Set or modify color hue

You can apply a consistent hue to a texture image using the Hue tool, or shift the hue consistently using the Hue Shift tool.

Both tools are based on a Hue, Saturation, and Value color model (HSV). The Hue tool replaces the color hue for pixels in a paint layer with a hue that you specify, and the Hue Shift tool shifts the color hue for pixels by an amount (in degrees rotation around the color wheel) that you specify.

Note: The Hue and Hue Shift tools operate only on the active paint layer, with no effect on the underlying shading material color.

To set hue color

  1. In the PaintLayers window, select the paint layer where you want to edit the hue.
  2. In the Paint Tools tray, select the Hue tool.
  3. In the Hue tool properties, click the Color tile to open the Color Chooser and set the hue you want. See also Using the Color Chooser.

    The Numeric Input Value section and the Eyedropper in the Color Chooser can be useful for sampling and setting a color hue value.

  4. Stroke across the areas where you want to change the color hue.

    Pixel hue values are modified in the areas that you stroke. Color value and color saturation are not affected. Unlike other paint tools, no buildup of the hue effect occurs.

    Note: Fully saturated color hues yield better results than color hues with lower saturation values. Black and white textures are not affected by the Hue tool.

To shift the color hue

  1. Click the Layers tab to display the Layers window, and set the layer display to Paint.
  2. In the Layers window, select the paint layer you want to shift color hue on.
  3. In the Paint Tools tray, select the Hue Shift tool.
  4. In the Hue Shift tool properties, set the Hue Shift property to a desired value in degrees.

    Hue values are shifted by the amount you specify in degrees around the color wheel relative to their current value. For example, a Hue Shift setting of 90 degrees shifts a red pixel to green (based on a counter-clockwise direction). You can enter positive or negative values ranging between 1 and 180 degrees and also use the Color Chooser for reference. See also Using the Color Chooser.

  5. Stroke across the areas where you want to shift the color hue.

    All of the color hues within the brush ring are modified in the areas that you stroke. Color value and color saturation are not affected. No buildup of the hue shift occurs.

    Stroking repeatedly in the same region continues to shift the color hue on the affected pixels, and can produce some prismatic color effects.

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