
// Copyright (c) 2010 Autodesk, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// CREATED: August 2010
// This file makes it possible to export an existing paint layer to a ptex file. It first examines the mesh,
// and if it is possible, it directly saves the texture pieces of a face into the ptex file. Otherwise it does
// a full map extraction process.
#include "PtexPaintExporter.h"
#include "PtexUtilizer.h"
#include <math.h>
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( PtexPaintExporter, PaintLayerExporter, "ptexpaintexporter" );
Preferences::Bool g_bIncludeBaseMesh(
NTR("Save mesh data in PTEX files"),
QObject::tr("Save mesh data in PTEX files"),
true );
// The ptex file can contain four different data formats, so four different file types are returned here.
QVector<FileExtension> PtexPaintExporter::SupportedExtensions( void ) const
s.append( FileExtension( "ptx", QObject::tr("Ptex file [8 bit Integer, RGBA]"), Image::e8integer ) );
s.append( FileExtension( "ptx", QObject::tr("Ptex file [16 bit Integer, RGBA]"), Image::e16integer ) );
s.append( FileExtension( "ptx", QObject::tr("Ptex file [16 bit Floating point, RGBA]"), Image::e16float ) );
s.append( FileExtension( "ptx", QObject::tr("Ptex file [32 bit Floating point, RGBA]"), Image::e32float ) );
return s;
PtexPaintExporter::PtexPaintExporter() :
m_bUseBaseLevel(this, NTR("Use Base Level"))
m_bUseBaseLevel.SetValue( true );
// This function exports one paint layer as a ptex file.
void PtexPaintExporter::Export( const QString &sFileName, int iFileTypeIndex, const Mesh *pSourceSurface, TexturePool *pSource )
if( m_bUseBaseLevel )
// use the base level of the meshes.
pSourceSurface = pSourceSurface->Geometry()->LowestLevel();
// First the function examines the mesh, and if possible, it directly writes the texture pieces for each face
// into the ptex file. This is only possible if the mesh is a quadric mesh, and the UV for the mesh was generated
// using the UVlessPainting plugin (in which case each face has a rectangular area on the texture with a size
// power of two)
if ( pSourceSurface->Type() == Mesh::typeQuadric )
const UVGeneratorNode *pG = pSourceSurface->ChildByClass<UVGeneratorNode>( false );
if ( pG )
switch ( iFileTypeIndex )
case 0:
FastExport<unsigned char, 255>( sFileName, iFileTypeIndex, pSourceSurface, pSource, pG );
case 1:
FastExport<unsigned short, 65525>( sFileName, iFileTypeIndex, pSourceSurface, pSource, pG );
case 2:
FastExport<half_, 1>( sFileName, iFileTypeIndex, pSourceSurface, pSource, pG );
case 3:
FastExport<float, 1>( sFileName, iFileTypeIndex, pSourceSurface, pSource, pG );
MB_ERROR( "Unknown filetype" );
// Otherwise, a full map extraction process has to be executed, which extracts the given paint layer into
// the ptex file.
SubdivisionLevel *pSL = dynamic_cast<SubdivisionLevel *>( (Mesh *)pSourceSurface );
SubdivisionLevel *pBL = m_bUseBaseLevel ? pSL->Geometry()->LowestLevel() : pSL;
// Create a map extraction node, set all the basic parameters in it.
Instance<MapExtractor> m;
m->SetTargetCount( 1 );
m->SetTargetMesh( 0, pBL );
m->SetSourceCount( 1 );
m->SetSourceMesh( 0, pBL->Geometry()->HighestLevel() );
m->SetUtilizerType( PtexUtilizer::StaticClass() );
m->SetLocatorType( ClassDesc::ByName( NTR( "SubdivisionLocator" ) ) );
// We only need the paint layer Sampler, so we set the data about the paint layer, and enable it.
Sampler *pC = m->SamplerByClassName( "ColorTransfer" );
// The paint layer is identified by the name, and the layer index.
Attribute* pTP = pC->AttributeByID( "texturepool" );
pTP->SetPointerValue( pSource );
pC->SetEnabled( true );
// In the utilizer, we have to set the file name.
Utilizer *pU = pC->Utilizer();
pU->SetAttributeValue( "filename", sFileName );
pU->SetAttributeValue( "includemeshdata", g_bIncludeBaseMesh ? "true" : "false" );
// In the layout we have to set the reolution. This resolution is a guess based on the paint layer
// resolution and the face count in the base mesh. Ideally the user could control it somehow.
