
System Requirements

Review the supported browsers, operating systems for Autodesk Informed Design Web Application, Autodesk Inventor and Revit desktop applications.  

Operating Systems 

Autodesk Inventor System Requirements

Autodesk Revit System Requirements

Note: When running both Inventor and Revit, it's crucial to ensure that you have the latest build version and service packs installed.

Supported Browsers 

Important: 64-bit browsers are recommended for an optimal viewing experience. 

The latest versions of the following browsers are recommended: 

  • Chrome (Recommended) 
  • Firefox 
  • Safari 
  • Edge 
Note: Internet Explorer 11 is not supported for use with Autodesk Informed Design. 

Product limitations

What are the size limitations of the INV assemblies that can be loaded?

  • The root folder size of the assembly selected cannot be greater than 500MB.

What are the size limitations of the RVT project files that can be loaded?

What are the size limitations of the output files that can be generated?

  • When working with the Autodesk Construction Cloud, you may encounter varying technical and system limitations. This is particularly relevant when using Autodesk Informed Design, which connects and saves files within Autodesk Docs. For a comprehensive understanding of these limitations, please refer to the Autodesk Construction Cloud product and tool limitations details page here. 

Flex Token Requirements

Currently Autodesk Informed Design is available at no charge. However, you do need a non-zero Flex token balance to generate output files in the Informed Design Web Portal. 

When you click the Generate button to initiate a job in the Web Portal, the application checks the token balance in the Wallet associated with your Autodesk Account. If the Wallet has a balance of one or more tokens, your job will start to generate files and upload them to Autodesk Docs. This action will NOT consume any tokens; the token balance is simply verified as non-zero to authorize the job.

Although no tokens are consumed when you generate files in the Web Portal, each Wallet associated with an Autodesk Account is limited to a maximum of 15,000 file uploads per month. If requested files fail to upload, they will not be counted against the monthly limit. 

Purchase Flex Tokens | Token Flex Rates By Product or Service

Supported Languages and Preferences 

All Autodesk Informed Design add-ins and the Web Application are currently only supported in English. Therefore, if the add-ins are installed with a different language version of Inventor or Revit, the add-in will default to English, not the language of the installed software.

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