Field Types

This topic lists and describes the types of fields you can add to the Item Details, Grid, Bill of Materials, Sourcing, and Workflow Items tabs. Field types determine how data is input, stored, and displayed. Any tabs that do not support a field type are noted in the field description.

Field TypeDescription
Auto NumberDisplays an alphanumeric number automatically computed using a given formula and automatically incremented with each item added to the workspace (read-only)
Integer*Displays integer numbers
Float*Displays floating point numbers
Money*Displays a currency amount
Date*Displays a date conforming to a valid date format
Single Line TextDisplays a single line of text
ParagraphDisplays multiple lines of text that preserve line breaks and carriage returns
Paragraph w/o Line BreaksDisplays multiple lines of text but does NOT preserve line breaks or carriage returns
Check Box*Allows one or more selections from a number of options
ImageDisplays an image
URLDisplays an active link to a web address
EmailDisplays an email address in a valid email format
CSVAllows entry of data in Comma-Separated Value format
FlashAllows embedding of a Flash object
BOM UOM PicklistAllows a selection from a list of the Bill of Materials Units of Measure (UOM) set up through the BOM Manager (see Units of Measure)
DerivedDisplays data sourced from a selected item in another workspace (supported only in the Item Details tab). For help on creating a Derived field, see Derived Fields.
Picklist:Allows a selection from a list of values (a "picklist"). There are two types of Picklists: 1) a list of user-defined values or 2) a list of records from a given workspace (see Picklist Manager).

For help on creating a Picklist field, see Picklist Fields.

  • Radio Button
Displays Picklist values as Radio Buttons (same as Single Selection)
  • Single Selection
Allows selection of a single value from the Picklist
  • Show First Value as Default
Displays the first value in the Picklist as the default value
  • Retain Last Saved Label
Retains the Picklist value last saved in the field even if the value is later removed from the Picklist. Values are retained in Reports and the Grid, Linked Items, Bill of Materials, and Sourcing tabs.
  • Multiple Selection
Allows selection of multiple values in the Picklist
  • Latest Version
Displays the Latest Version of the item selected in the Picklist (available only in Picklists consisting of records from a revision-controlled workspace)
  • Filtered
Allows filtering of values available in one or more Picklist fields according to a value selected in another picklist field (supported only in the Item Details, Grid, Bill of Materials, and Sourcing tabs) . ***Note: Filtered Picklist fields work only with workspace Picklists and only if all the fields point to the same Picklist.

Roll Up Fields

Roll up fields allow you to view a rolled up value of an input field across the BOM. The following field types can be rolled up:

Each of these field types can be configured as a source for a roll up value in the BOM. When configured as a roll up, a function is applied to the field and the result is displayed for each row in the BOM. The rolled up value is then totalled at the bottom of the BOM.