Painting basics

Before you begin painting on a model, consider the type of texture map you want to paint (diffuse/color, bump, gloss, reflection), the resolution/size of the image you want to produce, and finally the bit depth for the image.

The paint criteria generally depend on your rendering software, or your production workflow requirements.

Note: For best results, review Prepare a model for painting or Prepare a model for PTEX painting before you paint a model in Mudbox.
To... Do this

Paint on a model

Select a tool (such as the Paint Brush) from the Paint Tools tray, then stroke across the model. If you haven’t already created one, the Create New Paint Layer window appears to let you create your first paint layer.

Change the paint color

Click the Color tile in the Paint Tool properties, then set the color using the Color Chooser.

See also Change the paint color.

Create additional paint layers

Click the New Layer button in the Paint Layers window, or select New Layer.

Create smoother paint strokes

Consider turning on Steady Stroke. See Produce smooth tool strokes.

Undo the previous paint stroke

Select Edit > Undo (Hotkey: Ctrl + Z).

Save or export paint layers

Paint layers are saved in the same location as your .mud file when you select File > Save to save your model. See also Save paint layers. For information on exporting specific layers or all layers, see Export paint layers.

Erase paint on the current paint layer

Select the Paint Erase tool and stroke across the area you want to erase.

See also Erase paint.

Related topics

Prepare a model for painting

Painting presets

Create New Paint Layer window

Paint using brush stamps

Paint using stencil projection

Paint layers overview

Troubleshoot painting