PtexLayout *pPL = dynamic_cast<PtexLayout *>( m->Layout() );
if ( pBL->UVlessPaintingStatus() == 2 )
pPL->m_eDistribution = PtexLayout::distCustom;
unsigned int iPixelCount = 0;
for ( unsigned int t = 0; t < pSource->TileCount(); t++ )
const Texture *pT = pSource->Tile( t );
iPixelCount += pT->Width()*pT->Height();
if ( pSource->TileCount() > 0 )
pPL->m_eDistribution = PtexLayout::distUVArea;
pPL->m_iDesiredTexelCount = pSource->Tile( 0 )->Width()*pSource->Tile( 0 )->Height()/2*pSource->TileCount();
// Set the format of the ptex file.
PtexUtilizer *pPU = dynamic_cast<PtexUtilizer *>( pU );
pPU->SetFormat( (PtexUtilizer::Format)iFileTypeIndex );
// Execute the extraction silently.
m->Execute( false );
inline bool isUVRightHanded(const Mesh & mesh, unsigned face) {
MB_ASSERT(mesh.Type() == Topology::typeQuadric);
TC o = mesh.QuadVertexTC(face, 0);
TC a = mesh.QuadVertexTC(face, 1) - o;
TC b = mesh.QuadVertexTC(face, 3) - o;
float zOfCrossProduct = a.u*b.v - b.u*a.v;
return zOfCrossProduct > 0;
// This function export a paint layer to a ptex file by copying rectangular areas from the current texture into the ptex file.
// This is better than a full extraction process, because it is faster, and it preserves the detail (there is no filtering).
template < typename tType, int iMultiplier >
void PtexPaintExporter::FastExport( const QString &sFileName, int iFileTypeIndex, const Mesh *pSourceSurface, TexturePool *pSource, const UVGeneratorNode *pG )
Kernel()->Interface()->ProgressStart( QObject::tr("Exporting to Ptex file..."), pSourceSurface->FaceCount() );
unsigned int iTileWidth = 0, iTileHeight = 0;
// Count the number of tiles in the mesh
AxisAlignedBoundingBox d;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pSource->TileCount(); i++ )
d.Extend( pSource->TileArea( i ) );
unsigned int iXW = ceilf( d.m_vEnd.x ), iYW = ceilf( d.m_vEnd.y );
// Get a copy of the textures as an image, which later can be readed comfortably.
QVector<Image *> aImages( iXW*iYW, NULL );
for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < iXW; x++ )
for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < iYW; y++ )
Texture *pT = pSource->Tile( AxisAlignedBoundingBox( Vector( x, y, 0.5f ), Vector( x+1, y+1, 0.5f ) ) );
if ( pT )
unsigned char iLevel = pT->getProxyLevel();
Image *pI = aImages[x+y*iXW] = CreateInstance<Image>();
pT->CopyTo( pI, false );
if ( iTileWidth == 0 )
iTileWidth = pT->Width();
iTileHeight = pT->Height();
else if( pT->Location() != TexturePool::locationUnknown && pT->Format() != Image::eUnknown )
// its possible that pT is an unallocated texture. The reason is that this code assumes the
// tiles of the texture pool fit perfectly into a rectangle in UV tile space, but that's
// not always the case. So the uv tile at (x,y) doesn't nessecarily have any texture data
// allocated for it. So here we'll just check that the valid textures have the same dimensions.
// (The TexturePool class *is* supposed to just allocate a tile on-demand though
// I don't know why that isn't working in this case, but anyways, its not a problem here)
MB_ONBUG( iTileWidth != pT->Width() || iTileHeight != pT->Height() )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < iXW*iYW; j++ )
delete aImages[j];
MB_ONBUG( iTileWidth != pI->Width() || iTileHeight != pI->Height() )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < iXW*iYW; j++ )
delete aImages[j];
// Create the ptex file.
