
Information Registry

Getting Started with the Information Registry

Learn how to get started using your Information Registry.

Creating a Project Information Registry

To create a new Project Information Registry, , first verify in your Projects List that the Registry column has not already and Open button in it. If it is not yet set, select the Project in the list and then click the Create Button Placeholder button. A pop-up window will appear. Select a template (see Project Templates section for more information) Then select Create.

Create project information

The Projects List should be updated with the new active registry, which you can now open. For more information, refer to the Opening a Project Information Registry section.

Deleting a Single Registry

  1. Select the Registry from the list.
  2. In the Details pane, click the Delete Button Placeholder button.
  3. Confirm deletion in the pop-up dialog.

Deleted registries persist in the database but are inaccessible to users.

Deleting Multiple Registries

  1. Select the Registries from the list.
  2. Click on the Delete (n) button that appears in tool bar, the Delete Items pop-up appears.
  3. Click on Delete.

Project Information Registries

Creating Records

You can create a new record in three ways:

  1. Add record : This appends a placeholder item in the Records list.
  2. +Import : This lets you download a template in a Microsoft Excel file that defines the attributes necessary to create the records in bulk and move legacy data from external sources to the Service. If extra columns are populated, these will be used as custom attributes for the records and will appear in the dedicated section in the right panel. Import Modal
  3. Existing File : This allows the use the files in the Autodesk Construction cloud project to create the records and assign the reference in one operation. The modal supports the selection of multiple references from the Tree View, as well as a free text search that shows a flatten list of files where the name is a partial match of the search text. Existing File Existing File
NOTE: When using the By Existing Files workflow, the Record names will implicitly be overridden using the corresponding file names. The user can always override the name at a later stage.

From there, select the record and, in the Info Pane to the right, add relevant information, including: Infor pane

  • Name: The name of the Record as defined by the user. Click the edit icon icon to update the Record name.
  • Description: The detailed description of the Record as defined by the user. Click the edit icon icon to update the description.
  • Reference: A Record can have only a Reference back to files that are stored in the project within Autodesk Construction Cloud. To add a reference, click the Ref tab navigation in the Info Pane, see the Adding References to Records section.

Some properties cannot be added to the record on their own. Here is more information about how other record properties are defined:

  • Identifying Milestones: To identify milestones for a particular record, you will need to manage this in the Milestones display. For more information, see the Creating Milestones section.
  • Estimating Effort: To identify estimated effort for a particular record, you will need to manage this in the Work Units display. For more information, see the Updating Work Units section.

Changing Record Text Attributes

You can change the Record text attributes (Name, Description, Custom Attributes, etc.) after its creation.

  1. Select a Record from the list.
  2. In the Info pane on the right, click on the edit icon icon to edit the attribute value; the field enters edit mode.
  3. Enter a new value.
  4. If the value has changed, the Save icon save icon will turn blue.
  5. Press the Save icon to assign the new value or press the cancel icon icon to cancel; the field will go back to view mode.
NOTE: Editing an attribute for multiple items is supported in this workflow; the items will share the same value.

Adding References to Records

Records can have references back to files that are stored in the project within Autodesk Construction Cloud. To add a reference to a record: Adding references to records - Main view

  1. Select the record from the list.
  2. Click on the Ref tab in the Details pane on the right.
  3. Click Link Reference link icon
  4. In the pop-up window, navigate through the project’s folder structure or use the Search field, select the file you need, and click Link. Adding references to records - Main view If the Override Record Name toggle is on, the Record name will change to match the Reference name including the extension.

The reference should now be visible under the Ref pane. Adding references to records - Main view

NOTE: Only one reference can be assigned to a record. The user can opt to override the record name and directly use the reference name.
NOTE: To edit the reference linked to a Record, click on the edit icon button and follow a similar process to link a new reference.
NOTE: The Service pulls the latest information of the referenced file from Autodesk Construction Cloud such as the version, the number of Issues and RFIs, the number of artifacts that the file depends on or that are dependent on it, and information about its creation, last update, and size. This is to provide some high-level insights around the interdependencies of artifacts, their centrality for project delivery, and monitoring their evolution in relation to connected milestones.

Remove References from Records

To remove a reference from a record:

  1. Select the Record from the list.
  2. In the Info pane on the right, click on the Ref tab.
  3. Click on the unlink icon button; the Unlink Reference pop-up appears.
  4. Click Unlink. The right panel resets, and the Record table shows the Has Reference column as false.
NOTE: The Record name will not change after removing the Reference even if the name has been overridden.

