You can configure additional server settings, such as e-mail notifications and number of rows displayed on a page, on the Administration dialog in the Autodesk Data Management Server Console. You can also fine tune your Vault Server peformance by following the steps in the Advanced Configuration section of this topic.
Access Advanced Server Settings
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, select the Advanced Settings tab.
- Click Settings.
- Enter the user name for the impersonation account.
- Enter the password for the user account. The user name and password that are entered must be a pre-existing local Microsoft Windows user or domain user.
- If the connection between a Vault client and the Autodesk Vault Server is timing out before large files can be transferred, you can increase the connection time-out limit. The default is 1,000 seconds. Enter a new time-out value.
Share Path
If Autodesk Vault Server is configured during installation to use a remote SQL instance, a shared network folder is required as a transition area between the SQL instance and the Autodesk Vault Server. The location of the shared network folder can be changed.
Note: Both the user account under which the Autodesk Vault Server is running as well as the user account under which the SQL instance is operating need read/write access to the shared network folder.
- The current location of the shared folder is displayed. Enter a new path or click the browse button to locate a new shared network folder.
Log File Configuration
You can configure the number of console, server, and email logs retained on the Vault server. The minimum and default value is 6 logs. The maximum number of logs per type is 99.
Reset Defaults
To return the values on the Advanced Settings dialog back to the default values, click Reset Defaults.
Click Email to configure ERP e-mail notification for Autodesk Vault.
Note: This option is only available for Autodesk Vault Professional edition.
Email notifications can be sent automatically to users. The users must be a part of an ECO routing list and are notified about change order events. For more information, refer to Change Order Routings and Change Order Routing Roles.
Configure E-Mail Notification
E-mail Notifications must be enabled in the Vault Server before users can be notified about ECO changes.
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, select the Advanced Settings tab.
- Click Email.
- Select the Enable Email Notification check box.
- By default, the SMTP server is set to localhost. Change the value to the machine name of the SMTP server on your network. If you do not know the machine name of the SMTP server, contact your system administrator.
- In the Email From text box, enter the "from" address to use for the automatically generated e-mail messages. This value is blank by default. An e-mail address must be entered. The SMTP server on your network must also be configured to send e-mail from the address specified.
- Enter the port number through which your SMTP server operates.
- Click Test Email to send a test message to verify the e-mail settings.
- If your SMTP server uses SSL, turn on the Enable Compatibility with SSL check box.
- If your SMTP server requires authentication, turn on the SMTP Authentication check box and enter the user name and password for the SMTP account.
Reset Defaults
- To return the values on the Advanced Settings dialog back to the default values, click Reset Defaults.
Identify Recipients
Email notifications are sent to users who are part of an ECO routing list. You can add, edit, and delete email addresses for users on the User Management dialog in the Vault Server.
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, make sure the Security tab is selected.
- Click Users. The User Management dialog opens.
- Right-click on a user for whom you want to add or modify an email address and select Edit.
- Enter the new e-mail address in the Email field.
- Click OK to save the changes.
Note: Users must be added to a routing list to receive e-mail notifications.
Send a Test E-mail Message
When you configure email notification, you can send a test e-mail to verify the e-mail settings.
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, select the Advanced Settings tab.
- Click Email.
- On the Email Settings dialog box, click Test Email....
- In the Test Mail Message dialog box, enter a recipient address. The From address is automatically filled in from the Advanced Settings dialog box.
- Click Send.
An e-mail message is sent to the recipient with the subject line:
- Server Console: Test mail message from [server name].
Click Paging to configure the number of rows of data displayed per page. You can decrease the number of rows displayed on a page to increase server performance.
Note: In a multi-site environment, the page size is applied to all sites.
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, select the Advanced Settings tab.
- Click Paging.
- In the Paging dialog, specify the number of rows to display per page. The minimum page size is 25.
Tip: Setting a smaller page size increases server performance.
- Click OK.
Performance Thresholds
When working with a large number of files, the performance thresholds can be changed to help minimize the performance impact on users.
Use the Administration utility to specify notification preferences when processing a large number of files.
- Select Tools
- In the Administration dialog box, select the Advanced Settings tab.
- In the Performance Thresholds section, click Settings. The Performance Thresholds dialog is displayed.
- In the General File Processing section, specify the number of files that can be included when performing a general task before the system warns the user that server performance may be impacted. The threshold can range from 1,000 to 10,000. The default setting is 5,000.
- Specify the number of files that can be included when performing a general task before the system produces an error and prevents the user from proceeding. The threshold can range from 1,000 to 10,000 but must be greater than the value specified as a warning threshold.
- In the Performance Thresholds section, specify the number of files that can be included when synchronizing the workspace before warning the user that server performance may be impacted. The threshold can range from 1,000 to 10,000 files. The default is 3,000.
Note: In a connected workgroup environment, the performance threshold is applied to all workgroups and all sites.
Tip: Setting a smaller performance threshold increases server performance.
Ownership Leasing
To change an object in a connected workgroup, a user must belong to the workgroup that has ownership of that object. When taking ownership of an object, the user selects the length of time in which no other user can take ownership. This length of time is called a lease. At the end of a lease the current owner maintains ownership until another user requests ownership of that object. If the lease is expired the requesting user will take ownership of that object.
Note: This feature is only available in Vault Collaboration and Vault Professional.
There are two types of ownership in a connected workgroup environment, ownership of vault objects (e.g., files, folders, change orders, items, and custom objects), and ownership of administrative tasks.
Advanced Configuration Settings
Sometimes it may be necessary to configure timeout settings or manage the Autodesk Data Management Server Console file directly. Follow the steps in this section to optimize your Vault service.
Caution: The steps in this section are designed for administrators who are familiar with Vault Server performance and who want to fine-tune the Vault Server settings.
Increase Timeout Values
As the vault database increases in size, you may have to modify some timeout values on the server to allow for the server to process more data. Increase the timeout values for client and server functions:
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Data Management Console [year]\Server\Web\Services directory, where [year] is the release year for the Autodesk Data Management Console.
- Create a backup copy of the Web.config file.
- Open the Web.config file with Notepad and look for the following line:
Note: these values may be different, depending on the size of the vault and the speed of the server it is installed on. Higher values may be necessary.
- Save the Web.config file.
- Open a command prompt and type IISRESET.
Note: If you increase the defaultCommand value higher then 1000, you must increase the executionTimeout value to an equal or higher value. This is found on the following line:
Configure the Autodesk Data Management Server Console File
Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to change the server console configuration file. This file controls the server console default settings.
Open the Configuration File
- Locate the server console folder in the installation directory.
- Double-click the file Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config.
The Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config is opened in Microsoft Notepad or your default text editor.
Database Configuration Changes
If you change the database configuration, the <database> section in Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config must match the <database> section in the web.config file. The value for pooling must be false for Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config and true for web.config.
Migration Times Out
If you are migrating a large amount of data, the operation may time out.
- Search for migrateTimeoutSecs and increase the value. The default is 7200 seconds.
The IIS User Changes
If the user under which IIS is running changes, the Connectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config file must be updated with the new user name. This may happen if you are configuring a remote file store.
- Search for the key IIS user and change the value to match the new IIS user. The default for Windows XP is ASPNET. The default for Windows 2003 is NETWORK SERVICE.