Ptex::String sError;
QByteArray qbaFileMask = QFile::encodeName( sFileName );
Ptex::DataType aFormats[4] = { Ptex::dt_uint8, Ptex::dt_uint16, Ptex::dt_half, Ptex::dt_float };
PtexWriter::setTempFolder( Kernel()->Preferences()->m_sTempPath.Value().toStdString() );
PtexWriter *pWriter = PtexWriter::open( qbaFileMask.constData(), Ptex::mt_quad, aFormats[iFileTypeIndex], 4, 3, pSourceSurface->FaceCount(), sError );
MB_ONBUG( pWriter == NULL || iTileWidth == 0 || iTileHeight == 0 )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < iXW*iYW; j++ )
delete aImages[j];
// Go through all the faces of the mesh, and for each face, write a ptex face into the file.
for ( unsigned int f = 0; f < pSourceSurface->FaceCount(); f++ )
bool swapUV = !isUVRightHanded(*pSourceSurface, f);
unsigned int iOrientation = pG->FaceOrientation( f );
Ptex::FaceInfo sInfo;
// Store the adjacency information for the face. This is used by the ptex library to do filtering at face edges.
unsigned int af[4], ae[4];
for ( int c = 0; c < 4; c++ )
unsigned int a = pSourceSurface->QuadAdjacency( f, c );
// When the returned value is 0xffffffff it means there is no adjacent face in that direction, so it is an open edge.
if ( a == 0xffffffff )
// When there is no adjacent face, the adjacent face index must be set to -1 (edge index is ignored)
af[c] = 0xffffffff;
ae[c] = 0;
af[c] = a/4;
ae[c] = a%4;
sInfo.setadjfaces( af[0], af[1], af[2], af[3] );
sInfo.setadjedges( ae[0], ae[1], ae[2], ae[3] );
// Calculate the corners of the texture rectangle.
unsigned int iXS = pG->FaceUVPosition(f)[0];
unsigned int iYS = pG->FaceUVPosition(f)[1];
unsigned int iXD = pG->FaceSizeExponent(f)[0];
unsigned int iYD = pG->FaceSizeExponent(f)[1];
// Calculate the index of the tile
unsigned int iTX = pG->FaceUVArea(f)[0], iTY = pG->FaceUVArea(f)[1];
Image *i = aImages[iTX+iTY*iXW];
MB_ONBUG( i == NULL || i->Width() != pG->UVTileSize() || i->Height() != pG->UVTileSize() )
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < iXW*iYW; j++ )
delete aImages[j];
Kernel()->Interface()->SetStatus( Interface::stError, QObject::tr("Unknown error exporting ptex file.") );
// Based on the orientation of the face, we might have to modify the given values.
unsigned int iXX = 1, iXY = 0, iYX = 0, iYY = 1;
if ( swapUV && iOrientation % 2 )
iOrientation = 4 - iOrientation;
switch ( iOrientation )
case 0:
case 1:
iYS += (1<<iXD)-1;
iXX = iYY = 0;
iXY = 1;
iYX = 0xffffffff;
case 2:
iXX = iYY = 0xffffffff;
iXS += (1<<iXD)-1;
iYS += (1<<iYD)-1;
case 3:
iXS += (1<<iYD)-1;
iXX = iYY = 0;
iXY = 0xffffffff;
iYX = 1;
// Set the size of the face. The width and height of a face can be different, but it is always power of two.
unsigned iW = swapUV ? 1<<iYD : 1<<iXD,
iH = swapUV ? 1<<iXD : 1<<iYD;
sInfo.res = swapUV ? Ptex::Res( iYD, iXD ) : Ptex::Res( iXD, iYD );
// Allocate a temporary buffer to hold the data.
tType *pData = new tType[iW*iH*4];
// Copy the pixels from the texture to the temporary buffer.
for ( unsigned int y = 0; y < iH; y++ )
for ( unsigned int x = 0; x < iW; x++ )
Color c;
if (swapUV)
c = i->ColorAt( iXS+y*iXX+x*iXY, iYS+y*iYX+x*iYY );
c = i->ColorAt( iXS+x*iXX+y*iXY, iYS+x*iYX+y*iYY );
if ( c.a )
float f = 1/c.a;
c.r *= f;
c.g *= f;
c.b *= f;
unsigned index = x+y*iW;
pData[index*4+0] = c.r*iMultiplier;
pData[index*4+1] = c.g*iMultiplier;
pData[index*4+2] = c.b*iMultiplier;
pData[index*4+3] = c.a*iMultiplier;
// Write the data to the file, and free the buffer.
pWriter->writeFace( f, sInfo, pData );
delete pData;
// Close and release the file.
if ( g_bIncludeBaseMesh )
PtexUtilizer::WriteMeshData( pWriter, pSourceSurface );
pWriter->close( sError );
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < iXW*iYW; j++ )
delete aImages[j];