The following is a list of the InfoWater Pro network simulator error messages and suggested solutions. When one or more of these errors occur, the Run Status Indicator (stop-light) on the Run Manager dialog box indicates red. It is possible for several of these conditions to exist at the same time.
Error Number Description, Suggestion for Solution
101 - An analysis was terminated due to insufficient memory available. May be caused by the hard disk drive being full. Clear as much hard disk space as possible and re-run the analysis.
110 - An analysis was terminated because the network hydraulic equations could not be solved. Check for portions of the network not having any physical links back to a tank or reservoir or for unreasonable values for network input data.
200 - One or more errors were detected in the input data. The nature of the error will be described by the 200-series error messages listed below.
201 - There is a syntax error in a line of the input file created from your network data. This is most likely to have occurred in the input text created by a user outside of InfoWater Pro while importing an EPANET .INP file.
202 - An illegal numeric value was assigned to a property.
203 - An object refers to undefined node.
204 - An object refers to an undefined pipe.
205 - An object refers to an undefined time pattern.
206 - An object refers to an undefined curve.
207 - An attempt is made to control a check valve. Once a pipe is assigned a Check Valve status, its status cannot be changed by either simple or rule-based controls.
208 - Reference was made to an undefined node. This could occur in a control statement for example.
209 - An illegal value was assigned to a node property.
210 - Reference was made to an undefined pipe. This could occur in a control statement for example.
211 - An illegal value was assigned to a pipe property.
212 - A source tracing analysis refers to an undefined trace node.
213 - An analysis option has an illegal value (an example would be a negative time step value).
214 - There are too many characters in a line read from an input file. The lines in the input file are limited to 255 characters. This is most likely to have occurred in the input text created by a user outside of InfoWater Pro while importing an EPANET .INP file
215 - Two or more nodes or pipes share the same ID label.
216 - Energy data were supplied for an undefined pump.
217 - Invalid energy data were supplied for a pump.
221 - A rule-based control contains a misplaced clause.
223 - There are not enough nodes in the network to analyze. A valid network must contain at least one tank/reservoir and one junction node.
224 - There is not at least one tank or reservoir in the network.
225 - Invalid lower/upper levels were specified for a tank (e.g., the lower lever is higher than the upper level).
226 - No pump curve or power rating was supplied for a pump. A pump must either be assigned a curve ID in its Pump Curve property or a power rating in its Power property. If both properties are assigned then the Pump Curve is used.
227 - A pump has an invalid pump curve. A valid pump curve must have decreasing head with increasing flow.
230 - A curve has non-increasing X-values.
233 - A node is not connected to any pipes.
302 - The system cannot open the temporary input file. Make sure that the InfoWater Pro Temporary Folder selected has write privileges assigned to it.
303 - The system cannot open the status report file. See Error 302.
304 - The system cannot open the binary output file. See Error 302.
308 - Could not save results to file. This can occur if the disk becomes full.
309 - Could not write results to report file. This can occur if the disk becomes full.