Delete a Single Record

To remove a record:

  1. Select the Record from the list.
  2. In the Info pane, click on the delete icon button; the Delete item pop-up appears.
  3. Click Delete.
NOTE: Once a record is deleted, its Work Units are no longer available in the Information Registry.

Delete Multiple Records

To remove multiple records:

  1. Select the Records from the list.
  2. Click on the Delete (n) button that appears in the toolbar; the Delete Items pop-up appears.
  3. Click Delete.

delete multiple icon

Creating Milestones

To Create a New Milestone

  1. Click the Milestones button in the tab navigation.
  2. Once the milestones are displayed (if any exist), click the Add milestone icon button. A Create Milestone pop-up window will appear.
  3. From there, you can:
    • Add a description of the Milestone.
    • Select the type of regional BIM standard being applied to the project in a dropdown menu; see the Milestone Regional BIM Standards section for more information.
    • Create a due date for the expected completion of the milestone.
  4. Once the information is filled out, click the Create button at the bottom of the pop-up window. The milestone should now appear in the list.
NOTE: The Create Milestone pop-up will not close after the Create button is clicked, allowing the user to continue adding new milestones to the project. An Import functionality to create Milestones and Records at once from other systems is under development.
NOTE: Once the Milestone has been created, the Milestone Type that controls the Targets used cannot be changed.

Changing Milestone Text Attributes

You can change the Milestone text attributes (Name, Description, Custom Attributes, etc.) after its creation.

  1. Select a Milestone from the list.
  2. In the Details pane on the right, click on the edit icon icon to edit the attribute value; the field enters edit mode.
  3. Enter a new value.
  4. If the value has changed, the Save icon Save icon will turn blue.
  5. Press the Save icon to assign the new value or press the cancel icon icon to cancel; the field will return to view mode.
NOTE: Editing an attribute for multiple items is supported in this workflow; the items will share the same value.

Changing Milestone Status

You can change the Milestone Status to reflect the work happening on the project.

  1. Select a Milestone from the list.
  2. In the Details pane on the right, select the Status drop-down menu to change the Milestone Status. Calendar
NOTE: When the Milestone Status changes, it affects the checks the system performs on work units and the computation of progress and effort for the Records (i.e., only active milestone statuses such as In Progress and Paused are considered in calculations for progress and effort).
NOTE: When a Milestone Status is set to Closed, two Custom Attributes (Value and Cost at Closure) appear to enable the creation of an S-Curve diagram.

Changing Milestone Due Date

You can change the Milestone due date after its creation.

  1. Select a Milestone from the list.
  2. In the Details pane on the right, click on the edit icon icon to edit the Due Date value; the field enters edit mode.
  3. Click on the calendar icon icon to open a calendar widget and select the new due date.
  4. If the value has changed, the Save icon Save icon will turn blue.
  5. Press the Save icon to assign the new date or press the cancel icon icon to cancel; the field will return to view mode.

Delete a Single Milestone

To remove a milestone:

  1. Select the Milestone from the list.
  2. In the Details pane, click on the delete icon button; the Delete Item pop-up appears.
  3. Click Delete.
NOTE: Once a milestone is deleted, its Work Units are no longer available in the Information Registry.

Delete Multiple Milestones

To remove multiple milestones:

  1. Select the Milestones from the list.
  2. Click on the Delete (n) button that appears in the toolbar; the Delete Items pop-up appears.
  3. Click Delete. delete m icon

Adding Records to Milestones

You can add a record to a single or multiple milestones as needed.

  1. Click on Milestones in the tab navigation.
  2. Select a Milestone from the list.
  3. In the Details pane on the right, select the Records tab and click Manage Records. A pop-up window will appear. Manage milestome
  4. Select the Default Target for bulk selection. (For more information, see the BIM Standard Targets section.)
  5. Choose the Records you want to add to the milestone. Double-click on the target value for a selected record to open a drop-down menu that allows you to specify a different target for more granular control.
  6. Click Apply.
NOTE: The Manage Milestone Records pop-up will not close after clicking Apply to allow the user to refine record and target assignments.
NOTE: When editing individual targets, the drop-down selector will not submit the selection immediately. To do so, select the new value and then click in another area of the pop-up window to change the focus of the cursor. This issue will be addressed in a future release. Clicking outside the pop-up area will close it, and changes will be lost.
NOTE: Once a record has been assigned to one or more Milestones, they will appear in read-only mode on the Record as well. To access this information:
  1. Click on Record in the tab navigation.
  2. Select a Record from the list.
  3. In the Info pane on the right, select the Milestones tab. A table with the Milestones assigned to the Record will appear, displaying the Milestone Name, Status, Due Date, Record Target, and Progress within that Milestone.


