName="unknown")
 Creates an empty array. More...
 Store (unsigned int iSize, const char *sName)
 Creates an array with space for some elements already allocated. More...
 Store (const type *pArray, int iSize, const char *sName="unknown")
 Creates an array and populates it will information copied from another array. More...
 Store (bool bNoObjects, const char *sName)
 Creates an empty array, allowing you to specify if elements have constructors or destructors that need to be called. More...
 Store (const Store &s)
 Creates an array from another one. The other array becomes empty after the operation. More...
 ~Store (void)
 Destroys the contents of the array and deallocate its memory. More...
bool Copy (Store &s) const
 Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data. Returns true if successful. More...
Store Clone (void) const
 Returns a copy of this array. The returned copy will have a duplicate of all data in the original. More...
void Clone (Store &s) const
 Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data. More...
void Clear (bool bDestruct=false)
 Clears the array and deallocates its memory. More...
bool SetItemCount (unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
 Sets the logical size of the array. More...
bool Allocate (unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
 Preallocates memory for the an array, without changing the array's logical size. More...
bool Extend (unsigned int iIndex)
 Extends the logical size of the array. More...
bool Extend (int iIndex)
 Extends the logical size of the array. More...
void RemoveTail (int iItemCount=1)
 Removes the final items from the array. More...
void Fill (type cPattern)
 Fills the array with a specified element. More...
void ByteFill (unsigned char cPattern)
 Fills the array with a specified byte pattern. More...
unsigned int Add (const type &e)
 Adds a new item to the array, increasing the array size by 1. More...
unsigned int Add (type &e)
 Adds a new item to the array, increasing the array size by 1. More...
Storeoperator= (const Store &s)
 Transfers the contents of another array to this one, leaving the original array empty. More...
void GetFrom (Store &s)
 Transfers the contents of another array to this one, leaving the original array empty. More...
const typeoperator[] (unsigned int iIndex) const
 Returns an indexed item from the array. More...
typeoperator[] (unsigned int iIndex)
 Returns an indexed item from the array. More...
const typeoperator[] (int iIndex) const
 Returns an indexed item from the array. More...
typeoperator[] (int iIndex)
 Returns an indexed item from the array. More...
bool IsEmpty (void) const
 Returns true if the array has no items. More...
 operator bool (void) const
 Allows you to use the array as a boolean in if statements. Evaluates to true if the array is not empty. More...
bool operator! (void) const
 Evaluates to true if the array contains no items. More...
void SetBuffer (type *pData, unsigned int iSize=0)
 Makes a Store array from a regular C or C++ array. More...
void Serialize (class Stream &s)
 Serializes the the array and its contents from/to a stream. More...
void Sort (void)
 Sorts the items in the array. More...
typeFind (type a)
 Returns a pointer to the item in the array with a particular value. More...
typeFind (type *a)
 Returns a pointer to the item in the array with a particular value. More...
unsigned int IndexOf (type pValue)
 Returns the first index of the element equal to pValue. More...
unsigned int Remove (const type &e)
 Remove every occurrence of a specified item from the array. Returns the number of removed items. More...
void RemoveAt (unsigned int iIndex)
 Removes the item at the specified index from the array. More...
unsigned int RemoveDuplicates (void)
 Removes duplicated items from the array after sorting it. More...
unsigned int ItemCount (void) const
 Returns the number of items in the array. More...
typeLast (void)
 Returns the last item in the array, or 0 if the array is empty. More...
void Optimize (void)
 Reduces the allocated memory size to match the size of the current elements in the array. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Array< type >
 Array (const char *sName)
 Array (const char *sName, unsigned int iSize)
 Array (const char *sName, const type *pArray, int iSize)
 Array (const char *sName, bool bNoObjects)
 Array (const char *sName, const Array< type > &a)
void Clear (bool bDestruct=false)
Array< typeClone (void) const
bool Copy (Array< type > &a) const
void Set (unsigned int iStart, unsigned int iSize, unsigned char cPattern)
bool Extend (unsigned int iElementIndex)
bool Alloc (unsigned int iNewSize)
typeoperator[] (int iIndex)
typeoperator[] (unsigned int iIndex)
const typeoperator[] (unsigned int iIndex) const
typeindexedAddr (unsigned int i)
const typeindexedAddr (unsigned int i) const
typebaseAddr ()
const typebaseAddr () const
void operator= (const Array< type > &a)
 ~Array (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Block
const BlockNext (void) const
unsigned int ItemSize (void) const
const char * Name (void) const
long long Size (void) const
long long Address (void) const
void Check (void) const

