Create a Workspace

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a workspace on your Fusion Manage site.

Step 1: Add the New Workspace

  1. On the Administration menu, click Workspace Manager.
  2. In the Workspace Manager, click New Workspace. Add a workspace
  3. Complete the fields and click Save.

Complete the To Do Tasks

The exclamation icons Exclamation icon that appear on the Workspace Manager workspace panel identify “to do” tasks that you must complete before the workspace is usable. To view details of a “to do” task, mouse over the exclamation icon. Once you complete a task, the icon disappears.

Step 2: Create a Section in Item Details

Before adding fields and tables to the workspace's Item Details tab, create one or more sections. Sections allow you to organize fields into logical groupings. For detailed help, see Configure the Item Details Form.

Step 3: Add Fields to Item Details

Now that you have at least one section you can create fields and assign them to sections. For detailed help, see Configure the Item Details Form.

Step 4: Specify Descriptor Fields

Every item in Fusion Manage has a title or header called a “Descriptor”. Descriptors are set up individually for each Workspace: you select several Item Details fields (up to 4) that will make up the descriptor. For detailed help, see Specify Descriptor Fields.

Step 5: Set up User Permissions for the Workspace

Your workspace should now be created. However, users will not be able to see the workspace until you setup a role for the workspace and add users to that role. For detailed help, see Set up Permissions.