Updating Work Units

To manage work units for records in the registry, click on Work Units in the tab navigation. To access the work unit list, select the related milestone from the dropdown menu. Manage workunits

From there, select a record and, in the Details pane to the right, edit relevant information, including:

  • Owner—Use the dropdown menu to select the record owner. The owner can be a company or an individual member defined in the Autodesk Construction Cloud project.
  • **Estimated Effort (hours)**—Click the edit icon icon to update the estimated effort.
  • **Actual Effort (hours)**—Click the edit icon icon to update the actual effort.
  • Progress—The percentage complete of the record; click the edit icon icon to update the progress.
  • Started—Identifies whether the work for the Record has begun. Click the switch button to turn on/off. If there is a valid reference associated with the Record, switching to "on" captures the version of the reference at the start of the work unit. For more information on references, see the Record References section.
  • Closed—Identifies whether the record is closed. Click the switch button to turn on/off. If there is a valid reference associated with the record, switching to "on" captures the reference version when the work unit is closed.
  • Issues Flag—This is a color-based badge that cannot be modified. If there is at least one issue, the badge is amber; otherwise, it is green. It captures the work unit’s progress based on the following checklist within the system:
    • Is a reference included in the record?
    • Is the reference still available within Autodesk Construction Cloud?
    • Has the reference version assigned to the record changed?
    • Is there an owner assigned to the record?
    • What is the estimated effort and actual effort remaining in the record?
    • Has the milestone been started? Is it still open? Has it been closed?
    • Is the work unit complete before the milestone has closed?
    • Is the reference version at the start different from the version at the end?

As the work units are updated for each record throughout the project’s duration, the activity log in the Details pane will show a list of user actions or system events, helping to track and review what has happened over time.

Learn to navigate between projects, records, milestones, and work units available in the Information Registry.

Project List

The project list shows all the projects you have access to. This includes both Autodesk Construction Cloud and BIM 360 projects.

Project list

The project list will display once you sign into IIS by clicking on the My Projects tab on the Information Registry page. To open a project, select it from the tabular display. In this display, you can see:

Column Name Value
Account The Autodesk Construction Cloud hub
Location The project location defined in Autodesk Construction Cloud
Project Name The name of the project in Autodesk Construction Cloud
Project Active ACC status of the project
Companies The number of companies defined in the project via Autodesk Construction Cloud
Members The number of members in the project
Registry Open existing Information Registries. For more information on creating an Information Registry for a project, see the Creating a Project Information Registry section.

Opening a Project Information Registry

After selecting a project, the Details pane will update with project details, recommendations, and an activity log in separate tabs.

Click Open Registry to open the Information Registry for that project. Edit work unit

Alternatively, click on the Open button directly in the project row in the Registry column. Once the registry is open, you will be directed to another page with tab navigation, giving you access to the registry’s milestones, records, and work units.

Use the breadcrumbs in the top left corner of the interface to navigate multiple accounts and information registries.

  1. Clicking on Home will take you back to the Projects list.
  2. Clicking on the Account Name opens a drop-down selector for the accounts you have access to.


  1. Clicking on the Project Name opens a drop-down selector for the projects within the selected account. Projects with an Information Registry are identified by a checkmark icon.


Record List

The record list shows all available records for the project you selected in a tabular display.

Record list

To access the record list, click the Records button in the tab navigation. In this display, you can see:

Column Name Value
Name The name of the Record as defined by the user
Has Reference Whether the record has references back to files in Autodesk Construction Cloud. For more details, see the Record References section.
Estimated Effort (Hours) The sum of the estimated effort of the work units associated with the record in active milestones
Actual Effort (Hours) The sum of the actual effort of the work units associated with the record in active milestones
Progress The average progress of the work units associated with the record in active milestones

When you select a record, the Details pane will update with details and activities related to that record, including:

  • Information Tab: Editable description of the record.
  • References Tab: Reference file from Autodesk Construction Cloud attached to the record (if applicable).
  • Milestones Tab: Shows milestones the record is part of, including status and progress.
  • Activity Log Tab: Tracks user actions or system events over time.

Milestone List

The milestone list shows all milestones defined to serve as checkpoints and helps track project progress. Milestones are viewed in a tabular display.