Public Attributes

unsigned int m_iSize
- Public Attributes inherited from Block
const char * m_sName

Static Protected Member Functions

static int Compare (const void *a, const void *b)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Block
static const BlockHead (void)
static void LogAll (float fSizeFilter=0.01f, bool bSortByAddress=false)
static void CheckAll (void)
static bool RegisterMemoryBlock (long long iSize)
static bool UnregisterMemoryBlock (long long iSize)
static void SetAllocatorID (const char *pAllocatorID)
static void CopyMemoryBlock (void *pDestination, const void *pSource, long long iSize)
static voidAlignedAlloc (size_t iBytes, unsigned int iAlignment)
static void AlignedFree (void *pData)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Block
 Block (const char *sName, unsigned int iItemSize)
 ~Block (void)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Array< type >
unsigned int m_iSize
bool m_bData
const Array< type > * m_pThis
- Protected Attributes inherited from Block
unsigned int m_iItemSize
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Block
static Blocks_pHead

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Store ( const char *  sName = "unknown")

Creates an empty array.

[in]sNameA name for the array (optional). Displayed in the log only.

Definition at line 338 of file array.h.

340  : Array<type>( sName ) { m_iSize = 0; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
Store ( unsigned int  iSize,
const char *  sName 

Creates an array with space for some elements already allocated.

The content of the array is undefined. (That is, constructors are not called. To create an array where constructors and destructors are called automatically, use this call:

Store<myType> myInstance(false);
[in]iSizeThe number of elements to allocate initially.
[in]sNameA name for the array (optional). Displayed in the log only.

Definition at line 350 of file array.h.

353  : Array<type>( sName, iSize ) { m_iSize = iSize; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
Store ( const type pArray,
int  iSize,
const char *  sName = "unknown" 

Creates an array and populates it will information copied from another array.

Note that the information from the source array is copied over using memcpy. It is the caller's responsibility to check that the array being copied from contains enough values to copy before calling this constructor.

[in]pArrayThe array from which to copy elements
[in]iSizeThe number of elements to copy over
[in]sNameA name for the array (optional). Displayed in the log only.

Definition at line 360 of file array.h.

364  : Array<type>( sName, pArray, iSize ) { m_iSize = iSize; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
Store ( bool  bNoObjects,
const char *  sName 

Creates an empty array, allowing you to specify if elements have constructors or destructors that need to be called.

[in]bNoObjectsif true, constructors and destructors will not be called on the array objects.
[in]sNameA name for the array (optional). Displayed in the log only.

Definition at line 367 of file array.h.

370  : Array<type>( sName, bNoObjects ) { m_iSize = 0; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
Store ( const Store< type > &  s)

Creates an array from another one. The other array becomes empty after the operation.

[in]sThe array whose contents will be transferred to this one

Definition at line 373 of file array.h.

375  : Array<type>( s.m_sName, s ) { m_iSize = s.m_iSize; s.m_iSize = 0; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
~Store ( void  )

Destroys the contents of the array and deallocate its memory.

Definition at line 378 of file array.h.

378 { Clear( !Array<type>::m_bData ); };
void Clear(bool bDestruct=false)
Clears the array and deallocates its memory.
Definition: array.h:394

Member Function Documentation

bool Copy ( Store< type > &  s) const

Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data. Returns true if successful.

[in]sThe array to be duplicated

Definition at line 381 of file array.h.

