Flow Generative Scheduling End Points
Flow Generative Scheduling uses components of the Autodesk platform and AWS. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure users of Flow Generative Scheduling also have access to the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) listed below.
Here is an overview of the different fully qualified domain names (FQDN) that are part of the Flow Generative Scheduling cloud platform.
Flow Generative Scheduling. The Flow Generative Scheduling service itself.
GraphQL. For querying and manipulating the schedule data.
AWS S3. All the playgrounds and scenarios are stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3).
Autodesk Identity. The service used to authenticate users with Flow Generative Scheduling web services and desktop software.
Service | FQDN |
Flow Generative Scheduling application | https://gensched.autodesk.com |
GraphQL | https://app.gensched.autodesk.com/ |
AWS S3 | https://gschd-p-ue1--data-bucket-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ |
AWS S3 export access point | https://gschd-p-ue1--exp-oap1-364750728277.s3-object-lambda.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ |
Analytics | https://api2.amplitude.com/2/httpapi |
Sentry | https://cf48366d715368e1afc87c38e42db5a3@o4869.ingest.us.sentry.io/4507054900183040 |
Autodesk Identity | Please refer to this article for the list of required FQDNs |