Error Messages in Update Dialog Box

Sometimes after making a change in TruPlan, the Update dialog box opens and shows you any errors that have been detected; for example after creating a strategy.

Some errors can be corrected with an action.

Message Action
Value is out of bounds (add strategy) In the Strategy dialog box, select a seed point or curve that is inside the ply boundary.
One of the boundaries is too close to the edge of the surface (add strategy) Decrease the tow width or number of tows so that the surface extends past the ply boundary by at least one bandwidth.
Surface is malformed - vertex has multiple edge convergence Re-tessellate the surface with "Enable Refinement" deselected.
Intersection failed In the Strategy dialog box, set Maximum Overlap to 0.
Curve dose not match In the Strategy dialog box, set Boundary Tow Overlap to 50%.
The seed point is not set In the Strategy dialog box, set a seed point or curve for the strategy.