383  { s.m_iSize = m_iSize; return Array<type>::Copy( s ); };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
bool Copy(Array< type > &a) const
Definition: array.h:164
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
Store Clone ( void  ) const

Returns a copy of this array. The returned copy will have a duplicate of all data in the original.

Definition at line 386 of file array.h.

386 { Store s; s.SetItemCount( m_iSize ); Copy( s ); return s; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
bool Copy(Store &s) const
Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data. Returns true if successful...
Definition: array.h:381
Store(const char *sName="unknown")
Creates an empty array.
Definition: array.h:338
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
void Clone ( Store< type > &  s) const

Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data.

[in]sThe array to be duplicated

Definition at line 389 of file array.h.

391  { s.SetItemCount( m_iSize ); Copy( s ); };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
bool Copy(Store &s) const
Copies the contents of another array into this one, duplicating all data. Returns true if successful...
Definition: array.h:381
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
void Clear ( bool  bDestruct = false)

Clears the array and deallocates its memory.

[in]bDestructIf true, the destructor will be called for each element.

Definition at line 394 of file array.h.

396  { Array<type>::Clear( bDestruct ); m_iSize = 0; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void Clear(bool bDestruct=false)
Definition: array.h:146
bool SetItemCount ( unsigned int  iSize,
bool  bKeepContent = false 

Sets the logical size of the array.

Returns true if successful.

If the new size is smaller than the current size, items at the end of the array will be discarded. If the new size is larger, then a new memory block will be allocated. In this case, the existing items will only be copied to the new block only if bKeepContent is set to true.

[in]iSizeThe new size of the array
[in]bKeepContentif true, the original array contents will be preserved when the array size is increased.

Definition at line 403 of file array.h.

407  {
408  if ( iSize <= m_iSize )
409  {
410  m_iSize = iSize;
411  return true;
412  };
413  if ( !bKeepContent )
414  Clear();
415  if ( Array<type>::Alloc( iSize ) )
416  {
417  m_iSize = iSize;
418  return true;
419  };
420  return false;
421  };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void Clear(bool bDestruct=false)
Clears the array and deallocates its memory.
Definition: array.h:394
bool Allocate ( unsigned int  iSize,
bool  bKeepContent = false 

Preallocates memory for the an array, without changing the array's logical size.

Returns true if successful.

This method can be used to increase efficiency when an array is expected to grow by a large number of small steps. For example, if you expect to add 50 items to an array one at a time, you can call Allocate() first to allocate the required space. This will prevent the need for frequent reallocation.

[in]iSizeThe new size for the array
[in]bKeepContentif true, the array contents will be preserved. Otherwise they will be discarded.

Definition at line 430 of file array.h.

433  { if ( !bKeepContent ) Clear(); return Array<type>::Alloc( iSize ); };
void Clear(bool bDestruct=false)
Clears the array and deallocates its memory.
Definition: array.h:394
bool Alloc(unsigned int iNewSize)
Definition: array.h:187
bool Extend ( unsigned int  iIndex)

Extends the logical size of the array.

Returns true if successful.

If the specified size is not larger than the current array, nothing will happen. Otherwise the logical size of the array will be extended to one more than the specified index. New memory will be allocated as necessary to hold the new items. Returns true if successful.

[in]iIndexThe array index to extend to. For example, if you specify 7, the new array will contain 8 elements (indexed 0 to 7).

Definition at line 440 of file array.h.

443  {
444  if ( Array<type>::Extend( iIndex ) )
445  {
446  m_iSize = Max( m_iSize, iIndex+1 );
447  return true;
448  };
449  return false;
450  };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
type Max(type a, type b)
Definition: mudbox.h:186
bool Extend ( int  iIndex)

Extends the logical size of the array.

Returns true if successful.

If the specified size is not larger than the current array, nothing will happen. Otherwise the logical size of the array will be extended to one more than the specified index. New memory will be allocated as necessary to hold the new items. Returns true if successful.

