To Create a Seed Point

Before you can create a strategy, you need to create a seed point. The seed point helps define the boundary of the surface for which you are creating the strategy. You will reference the seed point when you create the strategy.

Some propagation modes require, or can use, a seed curve along with the seed point. For instance, a seed curve is necessary for Guide Curve Offset mode, and optional for Fabric Draping mode, depending on your part. If you are using a seed curve, the seed point must reside on it. For Fabric Draping mode, seed points and curves should be near the middle of the part and away from any severe geometric features.

Tip: See Working with Points, Curves, and Projections.

To create a seed point for a strategy:

  1. Optional: If your propagation mode is going to be Guide Curve Offset, create a curve. You might also need to create a curve if you are going to use Fabric Draping propagation mode.
  2. Create a point.

    Make sure that the point is not located close to the edge of the ply boundary. This can cause problems with analyses. If you created a curve in the first step, make sure the point is on the curve.

  3. Project the point onto the surface within the boundary of the ply you want to manufacture.

    If you created a curve in step 1, project it onto this surface as well.

  4. Optional: Repeat these steps to create additional points.

    You can use these additional points to create alternate strategies and get a wider variety of analysis results.