
Configure entity hierarchy and working calendars in Flow Production Tracking

Flow Generative Scheduling uses the entity hierarchy, the work schedules, and the calendars defined in the Flow Production Tracking site from where you import the schedule. If you need to edit either, make the changes in Flow Production Tracking before importing the schedule in Flow Generative Scheduling.

Configuring the project hierarchy

The project hierarchy in Flow Generative Scheduling matches the entity hierarchy for your project as defined by Flow Production Tracking.

If needed, you can modify the entity hierarchy in your project's Tracking Settings in Flow Production Tracking. The Tracking Settings are found in the Project Actions menu:

Project Tracking Settings

Example: Add an Episode entity with Sequences and Shots

Let's look at a specific example to see how modifying the Tracking Settings impacts the entity hierarchy in Flow Generative Scheduling. We'll add an Episode entity that will contain Sequences, which then contain Shots.

Currently, the Tracking Settings look like this:

Project Tracking Settings

The Episode entity is hidden. Click the + next to make it visible to the project.

Project Tracking Settings

When the Episode entity is initially made visible, its Hierarchy option is set to Don't show a navigation path for Episodes. We leave this entity with this default setting because we want to keep it at the top level of the entity hierarchy.

Project Tracking Settings

Next, we set the hierarchy for the Sequence entity. Since we want Sequences to be under Episodes, we select Episode > Sequence.

Project Tracking Settings

Next, we set the hierarchy for the Shot entity. We want Shots to be under Sequences, so we select Episode > Sequence > Shot.

Project Tracking Settings

The Sequence entity now shows a single entity link to an Episode and a multi-entity link to multiple Shots:

Project Tracking Settings

When such a project is imported in Flow Generative Scheduling, the project data takes on the hierarchy defined in Flow Production Tracking in Tracking Settings - Episode > Sequence > Shot.

Project Tracking Settings

Configuring the work schedules & calendars

Work schedules and exceptions in Flow Production Tracking are used to determine non-working days in Flow Generative Scheduling.

For example, if Wednesday is set to a non-working day in Flow Production Tracking then Wednesday will also be a non-working day in Flow Generative Scheduling.

Work schedules and exceptions at the Project level are also be reflected in Flow Generative Scheduling.

Calendars in Flow Production Tracking

Calendars in Flow Generative Scheduling


Work schedules and exceptions at the People level have no impact in Flow Generative Scheduling.

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