[in]iIndexThe array index to extend to. For example, if you specify 7, the new array will contain 8 elements (indexed 0 to 7).

Definition at line 457 of file array.h.

459  { return Extend( (unsigned int)iIndex ); };
bool Extend(unsigned int iIndex)
Extends the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.h:440
void RemoveTail ( int  iItemCount = 1)

Removes the final items from the array.

[in]iItemCountThe number if items to remove from the end of the array

Definition at line 462 of file array.h.

464  { SetItemCount( ItemCount()-iItemCount ); };
bool SetItemCount(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
Sets the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.h:403
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
void Fill ( type  cPattern)

Fills the array with a specified element.

[in]cPatternThe value to which every item in the array will be set

Definition at line 467 of file array.h.

469  { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_iSize; i++ ) operator[](i) = cPattern; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void ByteFill ( unsigned char  cPattern)

Fills the array with a specified byte pattern.

This method is similar to Fill, but it is much faster.

[in]cPatternThe value to which every item in the array will be set

Definition at line 473 of file array.h.

475  { memset( Array<type>::m_pArray, (unsigned int)cPattern, sizeof(type) * m_iSize ); }
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
unsigned int Add ( const type e)

Adds a new item to the array, increasing the array size by 1.

The index of the added element is returned.

If you plan to add a number of objects using this method, you can improve efficiency by preallocating all the space you will need using the Allocate() method.

[in]eThe element to be added to the end of the array

Definition at line 482 of file array.h.

484  { if( Array<type>::Extend( m_iSize ) ) { Array<type>::operator[]( m_iSize ) = e; return m_iSize++; } else return 0xffffffff; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
type & operator[](int iIndex)
Definition: array.h:233
unsigned int Add ( type e)

Adds a new item to the array, increasing the array size by 1.

The index of the added element is returned.

If you plan to add a number of objects using this method, you can improve efficiency by preallocating all the space you will need using the Allocate() method.

[in]eThe element to be added to the end of the array

Definition at line 490 of file array.h.

492  { if( Array<type>::Extend( m_iSize ) ) { Array<type>::operator[]( m_iSize ) = e; return m_iSize++; } else return 0xffffffff; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
type & operator[](int iIndex)
Definition: array.h:233
Store& operator= ( const Store< type > &  s)

Transfers the contents of another array to this one, leaving the original array empty.

If you want to copy the contents of the source array (instead of transferring it), use the Copy() or Clone() functions.

Definition at line 497 of file array.h.

497 { m_iSize = s.m_iSize; s.m_iSize = 0; Array<type>::operator =( s ); return *this; };
void operator=(const Array< type > &a)
Definition: array.h:265
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
void GetFrom ( Store< type > &  s)

Transfers the contents of another array to this one, leaving the original array empty.

If you want to copy the contents of the source array (instead of transferring it), use the Copy() or Clone() functions.

[in]sThe array whose contents are to be transferred to this one

Definition at line 502 of file array.h.

504  { m_iSize = s.m_iSize; Array<type>::operator =( s ); };
void operator=(const Array< type > &a)
Definition: array.h:265
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
const type& operator[] ( unsigned int  iIndex) const

Returns an indexed item from the array.

Definition at line 507 of file array.h.

507 { return Array<type>::m_pArray[iIndex]; };
type& operator[] ( unsigned int  iIndex)

Returns an indexed item from the array.

Definition at line 510 of file array.h.

510 { MB_ASSERT( iIndex < m_iSize ); return Array<type>::m_pArray[iIndex]; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
#define MB_ASSERT(condition)
Definition: mudbox.h:73
const type& operator[] ( int  iIndex) const

Returns an indexed item from the array.

Definition at line 513 of file array.h.

513 { return operator[]( (unsigned int)iIndex ); };
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
type& operator[] ( int  iIndex)

Returns an indexed item from the array.

Definition at line 516 of file array.h.

516 { return operator[]( (unsigned int)iIndex ); };
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
bool IsEmpty ( void  ) const

Returns true if the array has no items.

