Importing a scene loads an existing file from disk and adds it to the contents of the current scene. You can add one or more models to your current scene or layer using File > Import from the main menu, or > Import Layer in the Sculpt Layers window. For more information on supported model file formats, see Model file formats.
Import Layer loads a saved model into the scene and stores it as a layer on the active object, making the following workflows possible:
- Allows multiple sculptors to work on separate versions of the same model then combine their work by importing the separate models into one scene as separate layers.
- Blend between different design iterations. For example, you can import two different versions of the same model as layers and then mask out areas on each to produce a result that is a hybrid of the two original models.
- For facial animation purposes, import variations of the same model for facial targets. You can then use the Strength sliders for each layer to blend between the various facial targets.
- Update the pose or proportions of a model when changes have occurred in the original 3D modeling application or by another sculptor in Mudbox.
- Update a model in the original 3D modeling application, load it into Mudbox, then import your high resolution version of the model as a layer to update the new version with your sculpted detail.
Note: Mudbox does not support file, attribute, or directory paths that use double-byte characters in the names (such as found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese languages). Text strings should be restricted to single byte characters only (Latin alphabet). Using text strings that contain double-byte (extended ASCII) characters may result in an error or data loss.