Milestone list

To access the milestone list, click the Milestones button in the tab navigation. In this display, you can see:

Column Name Value
Name The name of the Milestone as defined by the user
Status The current status of the Milestone
Description Editable description of the Milestone
Due Date Editable due date of the Milestone
Estimated Effort (Hours) Sum of the estimated effort of the work units in the milestone
Actual Effort (Hours) Sum of the actual effort of the work units in the milestone
Progress The average progress value of the work units in the milestone

When you select a milestone, the Details pane will update with related information, including:

  • Details Tab: Type, Status, Description, and Due Date (all editable).
  • Records Tab: Tabular display of the records associated with the milestone.
  • Activity Log Tab: Tracks user actions or system events.

Work Units

Work units track the time allotted and used to complete a record. The work units display allows a user to compare estimated vs. actual effort, identify the record owner, and monitor progress.

Work units

To access the work units list, click the Work Units button in the tab navigation and select a related milestone from the dropdown menu. Once a milestone has been selected, the work units tabular display will appear. In this display, you can see:

Column Name Value
Record The name of the record
Target The target phase of the work units
Owner The record owner, either an individual or a company
Due Date The record’s due date
Estimated Effort (Hours) The expected hours allotted to the record
Actual Effort (Hours) The current hours worked over time
Progress The percentage completion of the record

When you select a work unit, the Details pane will update with related information, including:

  • Details Tab: Owner, Estimated Effort, Actual Effort, Progress, Started/Closed status, and Issue Flag.
  • Activity Log Tab: Tracks user actions or system events over time.

For more details, see the Updating Work Units section.

Information Registry Terminology

Milestone Regional BIM Standards

With the Information Registry, you can apply common types of BIM Standards to your milestones. Current BIM Standards available include:

  • AIA
  • ISO 19650

BIM Standard Targets

A target represents the state of a record’s level of information according to the Regional BIM Standard chosen with the milestone type (e.g., ISO 19650, AIA, NBIMS-US). Once a milestone has a standard selected, you can identify the target phase a record corresponds to for that particular milestone.

Regional BIM Standard Targets


US National BIM Standard v3

  • Inception Phase: Establishing the project vision and means to satisfy the client’s business or public service requirements, including site selection, planning considerations, timeline establishment, and budget identification.
  • Conceptualization Phase: Identifying major design ideas aligned with programmatic objectives, facility performance, and activity parameters.
  • Criteria Definition Phase: Refining schematic diagrams of the project elements, establishing spatial and element criteria as the basis of design.
  • Design Phase: Developing technical solutions to satisfy project requirements and completing initial documentation.
  • Coordination Phase: Integrating constructability evaluations to develop spaces, elements, and materials necessary for execution.
  • Implementation Phase: Executing the coordinated design through construction planning, prefabrication, and fieldwork.
  • Handover Phase: Transferring project knowledge, conducting inspections, and ensuring design/performance criteria are met.
  • Operations Phase: Facility management, renovation, or reconditioning activities during the facility lifecycle.
  • Closure Phase: Facility closure, demolition, sale, or similar actions when the facility no longer meets the owner’s needs.

ISO 19650

International Organization for Standardization Stages and their descriptions:

  • S0: Initial stage for work in progress, not suitable for sharing outside the task team.
  • A0, B0: Authorizations or partial acceptances for Stage 0 tasks.
  • S1–S7: Progression stages from coordination (S1) to handover (S7), each with specific purposes like commenting, review, or approval.
  • CR: Final authorization and acceptance stage.


Architects Institute of America Phases of design and construction:

  • Predesign: Determining the scope of work.
  • Schematic Design: Developing the basic asset form.
  • Design Development: Refining design options into one proposal.
  • Building Permit: Submitting for a permit to authorities.
  • Issue for Construction: Finalizing detailed design specifications.
  • Bidding: Identifying the contractor for the work.
  • Construction Administration: Ensuring construction aligns with design specifications.

Record References

Records in the Information Registry can be linked to models or files within Autodesk Construction Cloud. This connection clarifies the scope of the record. Once a reference is added, it becomes accessible via the Details pane when selecting the record. For more details, see the Adding References to Records section.

Project Information Registry Templates

Templates control the objects used in the Information Registry, including:

  • Custom Attributes: Assigned to records, milestones, and work units to enable data-centric workflows.
  • Target Sets: Predefined values that specify the level of development of artifacts, aligning with standards like ISO 19650.
  • Milestone Types: Define the purpose of work increments, aiding project workflow alignment.

Let me know if additional enhancements or clarifications are required!

For a list of known issues and troubleshooting tips, refer to Known Issues.

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