Definition at line 520 of file array.h.

520 { return ItemCount() == 0; };
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
operator bool ( void  ) const

Allows you to use the array as a boolean in if statements. Evaluates to true if the array is not empty.

Definition at line 523 of file array.h.

523 { return !IsEmpty(); };
bool IsEmpty(void) const
Returns true if the array has no items.
Definition: array.h:520
bool operator! ( void  ) const

Evaluates to true if the array contains no items.

Definition at line 526 of file array.h.

526 { return IsEmpty(); };
bool IsEmpty(void) const
Returns true if the array has no items.
Definition: array.h:520
void SetBuffer ( type pData,
unsigned int  iSize = 0 

Makes a Store array from a regular C or C++ array.

This method takes a pointer to a block of memory that contains a C-style array of elements of the appropriate type, and makes that into a Mudbox array object. Once this is called, the Store item will control the memory block, and extend or deallocate it as needed, as part of its own methods and destructor.

It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the source array is at least as big as the specified size.

Definition at line 537 of file array.h.

537 { m_iSize = Array<type>::m_iSize = iSize; Array<type>::m_pArray = pData; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void Serialize ( class Stream s)

Serializes the the array and its contents from/to a stream.

[in]sThe stream from/to which to read/write the array

Definition at line 294 of file stream.h.

295 {
296  if ( !s.IsStoring() )
297  SetItemCount( s.ReadInt() );
298  else
299  s << m_iSize;
300  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_iSize; i++ )
301  s == operator[]( i );
302 };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
bool SetItemCount(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
Sets the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.h:403
GLdouble s
Definition: GLee.h:1173
void Sort ( void  )

Sorts the items in the array.

This method will sort all the items in the array from least to greatest. If the array is of a non-numeric or non-string type, this method determines the relative ordering of items using the subtraction ("-") operator. In order to use this method, you must ensure that the subtraction operator is defined for the data type stored in this array, with these properties:

if A is less than B, then A-B must return a negative integer

if A is greater than B, then A-B must return a positive integer

if A is equivalent to B, then A-B must return 0

Definition at line 556 of file array.h.

556 { QuickSort( Array<type>::m_pArray, m_iSize, sizeof(type), Compare ); };
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void MBDLL_DECL QuickSort(void *pBase, unsigned int iNum, unsigned int iSize, int(*fComparator)(const void *, const void *))
static int Compare(const void *a, const void *b)
Definition: array.h:662
type* Find ( type  a)

Returns a pointer to the item in the array with a particular value.

The array must be sorted before using this call.

This method uses a binary search to return a pointer to an element in the array with the specified value. If the value is not found, then NULL is returned. Before this method can be called, the array must be sorted (by calling the Sort() method).

Note: The pointer returned by this function should not be kept for later use, as the contents of an array can move around in memory as items are added and removed. It should only be used immediately.

[in]aThe value to search for in the array

Definition at line 566 of file array.h.

568  { return (type *) bsearch( &a, Array<type>::m_pArray, m_iSize, sizeof(type), Compare ); };
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
static int Compare(const void *a, const void *b)
Definition: array.h:662
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte a
Definition: GLee.h:5404
type* Find ( type a)

Returns a pointer to the item in the array with a particular value.

The array must be sorted before using this call.

This method uses a binary search to return a pointer to an element in the array with the specified value. If the value is not found, then NULL is returned. Before this method can be called, the array must be sorted (by calling the Sort() method).

Note: The pointer returned by this function should not be kept for later use, as the contents of an array can move around in memory as items are added and removed. It should only be used immediately.

Definition at line 578 of file array.h.

578 { return (type *) bsearch( a, Array<type>::m_pArray, m_iSize, sizeof(type), Compare ); };
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
static int Compare(const void *a, const void *b)
Definition: array.h:662
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte a
Definition: GLee.h:5404
unsigned int IndexOf ( type  pValue)

Returns the first index of the element equal to pValue.

Note this method requires that operator == be defined for the type of data stored in the array. Returns the index of the first occurance of pValue or 0xffffffff if the array does not contain pValue.

