
ID and Description

The ID and Description tab allows you to change the way that InfoWater Pro create ID and description automatically for elements, data sets, curves, patterns, etc.

To change the settings about ID and description, go to the InfoWater Pro tab  > Project group, select the Preferences button, and then click on the ID and Description tab in the dialog box.

ID Suggestion - When checked on, InfoWater Pro uses the information as shown in this dialog box when creating new elements, data sets, etc. When checked off, you will have to supply the ID and description for each new element or data set, etc.

Data Type - Lists the data type that corresponds to the suggested ID and description.

ID Prefix - For data elements, the prefix represents the alpha-numeric value (input by the user) that will be inserted ahead of the unique ID within the database. For example, if the ID prefix for a Tank is changed to ZONE12-, then the ID in the database for the next tank created will be "ZONE12-[ID value]".  The ID prefix also allows you to specify how the next data set, curve, pattern, etc. is named.

Next - The Next column represents what the "next to be created" data element, curve, pattern, etc. is named. Of course, the prefix comes first, then this next numeric value comes behind the prefix as a unique ID in the database.

Increment - The interval to be used to generate numeric values for IDs.

Description - The default description that will be applied when an element or data set is created. For example, if you are digitizing a series of nodes that are to be placed on Elm Street, then changing the description to "Elm Street" will ensure that every node digitized will have that as its description.

OK - Click OK to save and exit from the Preferences dialog box.

Cancel - Use this to exit without saving from the Preferences dialog box.

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