Definition at line 584 of file array.h.

585  {
586  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ItemCount(); ++i )
587  if( (*this)[i] == pValue )
588  return i;
589  return 0xffffffff;
590  };
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
unsigned int Remove ( const type e)

Remove every occurrence of a specified item from the array. Returns the number of removed items.

[in]ethe item to remove from the array

Definition at line 593 of file array.h.

596  {
597  unsigned int j = 0, i = 0;
598  while ( i < ItemCount() )
599  {
600  if ( operator[]( i ) != e )
601  operator[]( j++ ) = operator[]( i );
602  i++;
603  };
604  SetItemCount( j );
605  return i-j;
606  };
bool SetItemCount(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
Sets the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.h:403
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
void RemoveAt ( unsigned int  iIndex)

Removes the item at the specified index from the array.

[in]iIndexindex of the item to be removed

Definition at line 609 of file array.h.

612  {
613  while ( iIndex+1 < ItemCount( ) )
614  {
615  operator[]( iIndex ) = operator[]( iIndex+1 );
616  iIndex++;
617  };
618  SetItemCount( Min(iIndex,ItemCount()-1) );
619  };
type Min(type a, type b)
Definition: mudbox.h:184
bool SetItemCount(unsigned int iSize, bool bKeepContent=false)
Sets the logical size of the array.
Definition: array.h:403
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
unsigned int RemoveDuplicates ( void  )

Removes duplicated items from the array after sorting it.

See the Sort() method for information on what makes an array Sort-able. This method sorts the contents of the array, then goes through and removes any duplicate entries, leaving a list of unique items. It returns the number of items that were removed.

Definition at line 627 of file array.h.

628  {
629  if ( ItemCount() == 0 )
630  return 0;
631  Sort();
632  unsigned int j = 0;
633  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ItemCount()-1; i++ )
634  {
635  if ( operator[]( i ) != operator[]( i+1 ) )
636  operator[]( j++ ) = operator[]( i );
637  };
638  operator[]( j++ ) = operator[]( ItemCount()-1 );
639  unsigned iRemoved = ItemCount()-j;
640  m_iSize = j;
641  return iRemoved;
642  };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
void Sort(void)
Sorts the items in the array.
Definition: array.h:556
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
unsigned int ItemCount ( void  ) const

Returns the number of items in the array.

Definition at line 645 of file array.h.

645 { return m_iSize; };
unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
type& Last ( void  )

Returns the last item in the array, or 0 if the array is empty.

Definition at line 648 of file array.h.

648 { if ( ItemCount() ) return operator []( ItemCount()-1 ); else throw new Error( "Store::LastItem called for an empty store" ); };
unsigned int ItemCount(void) const
Returns the number of items in the array.
Definition: array.h:645
const type & operator[](unsigned int iIndex) const
Returns an indexed item from the array.
Definition: array.h:507
void Optimize ( void  )

Reduces the allocated memory size to match the size of the current elements in the array.

Arrays derived from Store automatically grow their memory as needed to accommodate the items that are added to them. For efficiency, when an array expands it allocates more memory than it immediately needs. This reduces the number of expensive memory allocations.

The Optimize methods allocates a new block of memory, precisely the size needed to hold the current contents of the array, then copies the array data to this new block before deleting the existing block. Use it to minimize the memory footprint of arrays that are unlikely to expand, but that you need to keep around.

Definition at line 659 of file array.h.

unsigned int m_iSize
Definition: array.h:677
bool Alloc(unsigned int iNewSize)
Definition: array.h:187
static int Compare ( const void a,
const void b 

Definition at line 662 of file array.h.

662 { return (int)(*((type *)a)-*((type *)b)); };
GLuint GLuint GLsizei GLenum type
Definition: GLee.h:872
GLubyte GLubyte b
Definition: GLee.h:5404
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte a
Definition: GLee.h:5404

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int m_iSize

Definition at line 677 of file array.h.

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